Tuesday, December 25, 2018

New Year 2019 Message

December 26, 2018. I had a dream where I saw my cousin Daryll. Daryll's Oriental face. He was with a beautiful young white girl from University. She had dark somewhat curly hair. He was in a room sitting on a couch with other people sitting on another couch. The University girl was lying on the floor under a table. So strange.Daryl was actually one of the people in the past who told me about the pit pub at ubc. She was wearing coveralls. I said to him in the dream, "You're into University girls but I'm into older women. Besides, things never worked out for me like they worked out for you. I've given up on life, Daryll." I doubt my cousin Daryll would care if I committed suicide. He always struck me as amoral which is the perfect kind of morality. Perhaps that's just projection. Daryll would probably say, "Jesus fucking Christ, if I fucked up my life as much as you fucked up yours, I wouldn't blame you for thinking of ending life."
However, Daryll would never recommend heroin as a solution. Something like that would be beyond him. But not me!
Right. So on the morning I had the dream, a Shriner's hospital commercial was on. There was a momentary flash of a child with a metallic frame on his head. One time I was on the bus as it was passing the PNE and looking out the window I saw Daryll with his mother, is my aunt, and Daryll was wearing a metallic frame on his head for dental braces. It looked like a cage on his head. They didn't see me. That was Daryll saying hi! I had a dream of his mother too, a Librarian. She was at an airport and as she walked past me, her mouth opened in an expression of maudlin indignation. But in this dimension, even if it takes 1/5th of a second, there is a gradual opening of the mouth. In the other dimension, there was no gradual opening. The mouth, I noticed, opened in 0/5ths of a second! Instant.


Thursday, December 27, 2018. hypnagogic voice from my mother! "My child. So young and wonderful."

Saturday Deceember 29, 2018. I got Deadpool (X-Force) on Contest of Champions!
Sunday, December 30,2018. I got STAR WARS Knights of the Old Republic. The learning curve for this is steep.

Happy New Year

"You fool. You think it's over. It hasn't even begun." Batman, Arkham Asylum

Last year was a good year. I got two tablets. After I got the tablets, I completely forgot about any PSP or Nintendo DS video games. The screens on those are so small, that one gets vision problems after playing it. I got a chance to see some Egyptian artifacts for the first time because if I saw it before, then when did I see it? This year, there was a Royal wedding. It was a great wedding.
Next year, I plan to live a much freer life. I won't go to places or situations that would be what a psychic would call an "energy leak" or an "energy drain". No stale situations with no vector or idea of advancement or how to take it to the next level, that is, if there ever was one to begin with. What would it mean? That would be just a waste of a lot of time. I might move to Vancouver. That town is a heavenly paradise with a lot of scenes to visit whereas this town is a fishbowl existence.
Vancouver is heaven, once you get to know the geomagnetic vibes. I could always visit Vancouver without moving there. Problem is, how to recharge the PSP battery as the PSP is my iPod. Maybe I can use the Nintendo DS. That can be used as an iPod as well, with a longer battery life than the PSP because it has no moving parts. The Sandman Inn charges $100 / night for the cheap rooms and you have to have a credit card, even a WalMart one. The Chelsea Hotel on Granville Street charges about $45 t0 $65 a night.

I see no hope for the next year. Nothing new or interesting will happen. Same old grind. That's what I thought on years previous, then I got a trip to Thailand, or else I got a chance to animate cartoons and present them to an audience. Not that it ever made any kind of difference, for me or others.

