Tuesday, August 22, 2023

August 2023

 Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Coincidence. I saw Heather at the lobby of my hotel. I had gone out and returned. Had I not returned at that time and returned even five minutes later, I would have missed her. 

Today I went to see Dinosaurs of Antarctica at the IMAX theatre. During the Permian era, dinosaurs called the Cryolophosaurus were the primary meat eaters. Tyrannosaurus would come later during the Jurassic and Triassic era.
Cryolophosauruses look like they are permanently wearing a tiara made of bone on top of their head. 
Small mammalian animals called Lystrosaurus were common during the end of the Permian era and after. During the end of the Permian era as glacial caps melted, this created more carbon dioxide and the World temperature rose so much that oceans were the temperature of very warm baths. Much of the land on earth resembled deserts. This caused the great dying which was an extinction event that was even more major than when the asteroid hit the earth killing all dinosaurs. The Great Dying as the movie described was "the mother of all extinction events".
For a brief period after the end of the Permian period and at the beginning of the Triassic Period, Lyatrosaurus were the dominant species on earth because their big feet allowed them to dig small tunnels and caves in the ground to escape any extreme temperatures.
Permian - - - > the great dying - - - > Triassic - - - > Jurassic - - - > Cretaceous - - - - > Chicxulub asteroid kills all dinosaurs - - - > Paleocene - - - > Holocene - - - > present era
Extinction events is called The Great Filter. There would be Moe intelligent technological species in the Universe but many of them have gone through and not survived extinction events which hit all planets from time to time. 

Ever since the time of the dinosaurs, life has always had a lot of violence and trouble. There is an undercurrent of violence and trouble especially on some days at fast food restaurants in the inner city.  This undercurrent of violence and trouble on this planet will go on for millions of years. The cobblestone gasoline alley feeling of trouble that a person gets when they're coming down off cocaine can be felt without doing any cocaine at all. 
Like the famous song said, "This is a life of confusion, wrapped up in trouble, laced in confusion, what are we doing here?" 
Think twice before deciding to reincarnated on this Earth. The terms of life are ghastly. One day you will have to grow old and/or die. Growing old is a decline. Growing old is like being young in reverse just as Autumn and Winter are each other in reverse and Spring and Summer is each other in reverse. 

Today I went to Noodle Box and got something to go.

Then I stayed home all day.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

I met up with Heather. We went around downtown. 

Other than that, I am still working on my Smurf Magical Meadow village. I got new land expansions. It's best to patiently wait for the items needed for land expansions. That way one can gather and accumulate coins from farming and from goldfish bowls. If one pays for the acorns otherwise needed for land expansion, one would suddenly have the land expansion but without the coins needed to get items for the land expansion. 

Much as I love Heather, I don't know if I could be her servant cleaning up her apartment for the next ten years. I don't want to be anyone's servant for the next ten years. 
Heather is a bit of a dullard but so am I or why would I hang around with her? 
In the movie The Banshees of Inisherin, Colm Doherty didn't want to be friends with Padraic Suilleabhain, or else Patrick Sullivan anymore. Colm said he only had so many years left to live and he didn't want his last years to be taken up with hanging around with a dullard like Padraig. 
Colm was a bit of a dullard too evident in his chopping off his fingers or else why would he hang around with Padraic?
I don't want my 50s to be defined by being a servant to a dullard, covering up for laziness, clumsiness and retardation. I hope the friendship between me and Heather ends one day but on the most amicable terms. Be careful what you wish for. 
There is a sweetness to Heather. I do love her very much and I am emotionally linked to her. I want her to be comfortable which is why I work for her. 

That's life. You don't want to be friends with someone who has more problems than you because they'll pull you down to their level. But people who are more fortunate don't want to be friends with you because they think and rightly so that you'll pull them down. It's really difficult to find a friend who is exactly on your level. A friendship where esch other lifts each other up and each walks away feeling happier instead of walking away feeling drained and intellectually and emotionally ripped off. 

