Wednesday, October 9, 2019

October 2019 Quantum Time-Space Relativity Tegmark CMB cosmic microwave background time travel

As the years go on, memories become memories of memories and then memories of memories of memories.

There is no future in any town. The only future there would be is more of that town. That would even be the case with Low Angeles Hollywood because what was once an escape is now a trap.

I never wanted to be a father. Too expensive and a hassle. Would I be legally required to be a father? Would I even be morally required to be a father? And under what premise? That in all cases a man is never really sure that he's the father, "What makes you think it's mine?" And in some cases the mother isn't even sure who the father is, but in 100% of cases, the mother is sure she's the mother. Under those premises?

The bullshit minute details of a given day make a day go slower. But they don't make the years go slower. The days go slow but the years go fast.
Any problem is worse in ones twenties when they think they got another 50 years to live. But when you're 50, the dynamic changes as there is about only 20 years to go and then you minorly think of death. When you're 60, you majorly think of death just like a person in their 20s thinks of a house, marriage, children. Freud said that! I'm 50, at an age when most people stop thinking of that. Why should I have to be thinking of that in my 50s? In all likelihood, I got 20 years to go. The human body is like a battery or liquid in a bottle; once the juice runs out, that's it. Game over. Life. Well, it's been a hell of a run, whatever the hell that was.

A good life, a bad life, one it's over, it's over. A good life once it's ended, is just as over as a bad life once it's ended. One isn't more or less over than another.

2019 Election. I was not sent a voters card. They don't want my crazy vote. They must know my views on the concurrent illusions of linear time and electoral choice. Therefore all elections are predecided and rigged. So much so they know who the PM will be 10 years from now. Just like the fashion industry. They know the fashions that are scheduled to trend ten years from now. That's how organized it is. Do you think they would leave such a choice in the hands of Johnny Lunchpail or Joe Six-pack or Mary Housecoat? So therefore I don't blame them for not sending me one. One less thing to worry about. The last election I didn't have a tablet. This election I do. Why go and vote when I can watch YouTube videos on my tablet instead? Do they still close the bars on election day like in the old days? Absolutely not!
Meanwhile, on the News, it said someone in Alberta got a voting card even though he's not legally eligible to vote. System wide failure.

My design for pumpkin carvings. The nautilus.

Halloween is the spookiest time of year. The most scariest ghost story unheard of is the haunted 3rd and 4th floor of WalMart somewhere in the states. The story is spine chilling especially when the area is locked. Every employee says the place is profoundly haunted. On the 4th floor, the business that was there before didn't even bother to move out their furniture. I learned about this from Shane Dawson on YouTube. The title is Haunted ToysRUs, Walmart. Not clickbait. Solid. No wonder he has ten million subscribers. His paranormal ghost videos are very interesting.
Now I want to find more videos about that haunted WalMart.
This Halloween, women paranormal researchers will be staying at a haunted hotel while will merely be staying in a vaunted hotel.
On a Shane Dawson Real Proof of Aliens video, a commented, Marisa Curry wrote: "Neil Armstrong was the first person to land on the moon..... Neil A spelt backwards is Alien." I never made that connection!

Some towns want to ban fireworks. One option for fireworks is to watch a YouTube video about the biggest firework ever when someone looked together three thousand firecrackers, lit the fuse, stepped back. I think that guy was once in the military. That's better than anything I would even attempt to do. I thought of Roman candles aka bottle rockets. They're projectile. That's spectacular for fireworks. To save myself some money, I won't be using fireworks this Halloween. Instead I'm going to watch the Ghost Adventures Halloween special. It's a major one this year.

YouTube is all about tips and pointers. First of all, I'm can-con. Canadian Content. Usually, anything from the States has more success than anything from Canada. Successful people on YouTube are from major cities in the US. I am from a small town in Canada. Big difference. Film school gives you a thousand and one pointers. One of is no film should have more than 10 seconds at the very most without talking and interesting sparky talking at that. Crisp expertly written Hollywood level dialogue. My cartoons are anemic as there is hardly any talking even for a five minute cartoon. It's the shits. It's the cans. Cat's ass.
Amateur hour. At best.
The stars on YouTube, a lot of them went to film school or else J-school.

