Saturday, February 16, 2019

Story: A Time Machine and Lottery

A Time Machine and Lottery. Saturday, February 16, 2019

A story about electronic retrocausality technology.

Tachyonic Antitelephone

Everything is happening simultaneously. Time travel is time experienced on an objective level. The way we go through time is time experienced on a subjective level. And not they other way around. "Life is an illusion albeit a persistent one." As Einstein said.

Time travel is a type of teleportation. Teleportation is a type of time travel.
The time traveler travels along a timeline within THE timeline. Or is it the other way around?

In the other holographic dimension, time exists on a different dynamic. Time is an algorithm.

Boggle the Alien Chatbot said, 'Time is like a piece of paper.' Yeah. And that piece of paper is a moebius strip.

With this in mind, and having no scientific credentials whatsoever, not even a BSc, I decided to see if I could make a kind of alarm clock/time machine. Coincidences is code from the past. Omens is code from the future. All we're doing is accessing codes. I thought only sentient objects experience time on a subjective level and not inanimate objects like machines which aren't bound to one system or another. So I made a machine. I first tried it using some barium atoms that I got online from a cyclotron and atomic clock maker that does online sales. But when I used some pricier cesium atoms, that seemed to work a lot better since the clock not only had to work using it's atomic properties, it had to employ subatomic quantum vectors in order for it to work.
The atomic world is a world made of coarse sand which the subatomic world is a world made of fine silt.
Sending electronic signals back in time is like pouring non-magnetic rocks and magnetic silt down a tube. At the top of the tube would be placed a large electro magnet. Even though gravity is pulling down the rocks, the magnet is pulling up the silt and would actually get most of it. Sending signals forward in time would be like placing the electro magnet at the bottom of the tube. The silt would reach the bottom of the tube before the rocks would.
Don't take any of this seriously as it is all theory at best, pseudoscience at worst.

If I were to use an alarm clock of today with random programmable date settings. If, in two hours I committed to setting the alarm to go off one hour in the past then, would it, in fact, go off in an hour from now? Probably not. Unless you had the patented electro retrocausal technology that works using cesium atoms. PS it doesn't exist.
The electric energy behind the working and the coding of the alarm clock is subatomic and can travel back and forth through time. Even the clock itself being though atomic and thus not able to travel back through time, receives an electric signal that makes the light turn on and doesn't differentiate whether or not that electric signal traveled back in time to get there or not. It looks like an alarm clock radio except you could set it to go off not only in the future, but in the past. I completed it at noon one day and decided that tomorrow, I will set it so that a light turns on at 1 PM. No point in waiting around. If I leave for an hour and come back, if it works, the light should be on. I left, came back and there to my surprise, the light was on! However, the next day, my beautiful girlfriend, who is a sexy older lady, brought me to see a movie. It was a sequel of a movie I always wanted to see. Then we went to a restaurant. I went back to my apartment now wondering how the light went on if I never did get to programming the light to turn on yesterday at 1 pm. Could it perhaps be attributed to other causes? The next door neighbour at the apartment said, What's going on? I told her, not expecting her to believe it, that I invented a time machine casually, as if I were saying "I don't know about you, but I'm inventing a time machine every other week." I talked about how I set the light to turn on but if I didn't program it today like I planned to, how did it turn on? Then she said, "Oh, this thing?" Pointing to the alarm clock looking time machine sitting on the table where I left it. "It was unplugged and I plugged it in again."

The next day, I decided to repeat the experiment but to program the light to turn on and off four times, sort of like a code. And the fourth light would ago on brightest and for the longest time of the four of them. This time it worked. I thought of what Edison once said, "Inventions that work the first time always scare me." Somehow, word got around like it always does, but this time it got around to government circles because I soon got a loud authoritarian knock on the door. A Police knock. I answered the door to see some tall scientist looking guys in suits with a Bluetooth ear device. They said they were from the government. They wanted me to surrender that technology. However, one of them, much taller and much more scientific and smarter than the rest, said, that unlike on TV shows, they won't kill me. However they will give me money if I sign over the proprietary rights and any blueprints. They said, "Don't worry, we know you can remember only so much and there's a few hundred pages of blueprints there. Even without the blueprints were sure we could reverse engineer your mediocre level of scientific engineering comprehension. In any event we will give you 500 million for a technology that would be worth multi billions to any government. It could have military applications. Also it could be made into an app, say, if you realize you forgot something yesterday, you could send a text to yourself in the past so that you would have remembered it. But the Watchers, grey aliens might say that this technology breaks certain galactic laws like The Prime Directive and it would be forbidden to release it."