PM Justin Trudeau is separating from his wife Sophie Gregoire. This is certainly a shock. I thought they'd be together forever. They seemed to be the model of marital stability. 
PM Justin Trudeau's parents separated. But that was because Margaret Trudeau was a party animal. She partied with the Rolling Stones and others. She was on a different level than Sophie Gregoire. 
No one separates unless they got someone better to go to. Few people separate and are left high and dry. I'm guessing that the PM and his wife each are having affairs. Therefore the separation was mutual. 
PM Justin Trudeau legalized cannabis. That makes up for everything. A lot of people didn't agree with Trudeau freezing the bank accounts of those in the Truckers Convoy and calling the Truckers terrorists. But that's the way it goes in just about all countries. No country tolerates dissidents. Trudeau was doing what was politically natural. 
Hopefully when the Conservatives come to power that they don't repeal cannabis legalization. The cannabis industry brings in a lot of tax revenue. 
But even during Conservative PM Stephen Harper's time, cannabis was more or less ipso facto decriminalized and the Police have more serious issues when it comes to drugs to deal with like hard drugs being the white powder drugs like cocaine, heroine, meth and fentanyl. 
Whatever the story behind this is, it must be a doozy. For a woman to divorce her husband who is a head of State during his term of Office. Head of State is a rock star job. The best hotels, private planes or else flying in first class always etc. That's if she initiated it. 
If he initiated it, it would also be highly unusual as he would be taking a hit on his political reputation. At one time, in the 50s, it would have been really scandalous for anyone to divorce let alone a politician. In this day and age with the suburbanization of neck tats and body tattoos, divorce hardly seems shocking at all. Politicians used to represent stability. Now politicans represent normality of a life of perfect imperfections that all of us go through. 
Will PM Justin Trudeau remarry and when? 

Eckhart Tolle said that a person divides themself when they say, "I love myself." or else, "I don't like myself." Who is the one that likes and who is the one that is liked?

I watched the Whitney Houston based movie I Wanna Dance With Somebody. It was a good movie. It talked about Whitney Houston's life from when she started singing when she was very young to adulthood and then finally she died in a bathtub at a hotel. Her song You Give Good Love is on another level. It's like the song is from another planet and a more heavenly planet. Her first two albums are the best albums. But the first one is the most best and intense. It is Whitney Houston at her youngest in the business and the album cover looks heavenly. That album has great songs. 

Thursday, August 3, 2023

I went to a supermarket today. Then I got a haircut today. Other than that I stayed home. I spend a lot of time at home. 

Growing old and eventually one day dying could be like going to the dentist to get a tooth extracted. It is a somewhat uncomfortable situation but it winds up being not nearly as bad as you thought it would be. 

Friday, August 4, 2023

A good person to ask about God and any questions would be a DTh or a Doctor of Theology which is the highest degree that one could get at a Christian University. A doctor of theology would have unshakeable faith and would know without a doubt that God exists and has some empirical scientific evidence and also logical evidence regarding God's existence. 
I have doubts. I think that life is a product of random forces with the same chaotic elements of danger and trouble that has been on earth since the days of dinosaurs and probably even before that. 
A question in philosophy is "If the senses can be deceived sometimes, why wouldn't they be deceived all the time?" 

The Hollywood SAG or screen actors guild strike is about AI. Studios are thinking of using a person's likeness and image which the studio will own forever and use AI to cast them on as extras. Also AI could be used to write film scripts like Chat GPT is used to write exams at University. 
Comic con won't have superhero actors because the strike stipulates that an actor can't promote their movie work at events because that counts as work and crosses the pocket line. 
I learned all this from Grace Randolph. 
Directing movies is difficult. Stanley Kubrick said, "Directing a movie is like trying to write War and Peace while riding on a bumper car at an amusement park." Could AI direct movies? 
Today is the first day that Studio representatives will meet with leaders of the the SAG.

If AI could write a good book or a good movie that you could wind up liking despite yourself, despite of wanting to not like it, an argument could be made for AI. Writing is an art so it is subjective so that a human or AI could write a book, none better than the other. 

Today, I went to the James Bay Inn and then I walked to the beach and Beacon Hill Park. One of the beaches near Beacon Hill Park has unofficially become a nude beach, like a miniature Wreck Beach. 
When I went there, I saw two naked people there, but they were men. Offsetting. Gross. There were a couple of ladies there but they were wearing bikinis. 

