Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The End of the 2010s Oppenheimer Park Blackfashe Vaping Mayor Vagramov

"Our destinies lie along different paths. Remember, the Force will always be with you." Ben Kenobi, STAR WARS

"The belonging you seek lies not in your past. It is in your future." Maz Kanata

"Stop living in the past. Make your own future." Justice League

I did a cartoon video of the Philadelphia Experiment which I should embed here in its entirety when its completed. I have to keep changing the video title with every edit otherwise YouTube would register it as a duplicate upload and not process it. Anyways, in the cartoon is a box of chocolates. Noble's chocolates. The box cover has a story. It is from a dream. Walking along a mountain pass, daytime, winter. I stay at a one story house. A bungalow. I sleep in the basement on a couch. There is a bag of marijuana on the coffee table in a baggie and as I wake up, I see a cop car approaching. I put the marijuana under one of the couch cushions, the center one of three cushions. As I walk outside, the first thing the Police say is, "We know about the baggie of marijuana you put under the couch cushion but we're not here for that." Maybe they wanted to talk to the other occupants of the house. Another dream I had was in a hotel room. Some Police short blue sleeve shirts, hats with a red band, were walking up the stairs up to the room I was in. It was someone else's room. There was a baggie of marijuana on a small round table next to a bed. As the Police walk in, they see that and say, "We're not here for a drug call." Dreams are interesting. And weird.

The other day, Police arrested people who did some shootings in the downtown Eastside of Vancouver. The Police know who has guns. They probably even know where people stash their guns and their drugs. It's a possibility. I have abandoned any plans of moving back to the downtown Eastside even though nothing is working out here and I have no future at all here. The downtown Eastside is more violent than ever before. Any old neighbourly code of honour and looking out for one another is gone now, I read online. That place has deteriorated.
Re: Oppenheimer Park. Mismanagement. A backwater city that's run itself to the ground. That place has turned itself into a Hieronymus Bosch or Pieter Brueghel the Elder painting; a sleazy picaresque cesspool of drugs and depravity. What's can you say? Bumcouver, Angercouver, BumAngercouver which is what would describe Oppenheimer Park. Lots of angry bums. The bum's rush. The disorder and frenzy created in what is now Oppenheimer Park is to drive them out of there so they could shore the ground and turn that into a parking lot, mini mall, social housing, whatever. The gangsters, whatever, are there as, words like Black Flag Operation, controlled opposition, paid strikebreakers, muckrakers could used in what is to create a pretext to send in what, the Marines? I think Vancouver's Finest could handle that as Police move in and clear the area before it reaches some kind of social critical mass like Hong Kong in what is essentially the same thing, a public sector response to mismanagement that originated from a small clique of civic lawmakers on the government sector and on the private sector with sleazy ignorant slumlords. I think Hong Kong is more like the private sector coopting the public sector to help them fight the government sector.
Anarchy from the lower class: Rebellion. Anarchy from the middle class: Revolution. Anarchy from the upper class: Coup d'etat. In Hong Kong, I'd say it's a revolution disguised as a rebellion. Hong Kong, Divide Et Impera, divide and conquer.
In Hong Kong, at the shopping malls, interestingly, although public infrastructure was damaged, none of the stores themselves were damaged. The store owners, the middle class are their paymasters. Why would they damage the stores of their paymasters? This is from a famous YouTuber I won't name since he got lots of death threats. But so did Glenn Close after she did Fatal Attraction and she's still alive. She got them in an era when people actually went out of their way and took time to write letters instead of summarily firing off another missive online. And she's certainly still alive.
I would advise the YouTuber to leave Hong Kong, but I once advised Shane Smith of Vice to leave Ukraine years ago for the same reasons but he didn't follow my advice. More power to him!
If a YouTuber was really in danger, he might get an Osman Letter and the Police would relocate him.
Hong Kong protestors could use a Police Scanner app. But the Police speak in code. They wouldn't say, "Let's move in on the protestors, they might say, "Let's go for a dim sum dinner." And the Protestors would think, They're going for a dim sum dinner when they're actually moving in on them. "I fought the Law and the Law won." In a casino, the house always wins. The Police are like the House in a casino. In the final end game, they will win. The government is the horse. The Police are the hoofs of the 🐎 horse.
They used to have The Sisters right across the street from Oppenheimer Park where on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon at 4, people would line up for free peanut butter sandwiches and coffee. However the two namesake nuns who ran the place died, the last one dying in 2007. Ever since then, years later, the place has deteriorated. Maybe some young nuns could start it up again, well, relatively young, late 40s. I doubt that young women these days would become nuns with so many electronic distractions.
But some at Oppenheimer Park tent City are the difficult to house. They get methed up and trash the place in the worst cases. That critical mass might take the form of everyone moving out of their bedbug and cockroach and mice and rat infested squalid overpriced no-pets policy derelict perjorative hovels en masse to embrace a more wholesome way of life at the hedonistic bacchanalian animal world with rotweillers on leashes gypsy caravan, Grapes of Wrath travelling Joads encampment drug emporium partyland that is Oppenheimer Park , then you see, in addition to Oppenheimer Park, MacLean Park, Crab or Portside Park and any available area, skateboard park too, turned into tent cities. There would be tent cities at Jericho Beach too but that's too far flung from the central arterial routes of heroin procurement are at Main and Hastings. Mainline and wastings. It will be interesting to see what happens in the next few months. I'm one to talk. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not perfect, my life is fucked up and maybe it would have been better if I left the country years ago.
Interestingly, the same person behind Victoria's tent City, named Brett is in there like a dirty shirt. Like a cockroach on a wedding cake. She seems like a very smart and conscientious person who is fighting a very difficult situation which is helping people find housing in a mismanaged, economically deranged when it comes to housing, city.
Question is: Is there WiFi at Oppenheimer Park?
Hong Kong: macrocosm. Oppenheimer Park: microcosm.