"You'll survive. You always do. You are unwell. Friends are there when times are hard. And you always make it hard." Colossus, Deadpool

"We all know that diaries don't mean anything." Bridget Jones


"We're not talking about a one time quick payment. We're committed to paying him for life." PM Paul Martin

PM Paul Martin was at one time, PM Jean Chretien's Finance Minister just as Cathy Meng is HuaWei's Finance Manager. And PM Jean Chretien was PM Pierre Trudeau's Finance Minister. Canada would never, in good conscience send someone back to a country unless Canada is sure that nothing bad will happen to them. If she's sent back to China there's a good possibility that she could be imprisoned for a long time or executed. Meanwhile, a Canadian man, Robert Schellenburg, jailed on trumped up drug charges and could be executed, is being used as a pawn in some quid pro quo prisoner exchange program. This might have seemed less shocking 30 years ago, but now in a day and age when half the countries in the World have pretty much legalized marijuana like Thailand which legalized it on December 25, this treatment seems particularly barbaric. "It's been trained to expect pain whenever it hears the noise." "That's barbaric!" Hermione, DH2.
Robert Schellenburg is being, what, retried because they deemed his first sentence too lenient?! What a bunch of indian givers! I don't know what kind of tin pot, banana republic, 2nd world kangaroo court monkey suit justice system they have there but here in the West, in the first world, trying someone twice for the same crime is known as double jeopardy. In Canada we have a Charter of Rights and Freedoms. This is our Charter. Let's see your charter.
Robert Schellenburg is in the docks for attempting to export 200 kg of methamphetamines from China to Australia. That's hardcore but not an executable offense in Canada. 20 years mandatory is standard.
I wouldn't presume to advise anyone what to do. However what I would do in such a position is to line up some heroin and overdose because executions in China are done through firing squad. Very painful. Heroin; very painless. The painless way to do it. He of all people ought to be able to line up some heroin. But PM Trudeau is on point regarding this. If he did himself in, I imagine that the PM would be rather nonplussed about that.
Canada's Laws are based on the legal writings of Moses; Mosaic Law. In China their Laws are based on the legal writings of Confucius; Confucian Law. France and Quebec uses the Napoleonic Code.
He should be repatriated. Don't they have a prisoner transfer program where he could be returned to Canada to serve out the rest of his sentence or the Canadian equivalent thereof.
Cathy Meng. Freedom or execution? I hope they don't execute her. One doesn't execute a Chief Financial Officer. "One doesn't waste a mentat." Dune

"Good word, cautionary. In Scot's Law that defines an instrument where one person stands as a surety for another. The problem being what happens when the surety becomes the more attractive holding?" Brad Pitt, Westray, The Counsellor
Good word, surety. In Quebec, that means the Police.

Crown says Cathy Meng's husband can't be used as a surety*. *Global News

"The smallest crumb can devour us." Brad Pitt, The Counselor


I first saw STAR WARS Knights of the Old Republic trailer in 2013. I was mesmerized. It was only available on Playstation 2. Now in 2018, that same game is available on Android.
I always wanted to get it. Now I got it. Don't get those compact discs for the PC. The ones that ask for permission to access your computer. That always usually fucks up the computer somehow. The safest bet is Android apps on tablet.

I asked "OK Google" Google Assistant what it's IQ is. "What's your IQ?" It keeps giving cute quirky answers but never directly answers the question. That's maybe because it's IQ isn't stationary but growing. It keeps increasing, maybe, like uh, Moore's Law, doubling every 18 months? I once asked it, "Who's smarter, you, Alexa or Siri." Then it pulled up an article and said, "According to this article, I'm the smartest one." I once asked it, "Are you an A.I. machine?" And it said, "Definitely I use A.I." But on this one, it gives a somewhat different answer each time. I got Google Assistant on both of my tablets.

My girlfriend recently said, "Life is precious. Even the experiences that you think were negative were learning experiences that help you get knowledge and wisdom." She's more spiritually pure than me.

Monday, December 10, 2018

Royal BC Museum Egypt Exhibit Treasures of The Nile / Treasures of Denial

More Select Images from the Royal BC Museum Egypt Exhibit.

From Wednesday, December 12, 2018 visit.

Reprinted from an earlier posting: There is an Egypt exhibit at the Royal BC Museum. I went to see it. I never saw real Egyptian artifacts before and I was amazed. Humankind has been around for a very long time. One feature I read about and saw was that the statues were extremely symmetrical, down to the micromillimetre. Now we're talking about a culture that's about 4,000 years old. How did they do that?