Saturday, August 5, 2023

This morning, on Smurfs Magical Meadow, one of my golden knights just disappeared about 5 minutes after I got it. I already got one golden knight at the Blacksmith's Hut. Then this morning, I got another. I placed them together. Then the app just snapped off, disappeared from the screen. I started it up again and when I did, I noticed that one of the golden knights was gone. This is a caveat emptor. 
I am still willing to try for another golden knight. This app has things that make me want to keep playing it. I am going to get a $20 Google card. Then I can get about 360 magic acorns. 
25 acorns - snow fort
30 acorns - another golden knight 
218 acorns - a land expansion. 
Why do I bother? 
Catastrophic! After paying $12 for 250 magic acorns, and getting the snow fort 25 magic acorns, and two gold and two granite for the golden knight 30 acorns, and upgrading Hefty Smurf's hut to 2 stars, I lost my account. Everytime I signed in, there would be a different Smurf Magical Meadow villages, none of them mine. I logged out, shut down and tried again, each time never getting my village to pop up. The account is corrupted. 
The whole app is corrupted. I'll try again in a few hours. 
Smurf Magical Meadow is gone. Destroyed. Totally 100% unable to log into my old village. This app is dead. I can't log into my Smurfs Magical Meadow village for love or money.
For awhile, my naturally paranoid mind thought that the mafia commandeered my Smurfs Magical Meadow village. Yeah, sure. I don't know about you but everytime I think of the mafia, I'm thinking of the type of people who play Smurfs Magical Meadow. 

Growing old is like getting a tooth extracted at the dentist. I worry and worry beforehand. And on the day, it is a slightly edgy and uncomfortable experience but overall, not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. 

I think I'll be addicted to smoking tobacco and weed for life. Every day. I wonder how I'm going to handle the rest of my life. I don't know if I have what it takes to handle old age and then what happens after that? Nobody knows, really. 

In Vancouver, an 18 year old man was shot and killed by the Police at 5:30 this morning. 
The Police Officer who shot the 18 year old would be grilled by the supervisor. "Tell us exactly what happened. Police departments everywhere are having a strain on their public image after George Floyd." 
The News didn't say his Nationality but if he was White, there probably won't be a riot, but if he was Black, I'm worried that there could be a riot. However, White people in Vancouver will riot when Vancouver doesn't win the Stanley Cup after making it to the 7th game of the Stanley Cup Finals and into overtime too. There probably won't be a Rodney King style riot with stores looted in Vancouver. There aren't that many Black people in Vancouver. 
The 18 year old might have been a tweaker living in a tent at Clinton Park where the shooting happened. He might have been agitated and to avoid a repeat of the incident where Chinese Canadian female RCMP Officer Shaelyn Yang was stabbed and killed by a Korean teeaker living in a tent at a park. 
"We don't want a repeat of the Trenton incident." AI, 2003
The Korean tweaker Jongwon Ham was a film director who had directed a few films in Korea about 20 years ago. 
18 is too young to be a living in a tent at a park and smoking meth. Or is it? I don't know what the World is like these days. 
I hope that the community recovers from this. 

Sunday, August 6, 2023

I wake up in fear yet God always presents me with yet another beautiful day. 
I went to the Presbyterian Church this morning. It is a great place. I love the people at the Church. 
I've been drinking coffee and tea at Church again these last few weeks because for some reason caffeine no longer gives me anxiety. My anxiety has gone only to be downgraded and replaced with a low key fear all the time. But before it was high key fear all the time. 
A really good future for someone who is older like me is to be either a Mayor or if not that, a Minister at Church. I doubt I could be a Minister. I could picture the first words of my very first sermon:

"Hello. I'm Pastor Dean Noble. I want to start with a poem that won me the $100,000 prize for the worst poem ever written in Canadian history. I've since spent that money on cocaine and hookers so I would ask if you could give generously during offering. Anyways, here is the poem. 
"Suicide, baby. That's the way to do it
Get some heroin and get down to it."
Let me assure you that this is the first time and the last time I will ever go off topic as your Minister. 
Now. Turning to Proverbs 18:2."