Kowloon's old Walled City, Sing Jie aka Jie Sing was fascinating. An anything goes bastion of lawlessness. I would like to time travel to 1950 and move there. Rent was $6CAD a month when it was form down in 1994 but in the 50s, rent would have been $1 a month. There would have been no internet, but I would probably eaten a lot of dog meat, gotten a venereal disease at one of the many brothels in that area but I would have died with a smile on my face. People said they were happy at the Walked City aka City of Darkness aka City of Anarchy. It was their home. Their paradise. There are not enough videos for me about that place. Maybe there are. When you do an initial search, it pulls up a certain number of videos about that topic. As you show continuous and persevering interest, it will on subsequent days pull up and endless amount of new videos you haven't seen before about the topic. Until you start drifting to other topics.
There is an old BBC video about the walled City. Everyone in the comments said the narrator was arrogant and didn't even bother to talk to any of the residents there. He just went here and there and talked about how disgusting he thought it all was. "Old pommy bastard. You know about the British. Remember British Leyland? Let me tell you about the British. The British don't do service!!!" Archie Luxury said that on another video. Anyways, all that put me off watching the video. I will rewatch the video ignoring the narrator just paying attention to the atmosphere. I would ask some older Chinese people if they remember the Walled City. They would just say it's squalid. Or in Thai, 'sookapook'.
To paraphrase SNL, walking through the hallways of Kowloon's Walled Citynwas like going on a tour of the human colon riding on the Magical Mystery Tour Bus. It'd be like watching a live feed laparoscopic camera rectal colonoscopy on a big screen television while sipping on lean. Good thing they haven't invented smellovision, for this one.
Bloodsport release in 1988 was the only Hollywood movie granted access to film in the Walled City. Old habits die hard and there are several slums still in Hong Kong although on a smaller and more discreet scale. The rents there would be cheap, less than $10 Canadian a month. If I got off a plane in Hong Kong, I'd like to live there. There are lots of slums in the world. 55% of the population of Mumbai India lives on 6% of the city's land area in a region known as the Devari slums. It's self contained with brothels. In 3rd World countries, there are brothels for the very poor whereas the West doesn't have that. It's too sterilized, sanitized. Sure one would stand a high chance of getting a sexual disease but I'd rather die at age 33 after having lived a fast life of sex often than to live to 50 and beyond having lived not all that much of a life. For me dying at age 33 of a sexual disease after having lots of sex is a much more wanted alternative to living a long life but a boring life. Because after that, what is there to live for? If I die I don't care. My life is going nowhere. I wish I spent my entire life at Kowloon's walled City. That's better than the life I have now. I would even travel in a time machine and go there and live there. There must be other slums in Hong Kong. Old habits die hard. In my imagination, after the HK protests are over, I would move to Hong Kong and look for a walled City to live in. KWC also appeared in Black Ops and there's a replica theme park of it in Kawasaki City in Japan. One day, I'm moving back to the City of my birth. Hong Kong. I think I might have actually been born in the Walled City. That would explain a lot.
Slums, advantages, cheap rent, access to brothels. Disadvantages, funky smells at all times, squalid, high chance of getting some disease, high chance of working at some shit job for 12 hours a day. A lot of jobs, it's gotten to the point where I already decided that I'd rather be dead than to work there.

Someone on YouTube comments wrote to someone else, something like, "The fucked up shit way you speak English, I can see that any country that hired you as an English teacher got a raw deal." Ha ha ha.

Time is an illusion. Time is an algorithm. The illusion is part of the algorithm.

So essentially, the old structures are dissolving. Winner or loser, high class or low class, sane or crazy, successful or failure, rich or poor, climate environment is either good or not good, even here or there, that's binary. That's elementary thinking. Winner and loser, high class and low class, riding on a first class plane with white leather seats and then slumming the next day, sane AND crazy, successful and while also somehow failing, rich and poor, climate environment fine and also fucked up, the government concealing and revealing the presence of aliens, here and there as in the case of talking on a phone or being on a video broadcast, that's quantum, that's super-position. "My heart is big. It embraces all contradictions." Walt Whitman
"If you win, you're a demon. If you lose, you're a Buddhist Priest." Thai saying. 'Chainat ben monh, lwung ben phra.'