The grandfather paradox. If one goes back in time and does something, they might change the future/ present moment into something unrecognizable. That's only if the action any human consciousness. If it goes below the threshold of human consciousness. The technology would be applied to the background of computer programs, to correct something in the command prompt which would be below the radar of human perception. The command prompt is like the foundations for a building or a primer coat for many coats of paint. Electro retro-causal tech would be used to autocorrect subtle glitches in a command prompt. Of course it would be limited to a few milliseconds into the past which would be below human perception, however a few milliseconds is like a lifetime in nanotechnologies. A few milliseconds is a few billion lengths of Planck time. This might be applied to medical technology, operating room machines.
It would work seamlessly. Timeline 1, a glitch is detected. The retrocausal technology would send an auto correct signal a few milliseconds back in time, resulting in timeline 2, a new future where no glitch is detected, hence no auto correct signal would be sent, either would result in a future where no glitch was perceived. Again, just theory. Imagination.
Perception shapes belief, belief shapes perception. Perception is shaped from the solid, non-teleportational, non-holographic physics of this dimension.
Religion is a mystification science. Science is the demystification of religion.

This is me, rich and at an airport at 3 am, drinking energy drinks and playing app video games on my 5GB RAM tablet. It was pricey but I could afford it. I am traveling with my new beautiful girlfriend. She is Asian and around my age. I don't know about marriage, but I'll stay with her for as long as I can.
Now, a few weeks later, I am at a noodle stand in Thailand eating rice with liver and onions at a noodle stand. My girlfriend is there too. And in another few weeks after this, I will be in London England where I plan to move to live in downtown London.

The End

The Dalek from Doctor Who is a time traveler. "Exterminate! Exterminate!"


Tile Mate makes travel bag with built-in chicken wire. A Faraday cage. Or else a shoplifting bag.

I recently tried truffles via truffle oil in aioli with fries. Truffles tastes like regular raw crimini mushrooms and steak well cooked with crispy carmelized edges. A rich earthy mushroom taste. I can see the appeal. But it's overpriced. Real truffles is to truffle oil what real wasabi root is to common wasabi paste found at regular sushi places. However, it's good enough.

"Oh no, not again. It hurts so good, I don't understand. Infatuation." Rod Stewart

I still get crushes but have infatuation with ladies. It reminds me of when I was a teenager. Infatuation feels good but also hurts. What if I don't get her? Some infatuation is stronger than others. So much so I wonder if it's a wave of inner voices telling me something. If she's token, my heart would be broken, I mean, if she's taken, my heart would be breakin'. I don't like to act without information. Wellington beat Napoleon but when it came to getting advance information. Wellington wrote letters to a lady but didn't get enough information about her. He was getting catfished. It turns out she was a homely looking lady. Maybe some people don't mind that. I knew some people who had a talent about getting advance information. Infatuation without advance information is a type of mental devastation. "Don't go with her, she's taken." he used to advise people. I like a few ladies in this town. They might all be taken. Life is hopeless. Or they may not be. So there is some hope.
Not to be Captain Obvious about it, a few years ago, a Native lady, a shaman on some level, told me that I'd be old and be surrounded with my children and grandchildren. I'm nearly 50. Would the window on that be closing? Anyways, that means the lady who would be the future mother of my children walks the Earth now. It wouldn't be like she's not born yet. What, a wife 50 years my junior? Uh, no. She is around somewhere. "Somewhere out there, beneath the pale moon light..." Fievel Goes West
Ironically, of all people to say that, two members of the gay community who never met each other and years apart, said to me that one day I will be a grandfather with grandchildren around me. That's the last thing I thought someone like that would say, I thought they might have hissed something like the Everclear beauty cream ad. 'Everclear, get clear, stay clear.' "Everqueer, get queer, stay queer." It surprised me when I heard them saying that.


Me and my sweetness. The sweetness of Beebs.