"A fool takes no pleasure in understanding
But only in expressing his opinion."
Proverbs 18:2

That opening salvo would be enough to get me defrocked. 

Monday, August 7, 2023

Another boring repetitive day in a small fishbowl existence town. All towns eventually become a fishbowl. Existence. With small towns you reach that point in 6 months. With larger cities you reach that point in 2 years. 
I went to Craigdarroch Castle today. Certain music goes well with certain buildings kind of like wine pairings. The Doobie Brothers music goes well with Craigdarroch Castle. 
Didier Lockwood goes well with the Victoria Art Gallery. BB&Q Band's On The Beat goes well with Beckley Manor and Steely Dan the Lost Gaucho including songs like Talking Bout My Home, The Second Arrangement, Kind Spirit, Kulee Baba, and The Bear goes good with the Connections thrift store in Sidney BC. 
The Brother's Johnson - I'll Be Good To You goes good with Columbia Avenue at Sapperton in New Westminster. 
What songs go good with UBC?
All Ray Parker Jr hit songs, Marz - Move It, World Entity - Found That Love, BB&Q Band - On The Beat and Starlette, Fatback - Backstrokin', World's Famous Supreme Team - Hey DJ all go good with UBC. 
Any songs at all made during the 1970s goes good with Dawson Creek, BC. 
Look at the image of the building while listening to the song and there will often be blissful moments. 
Different songs will pair well with different buildings for different people. Building to song pairings are an individual phenomenon. It helps to know the buildings, to have actually visited the building and know it well. 

I went to the grocery store to get some ground beef and also bok choy. It's important to eat some vegetables and not only meat with rice. Vegetables are good for the health of the body. 

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

I went to Fisherman's Wharf. Then I went to a fish store. I visited Dino Lab which is near Fisherman's Wharf. It costs $40 for a one and a half hour tour. Pricey. Dino Lab shows dinosaur fossils. 

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

I went to look for Heather at an appointed time and place. She wasn't there. I was worried. 
I walked to a neighborhood near Christ Church Cathedral. 
Then I saw Heather waiting for me at my apartment building, in the hall. We went to Dollar Store and then to Chinatown the to a pizza restaurant. Both times at the Dollar Store and the Pizza Shop, Heather couldn't figure out how to use her bank card at the cashier. I had to step in and pay not once but twice. I should have known at the pizza shop that it would happen again. She gets in a jam and I have to bail her out. This happens often. The thing with her bank card with the cashier was another blast of retardation which is classic with her. 
I don't know how much longer I could be her friend. Quite honestly, I'd be happier if she wasn't jn my life. Then I have cleaning her apartment twice a week for life to look forward to. Or not. I hope the friendship between us ends one day. She is the source of my anxiety disorder. She doesn't drive her scooter that well and so is constantly running into things like store shelves. Something like that can certainly give anyone an anxiety disorder. 

Thursday, August 10, 2023 

Heather visited me. She stayed at my apartment for awhile. Her place was getting fumigated. 
She visited walking with a walker. She returned some money that I loaned to her. 
Another bad surprise. I was going to go to the Church for an event. But because Heather stayed longer than expected, I missed the Church event. 
On the way back to her apartment, I felt I had to walk with her. She sat down on her walker, facing backwards and asked me to push her. I pushed her but at one point I didn't know there would be a bump at the curb. After crossing the street and about to go up on the curb, there is a lop and the walker fell backwards along that lip and Heather fell down backwards and hit her head on the pavement. I was so scsred that she cracked her head on the pavement. But she didn't. She was fine. But she was heavy to lift up. She weighs about 400 pounds. Some people showed up and checked to see if she was OK and lifted her up. They were helpful people. 
I pushed her back to her apartment but at crosswalks, she got up and walked with her walker. 

Very day, it's some strange blasted retarded surprise. 
On one day, with the cash machine not working. But she did return the money and doing it using a walker which must have been difficult. 
Then the next day her falling backwards. But I did learn something about pushing someone kn a walker. This is a rookies mistake. And then I had the chance to see how  kind and helpful people are in this town when it comes down to the crunch. 