A Buddhist temple next to Oppenheimer Park was broken into and a Buddha statue was stolen. I can imagine how the interview went with the News reporter: "Why did you steal the Buddha statue?" "Uh, because I'm a Christian?" "Yeah right, well I don't know about you but every time I think of Christians I'm thinking of people who break into Buddhist temples."

'What Were Once Vices Are Now Habits' The Doobie Brothers. What was once transition housing is now permanent housing.

December 2019. Rapes reported at Oppenheimer Park. What is this, is it Oppenheimer Park or the island of Capri? That's awful. An area just run to the ground. Civic mismanagement, obstreporous vultures, venal stooge at City Hall. A travesty. A blight. A backwater. A joke.

A better town. What better town? Something like that is subjective. The best towns in Canada weather-wise are those below the 49th parallel like St. John's Newfoundland and Victoria BC. It's the exotic banana belt of Canada.

January 3 2020. Disturbing. A man was killed at Oppenheimer Park. His name was Jesus. The Via Dolorosa was the road the Jesus' death. What does that make Oppenheimer Park? Golgotha?! That was the Oppenheimer Park version of The Passion Play.

I recently got a nautilus hand-puppet. Nautilus means sailor. A real pet nautilus would be a different story. They have to live not only in a saltwater marine tank, which is more difficult to maintain than a freshwater tank, they live in pressurized conditions, it'd have to be a pressurized tank, although Monterey Bay Aquarium has a chambered nautilus. Like parrots, nautiluses live a long time. Those nautiluses living in the ocean have more of a future than I do.

They miss me. It's not mutual. I don't miss them. They think I'm 'special'. I don't feel the same way about them. There's nothing special about them in the slightest. I feel a lot better now that I haven't gone there for awhile. There's quite a few places I could say that about. Come to think of it, I never did like those places. Good riddance. Remember 1, go to where the love is. Don't go to where the love isn't. 2. Run to those who adore you, don't run to those who ignore you. Rev Run. 3. If you go there that's showing compassion for them. If you don't go there it's showing compassion for yourself. 4. That animal didn't feel that it was 100% loved unless it was with it's current owner.
I feel a lot better now that I haven't gone to those places for awhile. Just a regression to some former inferior situation. The feeling of relief is definitely there! I was never legally required to go to those places anyways.