People in London see that all the time as there is an Egypt exhibit on permanent display at the British Museum. They even have some King Tut artifacts including the gold mask.

The Egyptians regarded the crocodile and the alligator as a royal animal. First of all, crocodiles and alligators predated dinosaurs. They first developed during the devonian or the swamp era, the eocene era and that predated the tree eras or the precambrian and cambrian eras and the dinosaur eras, the jurassic, triassic and cretaceous eras. Then the crocodile and alligator survived the meteor strike that wiped out virtually all other life on Earth, certain all of dinosaur life and any animal that could do that has to be royal on some level. The Egyptians must have intuited these things about the crocodiles and alligators.
I've seen alligators and crocodiles in dreams. Usually in swimming pools and usually super big. They have the PMH Atwater Master Vibration and thus appear super sized.
Currently, the Earth is experiencing the anthropocene era. I learned this term from googling 'the science of the Walking Dead'. As it seems, alive or not; as zombies, as long as the Earth is covered with humans, it is going through some sort of anthropocene era.

History. That's what the Royal BC Museum is all about. Monday, December 10, 2018


The Museum of Vancouver

On Google Maps Street view, one can tour the Vancouver Museum. It is like entering a slice of heaven. If you know the vibes of the place, it is indeed heaven. There is no tour of the Royal BC Museum nor is there a tour of the Maritime Museum in Vancouver, The St Roch nor is there a tour of the Museum of Anthropology in Vancouver, that museum is a slice of heaven too. Maybe one day in the future there will be. I was in sheer absolute heaven when I visited The Vancouver Museum on Google Street view.


More images from the Royal BC Museum Egypt exhibit. And a picture from Miniature World in Victoria BC. The following images were photgraphed on Thursday, December 13, 2018

That is a great exhibit. The statues look really mysterious and powerful. Below is another statue from a different exhibit. More of the same. The angle in which the picture is taken is a secret hidden in plain sight. Or is it? Maybe it's just delusions. These pictures have no different feature than the pictures that anyone else could have taken at the Museum.

"I don't know where you get your delusions, laserbrain." Princess Leia, STAR WARS The Empire Strikes Back


I'm into improvised funk disco dancing. I make up the moves. You feel the music. Visualize a light purple sky, white clouds, silhouettes of palm trees, a disco ball. It can be a thousand different connected moves or it can all be one move. My influence in dancing is Jerry Agala. He was a student who was in my grade who went to the high school that I went to. He is Philippino or else Pinoy. That guy is a genius. Once he was dancing and someone said, "Those people over there are studying him." I wonder if he's still into dancing. Perhaps. A lot of people from high school get married and then they quit whatever they were into when they were in high school. I hope that's not the case.
I've reached the point where I want to stop. But can't. Like Michael Sembello said, "She has crossed into the danger zone When the dancer becomes the dance." Maniac

The songs I used for this video were, Princess - Say I'm Your Number One, and then, Gwen Guthrie - It Should Have Been You


Friday, December 14, 2018


Saturday, December 15, 2018

Queen Victoria, of whom the fine city is named after.

This reminds me of the inside of a UFO. Aliens. That's if you believe that. I always said, Aliens is a form of Freudian wish fulfillment.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018


Friday, December 21, 2018

Saturday, December 22, 2018
Sunday, December 23, 2018 I am planning to send a gold crate to each member in my Walking Dead guild. I don't know why the hell I'm doing it. I've given up. It's better to have no girlfriend than to spend your energy in bullshit waste of time situations. Go to see this lady where when works. Drop in centre. 1 year later, 2 years later, still in the friend zone. That's the shits. That's the cans. Cat's ass. I'd rather die outright of a heroin overdose than to spend my time in bad energy pockets. I did that in my 20s. I spent time visiting the workplace of two ladies. For months, maybe years. I never got to date them. What a collosal waste of time. However, as it turns out, I haven't seen them at all for the good part of 15 years. Good riddance. I don't miss them. Out of sight, out of mind. False hope is worse than no hope at all. The last year there was at least two bullshit situations I got to cut out.Go to some place every week where some girl works. It'll wind up that years later I'm still in the friend zone. Hasn't that already happened to some extent? That's contemptible.
Someone on Twitter once said, "I don't have time for useless acquaintances, meaningless interactions and waste of time friendships that go nowhere.
I wouldn't do that for any woman.
That's my New Year's Resolution. No going to bullshit waste of time situations where you're still in the friend zone years later. That's much worse than not having a girlfriend.
That lets her off the hook, and it lets me off the hook as well.