Friday, August 11, 2023

I walked to a neighborhood near the Church. There is an old house connected to a car garage. There must be some history in that house. Although the house is much older, it reminds me of memories of the 60s and 70s. 
There was also an apartment building called Buckingham Major which reminds me of Buckingham Palace. 
Lack of money and travel anxiety stops me from going to London to see Buckingham Palace in real life. 

I'm still smoking weed every day and multiple times a day. 

I also hope that the friendship between Heather and me ends. She gives me an anxiety disorder. She leaves me no good options. Either work for her being a caregiver and servant cleaning her dirty apartment or else just abandon her feeling guilt. But I've worked for her for long enough. I've done that longer than most people would. 

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Woke up feeling fear. I am still chained to Heather. The retarded surprises don't come that often with Heather but when they do, is it ever a doozy. I want to quit the friendship. I think that if I abandon her that she will be unable to clean up after herself and then die. She's not my responsibility. Nurses visit her 7 days a week. If her health gets worse, she'd be brought to a hospital. 
Heather gets a lot of health care. I wonder who she really is. She might be from an importsnt family. 

Anyways, I'm thinking of more or less ending the friendship or at least ending the work. I'd really feel better not having to work for her anymore. 
Thorsten Veblen, Theory of the Leisure Class said that the leisure class is defined by two things, 
1. Conspicuous consumption 
2. Absence of menial labour
Menial labour really does destroy the mental health. 

I have an appointment with her. I am planning to just skip that appointment and go somewhere else to avoid her. I feel scsred that if I avoid an appointment with her that she will die. That's delusional. I doubt she will die. She'll be OK. 
I hope that the friendship between me and her ends but in the most amicable way. 

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Went to the Presbyterian Church. After Church, I drank some coffee. 
Then I walked around. The harbour, the museum, past St Anne's Academy, then through a quite street of downtown to my apartment. 

Monday, August 14, 2023

This morning I got a $15 Google card. I got The Legend of the Golden Turd from the American Dad Apocalypse Soon app. This is usually a $129.99 value sold for $12.99. This deal offers 22,000 Golden Turds. Golden Turds are the premium form of currency in this world building app. Golden Turds can be likened to the golden hemorrhoids of the town of Ashdod mentioned in the Bible. 
A similar deal offers 14,000 Golden Turds for $119.99. 
With the Golden Turds I leveled up 3 Rogers to 5 stars at 2000 Golden Turds each. 
Then I got an extra builder for 2000 Golden Turds. Then I leveled up some characters and got the items needed for a room upgrade for another 1,000 GT's. 

In the afternoon I went to the dentist and got my teeth cleaned. There's no feeling in the world quite like having sickle scalers go up and down through your teeth. 

I then walked around. 

A few days ago, I found a Tommy Hilfiger bathrobe. It smelt wretched when I found it, like moldy sweat. I washed it in the washing machine and it's a nice robe. I think I found it last Friday. 

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Stayed home all day. 

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Heather visited me. 

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Stayed home all day. 

Friday, August 18, 2023

Walked around. 

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Went to get some groceries. 

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Went to the Presbyterian Church. The organist at Church played the hymn Londonderry Air from Henry Coleman. This hymn and others is where the tune for "Oh Danny boy, the pipes the pipes are calling." comes from. 

This week has been just awful for the people of LA Haina, Hawaii. A volcano erupted and on a small island with a population of 10,000, 1,500 are confirmed dead and another 1,500 are missing. 1,400 people died on the Titanic. With 1,500 dead on the small island of LA Haina, it makes this the worst maritime disaster since the Titanic! Well, no actually sometimes 3,000 die on ferries in Southeast Asia but those incidents are under reported. 

Also in BC, wildfires have 30,000 already evacuated are another 30,000 under imminent evacuation orders. The Province is in a State of Emergency although this is active in some parts of the Province and not in others. State of Emergency means
- travel restrictions 
- government controls highways 
- government controls supply lines 
- government controls price fixing
- government workers can commandeer any private vehicles at any time. Although this is not likely to happen. 
Much of BC looks like Silent Hill aka Centralia, Pennsylvania. Silent Hill world, baby! Why go to Silent Hill when Silent Hill can come to you. 