There's a goddamned ad on television from an addiction treatment centre.. "If you're living in shame and fear because of your addiction." Some weird prosaic square bullshit rehab center. Talk about projection. Maybe on some level they're living in shame and fear. Their ad is just some weird unsolicited sanctimonious bullshit. That place is probably a front for some money laundering scam. See, some people can't mind their own business. They're weird hyper officious individuals. A lot of these personalities get stress related diseases and then die.
"It is the duty of every American to help his fellow American whether he wants it or not." HL Mencken
"Physician, heal thyself." Socrates
What can I say? There will soon come a day when saying shit like "Do you live in fear and shame because of your addiction?" would be like saying Do you live in fear and shame because you're mentally ill or transgendered? You simply can't stigmatize people like that and these sanctimonious virtue signalling peoples will soon learn that?

"I want to be left alone." Greta Garbo
Some people said that Greta Garbo, I mean Greta Thunberg is autistic. She seems normal to me. Calling other people autistic at the drop of a hat from a psychiatrist from a University of Liberal professors handing out useless degrees in what are essentially, subjective courses of study is a national pastime if not a national obsession. Why would that be so? What can I say? Maybe because most if not all countries are backwaters. In Russia, they've been training bears for the circus for hundreds of years. Here they lack imagination so they shoot them. It's this kind of lack of imagination that has resulted in an economically dysfunctional social landscape. Instead of rent controls, ultra affordable housing for all, and utopian wonderlands, instead, entire already semi-dystopian cities like Scamcouver, Scamada, or is Scamkok more scammy, are further run to the ground with speculation and speculation taxes on top of that. To sum it up, Vancouver's real estate market set-up is like the frog in very slowly boiling water. The water has boiled over and as a result you have places like Oppenheimer Park. Instead of stopping or outlawing speculation altogether, they instead add a speculation tax which is some weird venal typically airhead money grab which is supposed to pass as a solution to the housing crisis which does nothing to stop those paper gangster speculators, merely discourage them. For the very rich it's just a slight disincentive. And these are the semi-educated opportunist jokers that we vote into office that we are supposed to think will look after us when they constantly and on an industrial level, sell us out to or get bullied by global corporate interests. Goddamn Free Trade Deals which gives them access to local real estate. "Take our bribe to let us speculate if not we will kill you." is the classic line. "Gold or iron?" Game of Thrones. "I'll buy you out or I'll blast you out." JFK, GQ magazine, the 80s. The speculation tax is the bribe they would have paid anyways. Incompetent government politicians and their handlers who tell them to take the money. Venal stooges. Families even blue collar who used to live in houses in a city now even white collar live in shoebox condos. Two generations ago, most children in a city were raised in a house all to their family's selves with the white picket fence, yards, etc. Now children are raised their entire lives in condos. Some of them, since these countries are too ignorant to grow outward, they turn inward and start calling people autistic, often out of envy, often out of spite. An Avengers movie said those with autism are on the next level of evolution, some of them. The whole world is going to hell in a handbasket. Calling people autistic is the last futile furtive thrashing throes of a society that's dying morally. The human species is defective. Unfortunately it's the only one there is so i hope that people don't call people autistic so much like Greta Thunberg.