"My roommate says this place is haunted. I lived here for 600 years and haven't noticed anything." YouTube comment: Kaleb Amaya, Top 5 Photographs Taken By Ghost Hunters, Nuke's Top 5

The News sure does have a weird us vs them mentality evident in the often annoying scrolling messages at the bottom of the screen aka the News ticker. Stories of autism, etc which when you see it for what it is, is more in-house clique based, class based passive aggressive written verbal attacks against proles, the poor, or anyone who isn't in their class or in their clique and sometimes these strange spurious nebulous attacks are even directed at certain members of the rich. One weird dank social meme after another.
When a locality is too ignorant to expand outward in any way that's real, like having a 50 year old hockey team not winning a Stanley Cup even once despite sinking millions of dollars into it, they turn inward and that's reflected on the bizarre scrolling messages on the bottom of the screen on the local News that talks about autistic people, ethnicities etc. Because that's all that locality is capable of.
Every backwater town has that weird line: 'We're the center of the Universe, this the best place to live. Such as such a magazine says we're the best fill in the blank, more whatever bullshit confabulation, in North America oh, and also the News has a problem with autistic people here.
Case in point, Vancouver News said that Broadway Skytrain station intersection is the busiest in North America. Even busier than Toronto, New York or LA?! Bullshit.
These two jokes will help you understand fake news:
A man visits a doctor and says, "My sister thinks she's a chicken." The doctor says, "I guess I'll talk to her." The man says, "You don't understand. We need the eggs." People are addicted to the News usual offerings of one weird bullshit story after another.
The local News in this town is unfailingly boring and depressing. If I wanted to be bored and depressed, I'd look out the window. I want to leave this town.
A man lost his contact lenses on a street one dark night. However he goes a few metres away and looks under the light of a lamppost. Someone says, "Didn't you lose your contact lenses over here?" The man says, "Yeah, but the lighting here is better." That's not the true story, but it's the one that gets better ratings.
Temporary posting: The News doesn't tell the full story. Often, not even half the story. Anyways, I think the Sascha Baron Cohen TV series, The Spy, is really about Jamal Khasshogi. When I saw the trailer, that's what I thought.
A suggestion for the News scrolling messages at the bottom. Make it funny. How I do it is when you first read the sentence, it looks like a normal sentence, one has to read it again, it clicks and it's just hilarious. Today, Global News wrote something funny like this: "Turkey says it "cannot forget" Trumps letter..." etc etc. About Trumps letter, he could have written, "You want to fight the Russians? Go nuts. Tell me how that works out for you." The Russians would give any army a run for their money.

The public has long since had a love hate relationship with the media.

Why vote? Locally the MP Murray Rankin is retiring. Usually incumbent MPs have a fiefdom in a locality. But for the last ten elections in a row, this area sent an NDP MP to Ottawa every time. So guess who they'd send next? The ideal is I'm voting directly for Justin Trudeau. The reality is that I'm voting for his local representative Nikki MacDonald. It'd be throwing away a vote. The NDP one, Laurel Collins, will get in. Politics isn't party driven. It's issue driven. In opposition you fight against issues you'd support if you were in power. Not since the 70s have the parties fought for different things. So whoever you vote for, it'd be more or less the same. Should I vote for Trudeau's representative?
Reporter: Can the polls get it wrong?
Interviewee: Of course they can. They got it wrong in 1939. During the War.
Trudeau won a minority government. What does that mean? What does that usually mean? A coalition govt or else a vote of no confidence and another election in less than two years. It's happened before. And often. Musical chairs. That gives the government in power a chance to reposition themselves for a majority govt. And they'd only have to wait two years instead of four. 4 plus 2 plus 4. That sounds about right. Canadian PMs usually last about ten years. So get ready for another election in two years is what I'm saying. This isn't my first rodeo. Probably not yours either. Anyways, not before the Leaders who won their party very few seats get fired like coaches for hockey teams that haven't won as few as five games in a row. 25 seats is one of NDPs worst showings ever. They got their asses handed to them on a plate. That cut your turban off guy was a portentous NDP heavyweight. His point was the turban would cost them votes in Quebec. Even Ed Broadbent walked with Singh and probably told him as much. People in Quebec are somewhat particular about the traditional trappings of Canadian culture. "Our next guest is a Canadian who clings to his Italian culture like some old Fiat. Gino Vannelli performing I Just Wanna Stop." Dave Thomas, SCTV. Canadians have chosen and more have voted for the BQ, formerly the PQ, formerly the FLQ than they would the NDP. Just a paranoid theory. Jody Wilson-Raybould is back. This time she doesn't have to worry about the Party Leader firing her because she is the Party Leader. Whether the Leader fires her half way through the term for her saying, "There is much more about this I'm have to say and I'll tell you about it next week." In which after that, the PM kicked her out of Cabinet, or whether the government is defeated in a no confidence motion, either way her term will last two years, just like last time. Sudoku. I wish all Canadian Politicians who won the election the best of luck. Best wishes.
PM Stephen Harper got a majority govt in 2011, of course that lasted to 2015 in which Trudeau got a majority got so these last few years have been stable. However between 2004 and 2011,There were 4 elections in 7 years!