Yellowknife used to be known for sweeping Arctic vistas under tundra skies. Now Yellowknife too is under wildfire evacuation. 
The World is clearly getting worse. At this rate, in 200 years or less, there will be a massive extinction that hasn't been seen since the end of the Permian era. 

Permian - - - > the great dying - - - >  Triassic - - - > Jurassic - - - > Cretaceous - - - - > Chicxulub asteroid kills all dinosaurs - - - > Paleocene - - - > Holocene - - - > present era 

Seeing how the Earth is going to hell in a handbasket climatewise, I'm glad that I never had any children. The more fossil fuels and chemicals from factory smokestacks makes more carbon dioxide in the air. The increase of carbon dioxide is what ended the ice age but what also contributed to the great dying at the end of the Permian era when ocean waters were as hot as a warm bath and all land on Earth was a desert like Tatooine. 
Now a process that is destructive enough in its natural state is being accelerated with synthetic man made means. 

This is why I fear the future. The climate will be just awful and Earth will be wrecked. Give me the 1700s when the climate was otherwise great and all you had to worry about was being hit with musket shot during another battle on a field, no internet and no television or radio, and dying from things like a tooth abscess or most any injury since antibiotics wouldn't be invented until 1927. 
Not all centuries are equal. The 1800s had the Mount Krakatoa eruption and no eruptions in any century since have been that major. 

Monday, August 21, 2023

Stayed home for much of the day. I went out to get some sugar for coffee. I saw a friend who is a cashier at some store or other. I was able to talk with her for a few minutes. She is such a delightful sprite that the talking with her really made me happy. 

I don't go out much. I smoke weed all day now. From morning to night. Weed develops amotivational syndrome. One doesn't want to go out unless there is a good reason and there is an expectation to go there. 

A movie on a Christian channel is about a young girl who says that she saw God walking in the river, walking on the water. This God that she saw was probably anthroponorphic and a out 7 to 8 feet tall. That something the created the Universe is 8 feet tall and looks human and has the Earth has a predominant if not central part of his ongoing concerns and energy is incredible given the scale. 
The Universe could be the petri dish experiment that is the high school project of a Kardashev 7 alien. But that alien has only reached a certain standard or grade and not perfection in his experiment hence an imperfect Universe. And that aliens Universe could likewise be a high school pteri dish experiment of a Kardashev 8 alien and so on and so for quite a few levels and that each of these advanced high Kardashev levels aliens believes in God. That is how powerful God really is. 
With forest fires literally burning people out of house and home, I wonder how much God really is taking care of us. If God is outr insurance policy, how extensive is the coverage? 

Tuesday, August 22, 2023 

I was thinking of watching the movie Barbie. Grace Randolph said that actor Sima Liu said that the script of Barbie was the best script that he's ever read. Grace Randolph agrees after seeing the movie. 
PM Justin Trudeau went to see the movie Barbie with his son and the PM says that he's on Team Barbie. The PM tweeted that on Twitter. 
Video games used to be made after shows. Today shows are made after video games such as Uncharted, The Last of Us and Twisted Metal. 
And Star Wars is an example of action figures made after a movie. Barbie is an example of a movie made after an action figure. Trollz as well. 
Star Wars action figures. I don't know about you but every time I see a movie, I want to get a small plastic figurine of a character in that movie. 
When a person is 8 years old, they might have seen 20 movies that they really remember so getting actions figures of one of twenty movies that you've seen might be a good idea. But when one has seen hundreds if not thousands of movies, it becomes a case of, there are hundreds of movies I've seen and didn't get any action figures of it. What's one more? 
I feel the amotivational syndrome from smoking weed so I don't know if I'll go to the theatre and see Barbie. 

After seeing the success of Barbie, Star Wars decides to release some action figures unseen before in any movie. These action figures each have a very memorable design. Then two years later, a Star Wars movie will be released that portrays the action figures first nought two years ago thus becoming the first movie franchise to make action figures out of a movie and to make a movie out of action figures. Arguably, Star Wars already did that as they usually release the action figures a few months in advance of the next Star Wars movie. 