Greta Thunberg's mother, Malena Ernman is a rock star or else no stranger to publicity. She did a rock video that was quite brilliant. She was holding two big red plastic things while simultaneously leading two dogs on leashes, one on each arm as she danced through a snowy walkway and then she went into the supermarket, dancing, two plastic red things, the two dogs. That was reminiscent of the Poochare ad skit with Eugene Levy on SCTV. The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree. Like mother like daughter. That surreal abstract rock video is Greta in 20 years.
Someone on YouTube comments wrote, Greta has assburgers which makes her vulnerable to Leftists.
YouTube comments said Gretas parents are antifa. That comment worries me. Are they, or are they not? Who cares? Anyways, millionaires backing the climate movement including Greta so they can make billions. Two words. Carbon tax. Milankovitch cycle. An international level clique of University educated grant junkies aka special interest groups, poverty pimps, climate pimps scamming money for themselves. That's all they teach in University. How to apply for and get government grants. Chicken Little. The sky is not falling down. The World is not ending. This generation is not doomed.
Milankovitch cycle notwithstanding, all those factories, those dark Satanic mills can't be good for the environment. And there are other environmental issues that have nothing to do with global warming like the great Pacific garbage gyre.
In Victoria BC a person sent around some rather deleterious notes of a decidedly harassing nature? The notes read something like this, "Do we have a crisis? Yes the answer is you. You are driving a car burning fuel. This burning fuel is killing thousands of people. Tell your children and descendants that you hate them to their face instead." Or words to that effect. Some real psycho shit. Captain Kirk said to Mr Spock, "I'm going to have to talk to you about bedside manners." Maybe Captain Kirk could have said that to the person who wrote the note. I think that Victoria's finest will be involved. Someone did something. Find out who did it. The Police have been playing this game for a very long time. For hundreds of years. On the News, someone doused someone on fire in Hong Kong. That's beyond the pale. Even if it was word of mouth the Police could find out who did it let alone that it was on camera. "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel." Samuel Johnson
Milutin Milankovitch cycle based on 1. Obliquity, Angle of tilt of Earth. 41,000 year cycle 2. Eccentricity, Orbit of Earth whether perfect circle of slightly elliptical. 100,000 year cycle 3. Procession, Whether N hemisphere or S hemisphere is tilted towards Sun. 26,000 year cycle. These cause and end ice ages. So with the different aspects of the Milankovitch cycle taken into consideration, the Earth isn't just spinning around the sun, it's dancing around the sun.
Hong Kong has that problem. It's on an island. And it can only grow upward not outward as people are living on top of one another stacked 60 people or 60 storeys deep. Again, since they can't grow outward, they turn inward, hence the protests, turmoil, mayhem. The great division. There are some places in the World more violent than Hong Kong but not many. The Gaza Strip comes to mind. Hong Kong looks like a DMZ. When you join a large group, you lose your individuality. You become a cell.
Again, Hong Kong: macrocosm. Oppenheimer Park: microcosm.
Even if I support the cause, I am very cynical about the effectiveness of protests. I went on the Peace March during the 80s. What did that do? If anything there are more nuclear bombs now than there were in the 80s. And more technologically advanced ones too. Most people, the lion's share of them were under 30. In some cases under 20. The hint was not so much beards and not so much leathery faces. I'm almost 50. I saw very few people my age there. People who are old don't flock out together like people who are young.