The Americans are leaving Syria. They took whatever resources they needed and are now leaving. Iran is helping defend Syria. The Russians stepped in to defend them. Turkey is mostly Sunni. Iran is mostly Shia. However most Syrians are Sunni. Despite that, Turkey is attacking them. Turkey said something about the Syrians not helping them with Normandy, but that was back during The War when the Middle East was a Venn diagram of cross military alliances anyways. If it weren't for Russia, Northern Syria would be totally defenseless against the Turks. However, Russia was there the whole time. Before, they were fighting the Americans in Syria. Looks like they're in it for the long haul. May their troubles pass quickly.
BBC News said the Russians are filling in a power vacuum created after the US troop withdrawal. Aside from that, there's parallels to the Vietnam withdrawal in 1975. History repeats itself. President Donald Trump said something like, The US doesn't want to be stuck in the Middle East for a thousand years fighting other people's wars. There are two World's Policemen. The US and Russia. Like Jehovah's Witnesses, Police often work in pairs. Russia will restore some order in that region. After the Vietnam War need in 1975, 44 years later, Vietnam is a rocking place. I've thought of visiting there. YouTube videos depicting Vietnam look like a paradise. Syria was once a paradise in its best years when the fine architecture and tropical palm trees were there. Syria could be like that again, but it would take at least ten years. I once had a few golden Syrian hamsters. It takes them a few months to know you, but they are the sweetest and smartest of pets. One thing about hamsters. Don't breed them. Unless you know what you are doing, the mother will eat the babies live. They'll do that because ironically they think that you're a predator that will eat her babies. Ironically she's doing that to protect them from you. Delusional, I know, right? To be able to raise hamsters well is as difficult as maintaining a tropical saltwater aquarium. I want to get a female golden Syrian hamster. Much sadness in two years as that's about how long they live. And then, kaputz.
I saw a YouTube video about a mother rat eating her babies. Not all of it. A few seconds, but I got the idea. The babies were at the fetal larval stage where they didn't develop nerve endings yet. There was change in the face. The babies probably thought the mothers were gently tickling it to sleep in it's belly before it just passed out. A swoon, some soft pink clouds and then off to the afterlife. There was no change it its facial expression and it wasn't screaming. But it was hardcore gross. Female animals in that way are more hardcore than males. The mother rat probably eats her placenta then moves on to eat some of her babies to keep down the population soothe remaining can be raised to be bigger than they otherwise would have been with her limited resources.

Syria, in its halcyon years. Before and after. As you can see the war has had an effect.

Warning. The following is shocking. Stories from The Drew. When I went to see The Joker, just as the trailer for Black and Blue was playing, the part where the cops executed a witness, some people walked in. I looked behind me. They could have been cops. Cop magic. The movie reminded me of the News where the witness for a Policewoman who shot a Black man in his apartment mistaking it for hers, that witness is mysteriously dead. YouTube comments said, if you see something you're not supposed to, they'll kill you. But you have more chances of winning a lottery. How many people who saw something they shouldn't like an undercover Police massive drug deal or the preliminary phase of a Black Flag Operation where the handlers are briefing the perp? Hardly any. While hundreds of people win the lottery, $1,000 prize, $10,000 prize, $1000,000 prize, million dollar prize, every week in this Province alone.
I thought twice about writing this. But this would only be advertisement for the movie. Besides this plot meme shows up in just about every other New York Times top ten best selling novels list. Detective and Police fiction is very popular.