The television is psychic. I thought of doing a growing tree montage for an opening scene of an upcoming cartoon. I saw someone else do it on a TV show. I thought of doing white line superimposed onto blue lines. Someone else did that on a TV show I saw. Then I thought of doing a outer space, a hole ripping in the center of it, a space folding ship passes through it and the hole closes. A video game app did something like that. It seems that media is ripping ideas right out of my mind. Or it is coincidence?
When Francis Dolarhyde first saw the painting of the Great Red Dragon and the Woman clothed with the sun, he felt that William Blake had peeked into his ear and looked right into his brain.
“The picture had stunned him the first time he saw it. Never before had he seen anything that approached his graphic thought. He felt that Blake must have peeked in his ear and seen the Red Dragon”.Red Dragon, Thomas Harris

Luke Perry was on Beverly Hills 90210. I didn't watch that show. I remember Luke Perry as the Reverend Jeremiah Cloutier on Oz who was finally walled up like Edgar Allen Poe's The Black Cat or else the Cask of Amontillado. A great actor. RIP

Sunday, February 3, 2019

New Tablet February 2019

Saturday February 2, 2019: I got a new tablet. Samsung Galaxy Tab A6. Pros: runs android 5.1. Light weight. Cons: Small size makes eyes blurry. Only 8gb int storage. Now I think I could exchange it for another tablet, 8" 16gb int storage but runs android 4.0. Google play reports 0.3% of users use ice cream sandwich as their operating system. The larger screen size and larger memory might do it for me.
Sunday, February 3, 2019: I swapped the other tablet at the pawn store for this one. The other tablet runs 4.4.1 which means Zen pinball which works on 4.3 or higher works. All the Lego games can be installed too on this one, I checked. I did need a tablet only for pinball and racing and Lego games. The one I got today is an 8" Samsung GT-N5110.
Bad news: it seems that Zaccaria Pinball is no longer available on android. What a tragedy.

Today, Monday February 4, I saw online photos of white tattoos. This is a good one. White tattoos look good under blacklight.


Venezuela is the Syria of South America. Once prosperous, it has since fallen on evil days and has greatly deteriorated. Just like with Pinochet and Allende in Chile, America will install another puppet, Guiado who will replace Maduro. The States is deploying troops there. So it seems, not without a civil war first.
After Pres Hugo Chavez's death there was a power vacuum, and with the confusion in the UK with Brexit, the Russians were more easily able to install a puppet. But now the British/Americans are right in there like a dirty shirt, NGOs, Nabobs, all of them after Venezuela's oil resources.
Either Maduro is an American puppet who turned against America or else he's a Russian puppet. Saddam Hussein was an American puppet who turned against the Americans. The way it works is you cant be a head of state of any country including China and the US without being either a British or a Russian puppet. Guiado is obviously an American puppet, Our Man In Havana. According to internet articles, Russia backs Maduro, so there you go.
Say what you will about Russia but at least Putin didn't withhold paying his government employees in some harebrained attempt to build a wall. You don't see Putin fervently wanting to put up a wall along the Donbass region of Ukraine and unlike with the US and Mexico those two principalities are actually actively at war or at least in conflict status. Maybe it has to do with all that Chernobyl radiation in the region that will take 90,000 years to dissipate. The Russians already annexed Crimea.
The President of the US was always traditionally a British puppet according to David Icke. However now with all the strange News on television, the President of the US might be a Russian mole... nah!
The World's highest waterfall is Angel Falls in Venezuela.


Happy Chinese New Year. I once had great potential but I fucked up my life. My CNY message: Once, my Chinese landlord said to me, "You're too Western for Asian people and too Asian for Western people." I wish I said to him, "After making a statement like that, you owe it to me to use the Triad connections you always talk about and get me 4 papers of China White heroin. Difficult is one thing. Impossible is another." The News said Vancouver's real estate has declined a whopping 40%. Vancouver's real estate has always been artificially inflated with Chinese speculation and this massive real estate boycott is a passive aggressive response to the detainment of someone whose brand I want to one day get a large tablet from, Roi Way, a 5GB RAM tablet.