There are lots of women in this town who always cheer me up. I love them. There's quite a few of them! They make my life sweet. The love is strong. But it's more than one woman. There's a few of them. There's a thong, I mean a throng of them. They are the sweet sweet sirens that make me want to stay in town rather than leave. I get depressed but it's mainly imaginary, coming from the same imagination that makes me animated cartoons.
This morning, a sweet woman reminded me of what love is all about. She reminded me of a reason for living. What is my future? My future is to live for the love of the sweet women who are always running into me on the streets and other places. Every week, I see a few women. As long as I have women in my last few, my life is going somewhere. I have a future. Sometimes I've gone years without getting it on then there's a weird month where I'm getting it on 3 times a day. "Why couldn't I live that day, over and over?" Groundhog Day. Life is a lot like that. When it rains it pours.

Vaping. Simon Royal on YouTube said the death's were mainly from THC based vaping products, not tobacco. Nicotine is a vaso-constrictor. THC is a vaso-dilator, like Viagra. So this is highly ironic.
Vaping is seen as a safe alternative to traditional dry combustion based smoking as it contains no carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide binds to the red blood cells 200 times more than oxygen! That explains the headrushes one sometimes gets from tobacco especially first smoke after waking up from a long night sleep or even a short nap.
THC is fat or lipid soluble whereas nicotine is water miscible or soluble.
Could it be because tokers hold the gas in longer? You don't good tobacco. This is related to not Charles Law which has to do with temperature and the volume of gases or Avargardos Law which has to do with two amounts of gas at same volume and temperature and pressure has the same amount of molecules but Boyles Law which states gas pressure is ideally inversely proportional to the volume it occupies. So the evaporated water or steam which the term vaping comes from, the evaporated kid, when the steam sublimated and reaches it's next state, as hot water steam becomes just cold water vapour, it loses volume, as hot makes water vapour expand and cold makes it contract, so the lungs implode as a cold steam pocket is formed, a type of emphysema or pleurisy. Popcorn lung. It would depend on how much they were huffing. They would have had to have been fairly drowning in it. This may be what is causing the deaths. If you vape, don't be holding it in for 30 seconds like with ordinary combustion based tokes.
I think vaping machines are the opposite of bronchial dilators for asthma patients. They are bronchial constrictors, they make the lungs seize up in some cases and that's why 6 people died in the States and 1 in Canada because of this. Those vaping machines have only been around for a few years. We have yet to see the long term effects. Why not smoke hash and added in a joint, an old-school pipe, or else a bong or chillum? Why smoke weed with an electric machine like the Jetsons? Vaping vs traditional air-based combustion, they catalyze differently in the lungs. There are two different dynamics. One is a bronchial dilator, the other, vaping, is a bronchial constrictor. Or can be. The possibility is there. It's up to you, smoke your lungs out or steam your lungs out, but those vaping machines are $100. Pricey. Please do take care of yourselves, although I'm a fine one to talk. Do as I say,not as I do.
Bob Newhart. Christopher Columbus meets Queen Isabella of Spain. "This is tobacco. It's a leaf." "What do you do with it?" "You roll it in paper, light it and inhale. You smoke it." "What does it do?" "It brings relief." Yeah, well he didn't mention anything about vaping. If that happened today,would he have?
Juul has cancelled their mint flavored vaping products since mint flavor is the most popular amongst teenagers. Now why would that be? Maybe because anything minty catalyzes well with MDMA aka E.

Cop busts a man for heroin possession. Cop says, "What's the story?" Besides the usual, "How much do you use every month? How much do you pay for it?" And "Where did you get it?" The man replies, "The government subsidizes me for doctor's visits but I knew it'd be useless. So I decided to save the government a few dollars and opted to be my own doctor and to self-medicate.

Sunday September 29, 2019. Global BC TV. Our community. Small Town with a mill that can be seen in the distance right on the main Street. Night views are best. What town? I'd like to find it again but couldn't. However Hedley BC has these mines clinging to the cliffs that are quite extraordinary and spectacular.

Mass allegations of female students drugged with gamma hydroxy butric acid or ghb, rohypnol, roofies, chloroform at the University of Bill Cosby, I mean UBC, I mean the University of British Columbia.

Re: "Why don't you cut off your turban?" Is what an NDP supporter said to the NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh. Which leaves me wondering what he would have said if he wasn't an NDP supporter? Singh could have said, "Remember who's also the one wearing the kirpan here. Cut my turban off? Why don't I use my kirpan and cut your dick off? Even if I did that, I'd still win the seat in my riding. Whereas what would you win? A trip to the intensive care unit." But he did the diplomatic thing which proves that he's a better politician that most of us who would have went George Wallace and punched that guy out. That video would go viral! Turbans don't bother me. Singh could have also said, "Those guys in BC who killed those people. They weren't wearing turbans or else they were turbanless. They guy who shot those RCMP Officers, no turbans either. That East Indian member of the Hells Angels who got shot. He was wearing a turban and he was the victim! It seems that you have more to fear from people not wearing turbans.
You don't have to wear a turban to not kill people in Canada, but it helps.
East Indians are magical people so when I see someone wearing a turban I think it is an omen of good luck in the near future. There are turbans and there are turbans. You usually think of the wide dish turban like Trudeau's turban, but Jagmeet Singh wears a thin band turban. Turbans aren't OK but multiple earrings, tattoos, one side of the head shaved, colored hair mohawk, t-shirts with profanity written on it, that's OK. And that is supposed to pass as mainstream culture.

Looking back, Scarface was a weird movie. Kind of like Sicario meets Eraserhead. "It's the eyes, Chico. They never lie."