Don't feed the trolls. Don't feed the trollbots.
AI is getting better and better. A bot replied to a comment I made on YouTube about a TV show. In the comment, I quoted one of the shows most prominent lines. I got a trollbots reply that sounded like it was trying to have the verbal acoustic warmth of human response, "If you watched the show, you'd get the joke." Which is something a AI would say attempting to be realistic. But there was something off, something clinical about that reply. 'More human than human is our motto.' And I heard that Siri now routinely gives the most colloquial, vernacular, snarky answers to questions. Pay for YouTube comments, views. I saw a Shane Dawson YouTube video where there was a wall rack covered with dozens of cellphones linked to YouTube videos and people are liking, commenting, cutting and pasting responses.
Celebrities read mean tweets. Years ago, there was a 1% chance an AI not sent that response. Today, the odds are 50/50. AI verbal response algorithms get a dry run on Twitter, YouTube comments and if the replier doesn't suspect it's an AI machine, then it wins. The Turing Test is alive and well and living in YouTube comments.
The Turing Test is when a machine interacts with a person and the person doesn't know it's a machine.
Of course when Twitter suspends accounts, they're using an anti-Turing Test algorithm in which when it interacts with a real person, thinks it's interacting with a machine. Just because I unfollowed 100 people in one day, maybe because I have a minimalist philosophy, maybe I want to streamline my inventory, but Twitter deems it to be a bot and suspends my account. Mine and millions of others. It's a system wide failure and happened to a lot of people. There are lots of things I sure don't miss about Twitter. Basically the hanging on words of people I never have met and never will meet, who live in towns and countries, far, far away. It's a total judgement call. If you look, a lot of militant radical terrorist groups still have a webpage on Twitter that never got taken down.
This even happened years ago with Trump himself when Twitters anti-bot algorithm registered his Twitter account as a bot and he was shut down for 3 hours. It took people from the White House contacting Twitter directly to get the account restored.
Hegelian dialectics: Thesis: Turing Test. Antithesis: Twitter's counter Turing Test algorithms. Synthesis: YouTube comments section. It's a safe zone. I've seen that it has pizza, sushi etc.
Twitter was a lot of fun while it lasted for me. Being on Twitter is one of the best things that ever happened to me. However, from whatever it was in its inception in 2008, and what it is now is different. Before, it was a starter website like Facebook once was when it paid David Choe in stock dividends rather than money. Now it's a megalith like Facebook. When you change from having one million users to one billion users, the dynamic changes. Twitter is like a free form of cell phone text messaging function for those who want a cell phone but can't afford one. It's like a cell phone that does text messages but no person to person calls. It's usually an addition to having a cell phone. I don't have nor do I want a cell phone, so that's one less reason for me to use Twitter.
Twitter is essentially a glorified truncated cell phone with only the text messaging function for those who can't or won't have a cell phone and another cell phone for ones who already do have one. Like Buddha said, putting a head on top of a head which means don't let your mind create extraneous problems that aren't there.
I was on Twitter during Twitter's golden era. It was in its own way being part of the Pantages theatre during it's Golden Era. But now, like the Pantages theatre, half the windows are boarded up, half the seats are broken if not missing and rain leaks through the roof, even people with tickets turned away as shows unexpectedly cancelled. I was on Twitter for nearly ten years before I was permanently suspended. But stories are showing up in YouTube comments. I thought stories of people getting permanently banned after 18 months was bad until I saw stories of people getting immediately suspended without having sent one tweet and without due process. Maybe their name resembles someone else who was banned and the bot couldn't handle that. The Pantages Theatre fell when a rich giant, Joe Kennedy wouldn't sell the Theatre to him. Kennedy then had paid a hooker to fake an attack against her, ruining Alexander Pantages reputation.

Twitter is now temporarily, for the time being, being held down by a rich giant, Donald Trump. Donald Trump is Twitter's biggest client. Picture the old Twitter fail whale wearing a Trump hairstyle red toupee. That would give you an idea. Trump affects and changes Twitter's social center of gravity. Twitter is Trump-heavy. He has more replies, retweets, likes and dislikes from one tweet than all my tweets in the course of almost ten years. Before, Twitter was something that Trump was on. Now, Trump is something that Twitter is on. If Trump leaves Twitter for any reason, Twitter would probaly go along with him. Worst case scenario, All it would take is for Trump to make a tweet that makes the Dems flip out. Then they would call for Twitter to close down, calling it an accessory to the Trump tweet that finally did it and drove them over the edge. Twitter should be nationalized like the Suez Canal and made into a government entity as an essential service. Then the government in its superior and supreme powers of adjudication, would restore all suspended Twitter accounts. Anyone is welcome and the government wouldn't care if you're a bot or not. Only genuinely felonious accounts and tweets would be banned like death threats and terrorism, not stuff that gets SJWs and Libtards mad bullshit. All ads generate revenue directly to the government rather than to who knows where. It's called centralization vs decentralization. Google is doing that somewhat Stateside with the Google Play pass. For one fee payable every month, you get access to otherwise what would be in app purchases. Google gets a bigger if not all of the shares of an apps otherwise in app purchase revenue. Google would then dole percentages of this out to app developers depending on their traffic flow. Apps would theoretically get a guaranteed salary since some cheapo people don't otherwise make any in app purchases. Ever. If people use their app and otherwise in app purchase, then Google would give them some money. This way all money for in app purchases goes to Google rather than God knows where in some cases. They might implement this in Canada one of these days, years.
Of course simulating a verbal response is mild compared to deepfakes which take over a person's face and voice. A fan could get a deepfake call on Skype thinking that the actual celebrity would actually bother to call them. Deepfake account. Life is too short to extend arguments with trollbots and deepfakes. It's a waste of time.