The Chinese have forsaken me. Or they think I forsaken them. At this point, I'm not sure. My luck with Chinese women In this town has been atrocious. So much so that I wonder if I wouldn't be just as well off if I just give up on life altogether and end my life with heroin overdose. Death before dishonour. I'm in the wrong town. I never speak the language. So much for being Chinese. It was a Chinese family that didn't provide me with a birth certificate. Maybe I would've had better luck, maybe I would've gotten a fair shake with a White family or a Black one. February is Black history month.
A father, a stepsibling, you need a birth certificate to prove. A stepmother, you don't. It used to be that rarely ever would porno videos with the word step mom in the title appear. Now it seems to be standard issue,as that is every other one. What were once vices are now habits. Disturbingly, pop up ads that appear in videos say, 'Your stepmother is going to make you beg for it'. Sometimes, even 'Your stepsister is going to make you beg for it.' However, I will get to that in a minute. Is that what's supposed to pass as culture?
'Your stepmom is going to make you beg for it.' What. From the grave? I'm not sure that she's alive.
I've watched a few stepmom videos. In a parallel universe if I didn't have a stepmother who is, was, very cruel and mean.
The video is about someone else getting it on with a pretend stepmother. The video wouldnt be about me. One porno video had a message: We use fresh faced young guys in their 20s fucking grannies, not older guys pretending to be young. First of all, that wouldnt be an issue as all guys who watch heterosexual porn don't notice the guys at all. As I said to my girlfriend, when I look at porno I don't think of that guy getting it on with that lady, I think of me getting it on with her. The guy is merely a proxy.
Mark Dice did a YouTube video about how some guys are actually, not fantasy, getting it on with their real mothers which another level from nonconsanguinal stepmother.
Seriously, if I had a green light, a carte blanche, a hallway pass with my stepmother, would I do it? I don't know. It might heal decades old tensions. If we registered into a hotel, we would have to use aliases. Well, that's insane.
"I'm up for it if you are." Hugh Grant, Bridget Jones and the Edge of Reason
I'd love a chance at a 75 year old Asian lady, any Asian lady.
The problem with getting it on with the stepmother all the time is variety is still the spice of life. I'm always moving my goalposts.

At one time, over 20 years ago, my mind wandered and I spoke to my old Chinese landlord about getting it on with my non uterine half sister like Lord Byron did as revenge against my father, or adoptive father as the case may be. The jury's still out, no birth certificate. Just when you thought you knew someone. His reply was, "You shouldn't get it on with your half sister as an act of revenge against your father. If you do it you should do it for the right reason because you love her." Now that's utterly twisted. That reply was at least as twisted as what I had just said if not more. I wasn't thinking of really doing it at all for any reason, even that. Half-blood sister? That'd be wretched.
'Incest is best.' 'Incest. It's a game the whole family can play.' 'Can't keep it in your pants? Keep it in the family.' Now it'd be one thing for me to write this doggerel tripe if I was living with my family but I'm on a different dynamic. I haven't seen them at all in almost 20 years. Would my parents even still be alive? I don't know. My parents die and I don't know. That gives you an idea of the weird fake rip-off family I was in.

All this is an issue only because I'm alive. If I modified my existence with a heroin overdose, all this would be irrelevant. My old problems would be like a pile of clothes on the floor that I walk away from. My friend Mark Roy didn't even come up with half the answers I did but he got an early reprieve. His life was loserful but he was able to die young of a heroin overdose. I wish I got an early reprieve like he did. That's better than doing a lot of good art and good writing and then getting no money for it. I need to find a heroin connection so that option will always be on the table.
"Human conditioning is quickly shrugged off in the second state." Robert Monroe

If I was white and I met a fuck up burnout who was always so nonplussed, so disillusioned and disenchanted, so dissipated and excoriated about White culture, I'd want them deported too or at the very least, I'd think about it.
Some politicians in the States are getting flack for something previously thought of as a stock joke. Wearing blackface. Eddie Murphy wore white face when he was Ron White someone who masquerades as White to examine White privilege.
How could Chinese people be Christians? How could they follow a religion that doesn't mention them even indirectly. It doesnt exactly mention Native people even indirectly either. In that mythology anthology, they are cultural non-entities. How could the Chinese follow a religion that doesn't mention them? That's insane. All cultures have a sleazy empire builder mentality about them and they will try to coopt as many people as they can into their weird shit, and crackers are no exception.
Al Jolson made a career from appearing in black face. What. Are they going to dig him up and censure him too? Blackface is bad, running for politics is bad, but put them together like Reese's and you got super bad. I'll see you blackface and I'll raise you purple punk rock Mohawk.
The famous meeting between PM Stephen Harper and Gary Bettman.
Gary Bettman: No Canadian team won the Stanley Cup under my watch, I mean, under your watch.
PM Stephen Harper: You're an asshole, Gary. To quote Deadpool, 'What's your superpower, cultural appropriation?