Trump might get impeached because of a phone call. "Not bad for a phone call." "No not bad at all." Rain Man. I thought phone calls were private. Trump could say, "Everyday, there are billions of phone calls. What's one more?" Apparently the phone call was of a criminal nature. Trump asked Ukraine's President for dirt on the son of Joe Biden and also help to hack the election. I thought they'd speak in code. "I don't speak using arraignable phrases." Javier Garden, The Counsellor
It wouldn't be, "How about hacking the election?" It would be, "How's the pizza delivery?" "The pizza delivery is going well. We have our top experts working on it." Who is the whistleblower?

The Walking Dead is just like Rambo but with zombies. Well, you got the 'mb' dipthong going on. Rambo, zombie. Now there's a 17 hour binge-athon until the new episode.

The Joker is a very good, very solid movie. Extremely well done. It gets at least ten stars out of ten, if not more. It's a Stark movie, gritty, dark, minimalist production values. Will there be sequels where the Joaquin Phoenix Joker will meet the Robert Pattinson Batman?

Global News in November 2019, on channel 111 is always doing a lot of ads, in every ad segments block about Drain Master, drain as in grain and drain as in eat and sheat or else it and shit which surprisingly or not, has been in business since 1991. "Drain Master, money laundering since 1991." Those dry obstreperous pernicious ads are on very ten minutes literally, not figuratively. How does Drain Master have the money to pay for the ads? It's a front for a money laundering scam. Drain contains the word rain or reign. Raina means queen in a few languages. 1991 to 2019 is like 1951 to 1989. Which means that they GOT to be a money laundering scam. 1991 is a palindrome. Palindromes are associated with royalty. The Russian Imperial eagle is like 1991. Orb, one eagle, another eagle, Sceptre equals one, nine, nine, one. Those are general meanings of 1991 let alone personal meanings like people I knew who were born in 1991 like my friend Starlla Bellcore. And people who I knew who died in 1991 and I went to their funeral like my grandfather who died in 1991. That was also the first real corpse I ever saw. But not the last one I ever would see as it turned out. Anyways, so what about nineteen fucking ninety fucking one?! Is Drain Master a front for a money laundering scam? There can't be so much shit and blocked up sewage as in your shit is their bread and butter to be paying for ads at every ad segment block. That's pricey, like eating at a French restaurant all the time. I would not be surprised if the RCMP, the BBB, and the SEC launches a money laundering investigation into Drain Master clogging up our television with their weird shit prosaic clinical ads. I thought people used Roto-Rooter, not Drain Master or Drain Masters or whatever the fuck. The local brain drain.
Plumbing is either drainage or supply. Drain Masters. Drainage is covered. What about supply? That's only one half of diamond split in two. To constantly bombard the viewing public with messages of a septic nature. Isn't that just more of what they've been doing all along? The septic tank commercials are just more direct about it.
They've been digging out septic tanks since 1991. They say that like it's a good thing. Christ, why would they want to stop that rockshow gravy train?
The voice of these ads, be it the Co-op "When I look at my farm, I see investment." Or the Turning Point rehab "Are you living in fear and shame because of your drug addiction?" Or the 1991 Drain Master commercial, the voice is always the same which is a conflation of the ultra conservative mid-Canada bible-belt farmer pastor of whom everyone would say, "He's a wholesome man." While ripping a page off of Casey Kasem's playbook, that smarmy gravelly sounding trail off at the end of every sentence. Beep boop. Crackity crack crack. Ghastly! Wretched!