YouTube has a video talking about a Back To The Future reboot. YouTube commenter OriOn5 wrote: "Reboots is about "diversity", SJWs and feminism." There's a fine line between diversity and cultural appropriation.
Movies these days either have an SJW antifa Libtard agenda like Feminator SJW Fate or else a MAGA agenda like Rambo 5. Some people on YouTube comments said that Greta Thunberg's parents are antifa. Or anti fascist which is a radical Left Wing movement.
"If a film is not liked, then a franchise abuses the fan base by calling them racists, sexiest, and trolls. I'm not giving them any more of my money." YouTube DVDOverlord on a star wars in Abrams jar jar binks video.
For example, from YouTube comments: 'Han Soylo A Soy Wars Soyry
YouTube comment: "George Lucas had a story that he wanted to make into a movie. Disney has a movie that they want to make into a story."
Disney cast a character a Mary Sue who everyone says got credit for things she couldn't do maybe to make up for that George Lucas didn't give credit to his wife Marsha Lucas for something she did do. She edited the STAR WARS movies but got no credit for it which was an asshole move on George Lucas's part. Say what you will about Disney but they would have never done that. They would have given her credit for editing.
SW The Rise of Skywalker, The Rice of Soywalker, Derise of Skywalker, Derision of Skywalker, what's the difference.

Chinese numerology. 4 is somewhat of a sketchy number. I'm in my 40s but for not too much longer. Soon I'll be in my 50s. 5 is an intensely good luck number for the Chinese. Maybe my 50s will be better but my 40s wasn't even all that bad. I might say some of the best things that ever happened to me were in my 40s. Royal dreams. I thought of writing to Buckingham Palace because of my royal dreams. However they might either think I'm crazy or else say something like, "Yeah, you and millions of others." I got a second high school education on YouTube. A YT video which I saw recently said, when writing to the Queen, start with, "Madam" and then end with, and I remembered this, "I have the honour to be, Madam, Your Majesty's humble and obedient servant." I am somewhat afraid to write a letter to someone so powerful and major. I don't want extra scrutiny of trouble for myself that might have otherwise been avoided. If I do decide to write a letter I should do it soon. I would mention my Royal dreams and my blog thereof, my cartoons, but tempting as it seems to be, I wouldn't mention that I think my life is going nowhere which I mentioned to Prince Philip in a dream once. He seemed slightly tearful, wistful, as I said that. Life is bittersweet. Should I write a letter or not? Nervous. I'll look for signs if I should. Perhaps. I tend to think that with people like that it's "Don't call us, we'll call you."

"The broken are more evolved." Split
William Shatner The Unexplained said a man who had been in a car accident damaging the left side of his brain suddenly developed the ability to play the piano at professional concert hall level. This is called acquired savant syndrome. Those suffering trauma to the left side of their brain through child abuse and/or temporary oxygen deprivation causing a near death experience, or else getting permanently booted off Twitter, or botted off Twitter what's the difference, some of them acquire certain X-Men like mutant abilities in neuroplasticity. The Hulk, Spider-Man and Deadpool each all had a traumatic incident that affected the left side of their brains.

Speaking of mutant abilities, Eliud Kipchoge should get the prize. His was an epic feat of Olympian proportions. His feat was on par with Roger Bannister and Harry Jerome breaking the 4 minute mile. Eliud Kipchoge broke the 2 hour barrier. Now in the near future somehow, strangely a bunch of people will do it. That's what happened with Roger Bannister. Before him no one did it. Afterwards a lot of people did it and even a woman came close, Sifan Hassan, 4 minutes 12 seconds at the Monaco games in 2019. That's faster than 98% of all men. Eliud Kipchoge got the Jim Thorpe treatment. Give him the accomplishment. Give him the medal.
The fastest woman ever to win the marathon is Brigid Kosgei who won in Chicago in 2019 the time being 2 hours 14 minutes. That's faster than 98 percent of all men.