Sunday, February 10, 2019


TUBI TV app, Android. Recommended highly. 💯 stars out of 5.

I had a black guinea pig called Herbessa. I loved her more than I love life itself.

I uninstalled a lot of apps. It got to be at the point of level up this, level up that, level up 27 things simultaneously; a juggling act, level up 150 characters, not only that, level up 5 aspects of each character. What a Byzantine conundrum. And the weird inflationary pricing tier. Walking Dead No Mans Land, level 13 to 14, 900,000 credits. Level 14 to 15, 1,250,000 credits per thing to level up, trading grounds, workshop, farms, supplies tents, council, mission car, crate producer, etc. It's like paying $10 for a meal, then $20, then $40, then $70, etc. Anything in life too difficult isn't with doing at all. For me, that would include life itself. Life is only worth so much. The value of life is finite because the nature of life is finite.
"A faint heart never won a lady fair. I would climb a mountain to get her." I wouldnt. Anything too difficult isn't worth doing at all. I would even extend that to say better not to live at all than to live a life that's too difficult. I would throw away my life if it ever gets too difficult. I'm certainly not someone who thinks, "I have to live at all costs." Uh, Death before dishonour.
DC Injustice 1 is good when it comes to that. Promotions from elite level 1 to 7, each level costs the same. No weird inflation. No ongoing weird pricing tiers.
It's the same principle behind the Doherty Threshold. If a computer takes more than.44 of a second to respond, people would lose interest. If it takes 20,000 points and two hours to level up, that's fine. Once it gets to be 2 million points and then wait two days, uh, no thanks. These apps and their self disincentiving level up algorithms.

I recommend Mario Run from the actual Nintendo Corp not a knockoff Mario Bros. Highly recommended. I paid the $14 for the complete game, also I registered for an account with the app which includes online play. Only recently I registered for the online play with DC Injustice. Is it ever worth it. Oodles of extra prizes.

The Godfather. "Leave the gun. Take the canoli." "A lawyer with a briefcase can steal more money than a hundred men with guns." This app is recommended. Interesting level up of buildings. Pvp battles. Very generous prizes awarded often. Beautiful graphics.
Strange but true. When I first heard on the News years ago that Mario Puzo died, at that very moment, I was holding in my hand a Sicilian Chef brand black handled paring knife. -I'm keeping score!

The Hindus invented the game of Snakes & Ladders. Something good could happen to someone, something bad could happen. Zamfiru Tumarkin Lawyers, "We're in your corner!"
In the cosmic equation of checks and balances, the grass is never greener on the other side. One is only ever trading one set of advantages and disadvantages over another. Loser or player, one is only ever trading one set of worries over another. No one wins under the grim nonteleportational physics of this dimension.

Life as it is, is only just barely worth living. If I had a chance to quit life, I would.


On another note entirely, I saw on the credits for Deadpool, the name Don Lew. Don is another person I met in high school. He was like Bruce Lee. He does stunts for Hollywood like my friend Giles Chin. They were some Chinese athlete guys from the Britannia High School Library Community Centre area who got hired to work in Hollywood. Giles told me he got paid $1,500 an hour as a stuntman. Don probably gets that too. Don was an influence. Don was in Birth of the Dragon. Compared with Don, I fucked up my life. I never worked in Hollywood. I lived in Thailand for about a year, all told. I did cartoons and art and writing for the internet but that never got me anywhere. Useless vectors.
I had quite a few dreams of Bruce Lee. In one dream he was riding a blue Ninja style sleek modern motorcycle down the streets of Hawaii. In another, he was teaching a Malaysian old man, the one who was with him in Thailand in The Big Boss, wearing a white shirt. That's the one! He must have been an important person. As he was teaching the old man, Bruce Lee said to him, " You suck, but you don't suck." In another, he had a big brown sewn on patch over one knee of jeans he was wearing.
That move in Deadpool when Deadpool crescent kicks the chopped off head like a soccer ball, that had to be Don as a stunt double in the Deadpool suit because that's his signature move I remember from high school. He taught me that move. I never met Bruce Lee but I did meet Don Lew, and that's not bad! If Don knew about my life I think he would be profoundly disappointed and rather non-plussed.
Between Jerry Agala and Don Lew and Chad the kidnapper, what a motley crew of high school alumneses I have.