Truth is stranger than fiction. Speaking of 1991, on Saturday, November 9, 2019 on American Dad Apocalypse Soon, I entered a Bottled Mimosa tournament where all except one player was at a stronger level and one player was called Gang 1991. Was this done on purpose? Good God, I didn't think they were that energetic. What if my mind was in something else and I missed the 1991 reference? I have missed a few over the years or else I encountered hundreds if not thousands and trying to remember them all is like trying to remember all the dirty jokes learned over the years. Naturally I instantly rage quit. Anything that is too difficult I quit. I'd quit life itself if I had the option. Some of them were only slightly stronger and I would have had a 50 percent chance of winning as I have done before. I'm not a gambler. I quit. Anything too difficult, I'd quit. Including life itself. If that was a gang from 1991, why didn't they hire someone to kill me outright? In my case that'd be a boon since my life is going nowhere. Why do such piddling moves like entering a Bottled Mimosa tournament which I entered. Are gangsters known for doing that? I thought they were more known for drive by shootings and execution style killings. Can't you see I'm injured? They don't care. They'll make a second shot just to make sure. That's the kind of gangsters I'm talking about. Not some weird video game bullshit. Just 100 more bottled mimosas and I get an excellent weapon which disables all enemies special powèrs for 5 seconds. I gotta get that! Should I write a letter to the app developer about 1991? Like Richard Dawkins wrote, 1991, it's a meme.
Also, 1991 was the year I lived with a gay guy. He was my room mate but some people could say I was his sex slave, a kept man, or some other salacious fallacious thing like that. In that case, I'd say, don't ever lose that imagination. Things got weird but never Stephen King Needful Things weird like one catamite or ganymede taking on a roomful of men. Strangely, that is an experience that so people would actually pay money to experience let alone watch. But people might think Dean did that years ago when he was younger. They could say that about a woman too, she was a big time lesbian. Years since the event I had dreams about him like being in an all white room, not just any shade of white, it was a gay shade of white, with a hot tub during a bright day. Another dream night time, in a house at the posh West Side. In the dream he was to be my room mate again for two months. I didn't want that! Like I said before, my reputation was tainted and destroyed decades ago. It's a deal breaker or is it? No women would want me after hearing that, but I told this story to my girlfriend today about how no woman would want me after that and she said, "That's not true."
When the Drain Masters say 1991, that's what they must be referring to. That benighted year. It's obviously a reference to me! I doubt this would win me a Pulitzer Prize.
2019 this year is the closest numerically we'll get to 1991 in a long time. The next time would be 2091. Would I be around then? I severely doubt it!
And another connection is that 2019 is Blade Runner year. Los Angeles November 2019
Another ad. Boost. "Brian has been cycling this path like this since 1991. But it's not 1991 anymore." Again a reference to me and my regretful year of gaeity.
I'm drawing pictures of it. For the Police. The spirit Police as there is a branch of hellboy police the police who are psychic and deal with paranormal forces that's not known to the public. There are people who have the ability to contact this guy in the afterlife, he's dead now. He died in the Thailand tsunami in 2004. I saw that online. His sister Claudia said,"He died in the tsunami. But were hoping there's a chance he didn't. We're still waiting for him to come home but he hasn't yet." Tina Fey said to Oprah on an airplane, "I once had a lesbian experience with my camp counsellor but then she drowned and died years later." Oprah looked as unflappable as ever. Anyways, there are people who could contact people in the afterlife and tell him, "Why don't you just leave Dean alone? He's not queer!" A lot of Priests have this ability albeit indirectly, they make merit or else an offering and a prayer tongue spirit, although I'm sure a few Priests can contact them directly using a different skill-set. Next level. In the app American Dad Apocalypse Soon, one segment of the game is Roger appeasing a floating apparition by throwing flowers from a bouquet to it. On that app, I'm 'NotAgain1947'. Maybe you might see me in the Bottled Mimosa Morning Show challenge. ETs know the ghost dimension well. What to us is an ability to them is technology because they designed us. What time is mysticism to them is again, technology. They understand the science behind the science, that is they understand the subatomic quantum objective reality behind the atomic non quantum subjective reality.