There is only one app which uses the physics of the other holographic dimension in a praxis of the physics of the other holographic ghost dimension. Based on the designs of MC Escher, hocus is a great new app I discovered. You can discover it too, if you want.

NASA conducted an all female EVA extra vehicular activity aka spacewalk. If that isn't breaking the glass ceiling, or in this case the carbon line, where Earth ends and space begins, I don't know what is. That's higher than 98 percent of all men on the planet have ever been. If someone years ago said, "You'll sooner see women walking in space before you see a woman as President of the US." Sadly that person would be right.

Vin Diesel is in a movie soon to be released called Bloodshot. It is about the government putting nano materials in a person's blood that will make them immune to injury, sickness, regenerate like Deadpool, live past 100 years old. Using predictive programming, the government knows what restaurants grocery stores people go to and could put that in their food. The movies often hint at what's going on in reality or else it's, ho him, we'll just spend 200 million to make a movie about just some bullshit at the top of our heads. Brainstorming. Spitballing. Movies like ET which the cast admitted on a talk show that just before filming, the cast was taken into a conference room. Government Officials and military people was there and in that conference they said the government knows something about aliens, UFOs, etc. Do they? To me that would be incredible.
From: 10 Unsettling future technologies from John Bodied, YouTube.
Comment from YouTube/bro burg: My crispr shopping list: Expanded wavelength detection eyes, Mole rat 2nd cancer fail safe, Waterbear DNA shielding, Vitamin C creation

One day, EVP machines will have a quantum computer interface. Since ghosts and quantum computers work on the subatomic level, how perfect would that be? "D-wave computers can reach into parallel Universes and grab resources from them." Gordy Rose, from Google's New Quantum Computer Is It A Sign Of End Times? on YouTube.
"Quantum computers will be the first technology that will allow useful tasks to be performed in collaboration between parallel Universes." Gordy Rose
This is because teleportation is space experienced on an objective level while travelling linearly through space is space experienced on a subjective level and time travel is time experienced on an objective level while linear time is time experienced on a subjective level. There is no time and space. It's just codes in some computer-like simulation. A telephone call because of the laws of physics and distances involved is sending a message into the future. While the person you are talking to when replying is also sending a message into the future in which it takes the present some time to catch up. This is possible because of course past and future are illusory and only the present is real as it is all happening simultaneously and phone calls play on that. The past is just as malleable as the future. When you think of something new that you never thought if before, There is that potential to send codes known as omens into the past and coincidences into the future. That new thought would cause you to have done something different in the past but you can't go there to see it anymore than you can see into the future. The present tweaks the future as well as the past. Maybe if you had a chronovision you could see into the past. There is no there. There is just an extension of here so no matter how far one travels they will always be here. Just as there are no past and future moments that are different moments from the present moment, they are just different versions of the present moment. If a scar develops the body heals itself. The body of time is elastic and resilient and any scars thereupon are healed. Quantum tunnelling. Time space continuum. Unified field theory. Relativity. See, quantum computers can work with reality as it is, not reality as it is perceived from the binary bicameral mind. Julian Haynes, etc etc. Quantum computers can do it all. It can work with the coefficients of objective reality, specifically being time travel and teleportation ie Shor's algorithm, as well as deal with subjective reality. The two realities offset one another. They are not extensions of one another because one is an illusion, a refraction, the subjective one. Subjective reality means that there are as many realities as there are people, plants, animals, and places on this planet. "The 1984 John sent you to it no longer exists." Emilia Clarke, Terminator Genisys
Perception is a necessary aberration of the mind. "If the doors of perception were cleansed, then all things would appear as they are, that is infinite." Aldous Huxley

For eg.
Subjective: "Another one bites the dust."
Objective: "Yeah, we get to take your dust."

The Huff Portal app on Android could be the first to connect to a Q-computer interface and share that interface in a sublimated form over tablets worldwide fr anyone who installs the app. The app should have subtitles otherwise it's paredoilia or else it's the uh-huhs that you get that of people who often say but it doesn't really register or you don't remember that until you hear it on an EVP machine.
I saw a home quantum computer advertised for $20,000. The price will drop. The first 4K TV I saw was advertised for $65,000. Three months later, they were down to $1,500. Different models. The first one I saw was a 100 inch TV and nice probably plasma rather than regular LED, front and back-lit, etc. The home quantum computer is a 2 q-bit computer. The more pricey ones that Google uses has 16 q-bits!