Meta blocks Canadian News. News is vital for safety. There are categories of News. Forest fire evacuation information is News. Kim Kardashian getting her newest sports car is not News. 
President Benjamin Harrison enacted the Sherman anti trust act to break up the hold of railway robber baron monopolies. The Sherman anti trust act has been replaced with more comprehensive Acts. Is there anti trust when it comes to the giants of Silicon Valley? Who knows. 
Would Meta block News from other countries? News from Canada isn't OK but News from Pakistan is. It probably has something to do with if American based social media companies display Canadian News, it has to pay a fee to the Canadian government. In an effort to waive the fees completely, there is a moratorium on Canadian News. So it would seem that this is a pecuniary or money based decision rather than a cultural or social policy. 
It's a cash grab on the part of the Canadian government. If it was protectionism and monopolization, it would be that non Canadian websites like Meta publishing Canadian News would be illegal. Period. But since its a cash grab its the non Canadian websites publishing of Canadian News is permitted pending financial payments. 
If a person wants Canadian News all they have to do is to go on a Canadian News website. 

I saw the movie Barbie. I was expecting Bertrand Russell earth shaking philosophical revelations about life. I didn't get that. It's a pretty basic story about Barbie who ventures from Barbie Land to the real world and learns some things about how to cope with life in general. Barbie seeks to make Barbie Land equally a matriarch as well as a patriarchy. The movie was all right. Barbie earned over a billion dollars at the box office. The movie has a very wide target audience that includes families and women and girls. 

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Woke up with some fear. I fear a strenuous and tedious future. It's the repetition. Every week seems to be the same. I fear that my life is messed up and I am unsuccessful. And I will never be successful. Successful is successful in the 80s yuppie concept of the word. Successful means living in a nice place, house or condo, have a nice wife and have a nice car like a Mercedes or a BMW. I was never successful in life. 

Do I believe in an ordered and loving universe or else a random and indifferent universe? Appearances tend to make me believe in a random and indifferent universe. 
Random is a concept which is only apparent next to order. Without order to offset it, there would be no randomness. Belief in the random implies belief in order. 
The Universe of God has great intelligence and intricacy. There is the golden mean and there is also the Fibonacci sequence from the smallest atoms to the largest galaxies. 

I honor life and will go on living however despairing life gets. To honor life is to honor God. My life is in God's hands. He has a will and a plan for my life. I am not perfect. 

I went to the cable company and then to Walmart. 
I went to Chinatown to get some curried beef with rice. 
Then I went home. Heather visited. 

When I was in Chinatown, I saw an old 80s BMW at a used BMW dealership. It was a nice burgundy 2 door BMW 325i. It didn't have a license plate on it so it was probably for sale. I looked inside. The interior was atrocious. Scratch marks everywhere. 
The seats looked like they had huge chunks that a very large dog or dinosaur had bitten out. The steering wheel only had a unicolor, black, embossed plastic BMW insignia on it, not the multi color blue and white propeller insignia. The dash board looked unspectacular and underwhelming. An 80s BMW looked cutting edge in its day but compared to modern interiors of cars, 80s BMW interiors look primitive and antiquated.
It would cost thousands to have it restored to looking like new. It was what it was. 
If that was the interior, the motor must need an overhaul. Usually motors have more wear and tear from moving parts than a car interior. 
I don't care about getting an 80s BMW anymore. Maybe I never did. Cars are expensive to maintain. And you have to worry about the bad drivers of the road. Most things, ideally you use them severs hours a day, almost 24, like a television or a computer tablet. The things you don't use, at least they are in the same house if not same room as you. A car is only used less than 2 hours a day on average depending on whether you live in a big city or a small town. The rest of the time, the car is on the streets or in a parkade, unseen. One worries about whether someone would break in to it or steal it. I don't know if cars can still be hot wired like in the old days. Maybe they have a new design. I wonder how many reports the Police department gets of stolen cars. 