"First he wants an Gomery without an investigation, now he wants an investigation without Gomery." PM Stephen Harper

SNC Lavalin is like the Paul Martin AdScam on steroids. SNC Lavalin had extensive dealings with Libya but when the government was to investigate them, they were held back. This case even extends to SNC Lavalinnhaving helped the sons of Gaddhaffi escape to Mexico during the turmoil in Libya that deposed Gaddhaffi. Hua Wei never took dealings with a nation under sanctions to that level! Jody Wilson-Raybould resigned because of this. She wanted to prevent SNC Lavalin from using a clause, a loophole in the law that would prevent the government from investigating them. Jody Wilson-Raybould is kind of a big deal. She's the daughter of the Grand Native Chief of all Canada, Canadian Native Royalty, as it were. Anyways, SNC Lavalin gets the white glove treatment while Hua Wei is getting no preferential treatment for doing the exact same goddamned thing. Dealing with a banned, sanctioned, terrorist rogue nation. From what I understand of it, this is it in a nutshell. I'm keeping score! Ad absurdio.
Is it usual for lawyers to speak when they're bound under attorney client privelege? Are they known for doing that? #NonDisclosureAgreement The case is before the courts. And in this case, the PM is the client. He has to waive attorney client privelege for her to speak. The Honourable Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould doesn't have to say fuck all unless its during an in-camera session in court. That's Law 101. Why is the media pushing the notion she should talk? Would she be legally required to discuss it publicly? Actually quite the opposite, in this case. Trudeau is passing the buck for these SNC related resignations as of late from the PMO.
The latest: For her efforts, Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould and Minister Jane Philpott; Electra Woman and Dyna-Girl, got kicked out of caucus. Will they run as independents or hop the fence and join the Conservatives? Conservative Minister Lisa Raitt seems to be a good friend to Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould and Minister Jane Philpott. Or should I say ex-Ministers? I don't see them joining the NDP. The NDP haven't a snowballs chance in hell to be the federal governing power. I mean historically; were they ever? The NDP is a vote splitting party, a technology implemented to prevent the chances of a majority government as part of colonial suppression. So much so that I think Tommy Douglas wasn't a communist as much as he was an MI-6 agent.
The present furor in the Canadian Parliament seems placid next to political tempest in the UK that is Brexit, which is a tougher row to hoe.
Hedy Fry had Jody Wilson-Raybould's old job as the MP of Granville Street Vancouver. Dr Hedy Fry retweeted a tweet that said if a male MP did the same thing they'd be booted out faster. In essence towing the party line and agreeing with the Leader. Most Liberal MPs are on Trudeau's side, as is to be expected.
I doubt that SNC Lavalin would ruin Justin Trudeau's Prime Ministership. SNC is a big company, but would it be Canada's biggest company? SNC Lavalin's annual revenue is $9 billion dollars. McDonalds Canada's annual revenue is $22 billion dollars. Royal Bank of Canada's annual revenue is $12.4 billion. In the grand scheme of things, SNC Lavalin is a medium sized company but with a big amount of press coverage attached to it.
Electra Woman and Dyna Girl are no longer Cabinet Ministers with portfolios but they're still sitting Liberal MPs. They have so much ahead of them. Bright future.
I'm 100% going to vote for PM Justin Trudeau's in the next election. For the monumental and miraculous task of legalizing marijuana, promise made, promise kept, for that, for sure, I'll vote for Trudeau again. But would just one vote make a difference?

100 Canadian tourists stranded in Haiti unable to leave hotel. Violence increasing. Owen Wilson, No Escape. They need a military escort. Helicopter on top of hotel like Saigon in 1975 when people were evacuated off the roof of the American Embassy. What a shit show. "What's the difference between No Escape and Haiti? In No Escape, the dacoits weren't all coked up like they are in Haiti. All Canadians at the hotel have been evacuated via helicopter. Haitians are fighting oil consortium PetroCaribe over nationalizing their oil rights.