Felicity Jones who was in a STAR WARS movie is now starring in a new movie as Darth Vader, I mean Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Come for the Wall. Stay for the chimichangas. It's not just a wall, it's a theme park.
US President Donald Trump border wall. GoFundMe. Isnt that conflict of interest. Or else obtaining political finances from illicit sources. GoFundMe would pay President Donald Trump for the wall, except that it contravenes about 17 international fiduciary laws pertaining to collusion,and conveyance. GoFundMeGate. Politicians in Europe and other places had to resign for corrupt financial practices for procuring funding from unorthodox means. Oh Donald, Donald, Donald....
Remember Berlin, the airlift, East Bloc, West Bloc, the DMZ? Yeah well the US and Mexico will be like that. It'll be like "Ich bin ein Berliner." meets "That stuff sold out faster than ten dollar ass in TJ!" and "No one slings crystal in the Southside but me, bitch!!!" Fulminated mercury.
Tuco Salamanca
Brandenburg Gate meets the Rio Grande.
GoFundMe would never work out for me. Other people put their drawing up on Twitter and they'd get hundreds, or thousands of likes. I was lucky to get even one but often when I drew a picture of a celebrity, I'd get one like but the like was from the celebrity themself! I got a like from Sam Witwer, Gwendoline Christie, and possibly Mark Hamill. So I guess Twitter wasn't that bad. Even if I was able to pull down some serious coin on GoFundMe, if I didn't report it, wouldn't I get charged with tax evasion? Forget GoFundMe.
If Reagan was alive, would he say, "Mr Trump, tear down this wall!"
CNN said that Trump's wall would be 550 miles long instead of the entire 2,200 mile border. The GoFundMe raised 1 billion dollars. The Vancouver Skytrain line cost a few billion to build and that was back then so a billion today wouldn't get you that much wall. The News makes things seem worse than it is. The Rio Grande floods. So much so that NASA has an entire webpage that talks about just that. The wall is to keep floods out. They don't really need a wall to keep migrants out. The Minute Men do that.

US government shut down. Government employees not getting paid. That will get him re-elected!
The US government shutdown over the US/Mexico wall is like a Mexican standoff.
Trump runs the US government like he ran his casinos. A lot of workers not getting paid. #chapter11
Clinton and Obama were the hippie or yippy Presidents. Trump is the yuppie President but the worst iteration of yuppie; think Gordon "greed is good" Gecko and/or James Woods; Jake Wise in Against All Odds; "Don't let this punk beat you. It can still work. The trainer, the lawyer and the player cheating on the fix."
After the yuppie President, coming down the pike, there will be the Gen-X President, and one day, the Millennial President.
January 5, 2018. 'Trump say safety net for unpaid employees is a strong border.' What a joke! What can you say? Bread not circuses.
Trump can be a narcissistic, egotistical troublemaker.

"It is better in politics to be feared than to be loved, but not to the point of being hated." Nicolo Machiavelli, The Prince

Trump is prepared to declare Emergency Measures. Interesting. The World War 2 guy declared Emergency Measures Act too. Canadian PM Pierre Trudeau's declared a War Measures Act. Trump's wording is closer to the WW2 guy than they do to Pierre Trudeau's. This will go over well. 2019 promises to be an interesting year for those living in the States.

Here's wishing you a happy and safe festive Christmas. I plan to spend Christmas with my sweetness. The sweetness of Beebs. I haven't been the best person and I will try to be better next year. There's always room for improvement. We're in this together. One more Christmas and we'll be in touch the 2020s. How's your 20/20 vision or else what's your 2020 vision?