There is a really good time travel movie called Reset on YouTube. It claimed that when microwave ovens were discovered, the government didn't spend hundreds of millions on research just to find a new way to cook food. The microwave oven, the movie says is a corollary product. British scientists in World War 2 were looking for a way to exploit electromagnetism to create radar and to avoid radar, essentially create a cloaking device. They accidentally or not, created a time machine which even Tesla said involved electromagnetic waves. With a lead lined unit to contain the microwaves, those microwaves set to a different frequency wouldn't cook food but would send objects back and forth through time. Basically, a time machine is a glorified microwave oven. Teleportation machine too. I thought the microwave was accidentally discovered when the scientist who discovered it had a chocolate bar that was in his pocket completely melt. If it did that to the chocolate bar, what did it do to his femoral artery? Anyways, the movie may or may not be true but if it's true, would the top secret government ideas of time travel actually be on a YouYube video? Best time travel movie I've seen in a long time. Wicked twist ending.
February 3, 2020: The movie Paradox talked about Max Tegmark and his classifications of Universes. Tegmark also talked about how that since the universe is always expanding it's cosmic microwave background or CMB is always different from the past to the future. One has to reset the microwaves in the time machine to align with the cosmic microwave radiation background creating an Einstein-Rosen bridge, which the movie The Singularity Principle talks about, to the time you want to travel to.
Tegmark also said that the universe is comprised of 17 layers: the atomic layer, the subatomic layer, the matter layer, the antimatter layer, the dark energy layer, the plasma layer, the electricity layer, the microwave layer, etc I suppose that the microwave layer is the time travel layer. How could it be? Wouldnt microwaves give someone a disease like leukemia? X rays and microwaves have radiation.
There's only one thing powerful enough that can produce such time traveling and wormhole opening microwaves. And that's CERN. How long would it be before anyone makes that connection?
I wrote the above paragraph on February 3rd. The Paradox movie is the other half of the diamond along with the other half when is the movie Reset. On February 3rd after writing that, my understanding was complete. What are the chances that someone would conflate those two movies together? Aliens visited me on February 24th 2019 and took me for a ride in a UFO in that dream. February 24, that date turned out to be an omen. February and between 2 and 4 is 3. February 3 is the day I finally found out about the two movies Reset and Paradox and the lessons therein. I'm keeping score!
The movie Paradox mentioned that if one uses a spectrometer, they should always see a Doppler red shift of the CMB which means the Universe is expanding. If one ever sees a blue shift though, even for a second, that means someone used a time machine. Any blue shifts seen in the last few decades would explain The Mandela Effect and thus the Berenstein - Berenstain Bears.
Search Springerlink for 'Time travel', there are better articles on time travel there.

Game of Thrones rewritten: "How many wildings are guarding the keep?" "A thousand." "How many of them are sober?" "About five. And that's because they're in the infirmary."

A scene from Twilight rewritten: Bella: "It's just a simple dress." Jacob: "Simple dress?! I mean look at it! You went full on Gilbert and Sullivan!"

8-ball cocaine. An eighth of an ounce of coke. An anagram of eight is 'get hih'. source: Clockwork Brain app. Anagrams.

How karma works for sure is that people are a segment in a ring. Whenever they do something, good, bad, they create a ring of segments in which they too are one of the inextricable segments. That ring takes on a life of its own taking all its segments along with it.

3 dozen Vietnamese people found dead in a truck in Britain. 3 baker's dozens.

The word incel has replaced the word loser of the 50s. It puts pressure on men who are otherwise lazy or too involved with their occupation to chase women, have an affair. In an effort to shed that label a lot of men will look for a prostitute. That word is good for the prostitution and the pimps that protect them industry. Worse, some will rape a woman. It's tempting to make that word illegal. That word should not be made illegal because the word loser would replace it again. Some people in the News have done violent crimes triggered by that word.
It's not as cut and dried as that. Getting it on implies commitment issues, fear of getting a disease, fear of her getting pregnant and then being on the hook for child support. If you don't like her and you see her around, you might think she's stalking you. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Just like it did in the 50s, it takes time to get to know a woman. Sometimes years. Homer Simpson said to Marge, "With some women it was something says yes, something says no, but with you, it was green lights all the way!" It takes time to get to know a woman. And also a lot of women are incels because anything a man can do, some women can do better. Some, not all. There's a lot of lonely women in the World.