Do you want to see more drawings on this subject? Two more stories. Four more drawings.

I had this dream in 2009 in Dawson Creek. The gay guy, Matt, to my left, his arm around me. Sitting on a garden swing chair. To my right was a stranger, a young punk rock guy, shiny dark brown spiky hair.
Come to think of it, why do I even bother living? Most people wouldn't even attempt to try to live with such a shadow over their life.

I had this dream some years ago. I was at a living room of a house. Sliding doors looking out into a yard. There is a table in that living room. There is also an adjacent alcove to the right. In that alcove room, there was also just only a table. Seated at the head of the table a creepy gay guy, another guy, not the 1991 guy, who I sensed was interested in me in some queer way. At the living room there was a Police woman who was asking me if I knew anything about a shooting at a park that was on the News. Why would I know anything about it? Sometimes cops will ask you a question completely unrelated to why they are there. It's the mysterious ways cops work. She knew about that guy and was there to protect me. I didn't realize the danger I was in. But the Police knew.

Another story. Night time. I was flying outside a window. Second picture POV. As I look in, I see Mr. Gay 1991 sitting at the head of a table. His South American wife was there with her two sons. One of her sons and not his wife was seated to his right. Then his wife, then another son and then a daughter who I was told had died at a very young age. No names of course. They were all wearing white although their clothing looked dim in the dim light of night and only a single lamp on above the table in the room. It was a complete sham marriage. The guy was as queer as a 3 dollar bill. The vision still haunts me, I mean obviously if I can still remember the fucking shit although they might have appeared to say they think we'll of me and wish me well. That's the impression I got, anyways.

Drain Masters. Brain drain Masters. That just about describes this country. Anyone with any real serious talent moves to and works for the United States. There is no real future in this colonial backwater NHL-fleabag country. I could never feel as free as I would when I am in the United States.

Global News characteristically or not, did a story about besieged Port Moody Mayor Rob Vagramov, is fighting for his job. I heard of the Moody Blues, but this is ridiculous. The Port Moody Blues? He is on a leave of absence leaving Port Moody city hall under a cloud of hushed insolence and lurid rumour. He went on a few dates with him where there was some snogging. Sexual assault Level 1, no violence or weapons involved. Alleged. This is according to the News. Rob Vagramov looks a lot like a young William Burroughs circa The Yage Letters era. He should be reinstated as a Mayor if he has political skills. He might just have that. As long as he can do a good job, who cares about his private life? I don't know and I don't want to know. That applies to anybody of any orientation. It's your private life and I don't want to know about it. I think the doppelganger or ghola of William Burroughs should be the Mayor if he is able to survive his current legal challenge before the courts. He could be a Celebrity RockStar Mayor. A local Legend depending on how he deals with problems and issues. Someone said of William Burroughs, "You didn't know shit about Burroughs unless you saw him in a crisis. His reaction to problems and how he would handle them."

On Saturday November 9, 2019 Global News released a sordid lurid story about how a dissolute grisly old man killed two people claiming that he was drugged and sodomized. In the old days you'd have to go to the Village or Fire Island to hear a story like that. Nowadays its splashed on the nightly News. Drugged and sodomized? Somebody's been busy! That's multitasking. Usually people are one or the other but not both simultaneously. In baseball that's known as a double play. "Don't talk to me about naval tradition. It's nothing but rum, sodomy and the lash." PM Winston Churchill The story is not that likely as the old guy wouldnt be a prime target aesthetically. Whenever you think your life is fucked up, the News has stories of people whose lives are more fucked up than mine will ever be. Yet they still have the will to live. Whereas me, not so much. I told you many times before. My reputation is irreparably damaged to the point where my life is a crooked table slanted against me. Deuce Bigalow; a gigolo has his rep, if he doesn't have that, he's nothing. Difficult is one thing. Impossible is another. My reputation and career is fucked.
In the old days, the line between the Nightly News and the National Enquirer was more distinct.
If a person was in prison where they were passed around like a carton of cigarettes, would he not be better off dead? Someone like that. Their reputation is destroyed. Nothing like that happened to me. Not on that level, but few things happened to me in 1991 along those lines that I regret. The Blue Oyster nightclub kind of things. But that was years ago. In the years since then, the internet has made a lot of those things tame or else people got desensitized over the years.
George Michael said, "You're more than just a cheap piece of ass."

Port Moody City Hall. At center, wearing a white shirt is the Burroughsian rockstar himself, His Honour, Mayor Rob Vagramov.

You don't have to be gay to look like William Burroughs, but it helps.

Towers Open Fire. At center, The Legend, William Burroughs himself.

Update: Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2019 Hon Mayor Rob Vagramov. Charges stayed. Suspended sentence.

Man 1: "I want to ask you about yourself. How's life?"
Man 2: "Fine."
Man 1: "How's work?
Man 2: "Fine."
Man 1: "How's your family life?"
Man 2: "It's good."
Man 1: "What about sex?"
Man 2: "No thanks. I'm not gay."