The News said that the two leaders of the Wagner PMC were killed in a plane crash. There was a second plane that flew away so they may or may not be killed. 
Yevgeny Prighozin and Dimitry Utkin are reportedly killed in a plane shot down by Russian military forces in a swift decisive Machiavellian strike from Putin himself. 
The United States General might say, "What are the Russians doing killing a leaders of a Russian based PMC?! That's our job!" 
Were they killed by friendly fire or else friendly friendly fire or unfriendly friendly fire? 
So the Chef is dead. He is the most famous chef who died in an explosion since the chef in the movie The Menu, Chef Slovik. 
The Wagner Group  attempted a coup against the Russian military and government in July in the most famous and intense Russian coup event since the storming of the Winter Palace in 1917. 
Tom Cruise did a movie called Valkyrie about a high ranking Germany military officer who rebelled against the leadership and government and attempted a coup during the Second World War. This coup leader was caught and then executed. It seems like we got a little bit of that going on here. 
Are Prighozin and Utkin really dead? If they are, that is major. Really major. I guess there's no more Wagner Group. Since the Wagner Group attempted a coup, the Russian government would hate them and anyone associated with them as much as the British government hated Guy Fawkes and anyone he was associated with. 
This curious infighting has resulted in a bizarre development in the soap opera court intrigues of the Russian-Ukraine conflict. The Wagner Group was supposed to help Russia against Ukraine. Instead this happens. 
The Wagner Group operated within a strange Venn diagram of typical cross military alliances. They were essentially multitasking, fighting Ukraine while simultaneously expediting a coup against Russia. Would that be the same as fighting a two front war? The logistics of that must have been a nightmare. 
Final score:
Russians - 1
Ukrainians - 1
Wagner Group - 0
The Wagner Group was anti Semitic. Was Mossad involved? 
Now that the leader of the Wagner Group is dead, there is now a power vacuum.  
Russia has one less resource of military support available to them in their fight against Ukraine. 
Putin must have been really pissed at the leaders of the Wagner group. Usually he just has his enemies poisoned with neurotoxin. 
The Russians have the black box of that plane. Ukrainians shot down a plane in 2014 and kept the black box refusing to surrender it to international investigators until the UN sent in a team of peacekeepers. It was then that the Ukrainians gave up the black box. 
A movie or TV series eponomously titled PRIGHOZIN should be made with Stellan Skarsgard as Prighozin. 

India landed a craft on the moon. 
I doubt anyone could have gone to the moon. Around the Earth surrounds a sheath sort of like the pericardium is a sheath that surrounds the heart. This sheath that surrounds the Earth is called the Van Allen belt with supercharged radioactive particles so supercharged that the Van Allen belt has a temperature of ten million degrees Celsius. Even a two inch barrier of lead surrounding a spacecraft would weigh thousands of pounds let alone the amount of lead needed to insulate humans aboard a space capsule. 
Probably inanimate objects could go through the Van Allen belt but at 10 million degrees Celsius, wouldn't they all melt? 
Asteroids and meteorites went through the Van Allen belt and landed on Earth. King Tutankhamen was buried with a knife which blade was made of meteorite stone. Meteorite is very heavy. I saw a meteorite at the Vancouver Space Centre st the Museum of Vancouver. It's very heavy and dense. A meteorite stone knife if sharpened, could easily slice through armour and bone. 
A meteorite is older than the Earth itself. A meteor was already solid rock at a time before the Earth solidified. 

Thursday, August 24, 2023

I went to the James Bay Inn and had a mimosa and apple pie. It came to $24 with tips. Mimosa is champagne or else sparkling wine with orange juice. American Dad Apocalypse Soon has the Morning Mimosa tournament. From that tournament I already won 3 nautiluses, a future teller and a Pandora's box. 
I then went to the beach and then to Thrifty Foods. I got a kale and orange juice drink for $6. Kale is a really good source of antioxidants. Antioxidants fight free radicals in the lungs that come from car exhaust fumes and also from smoking. 

Trump got arrested, and processed with inmate number PO1135809. Is that for real? I never thought a US President would be in jail to the point of getting an inmate number. This was a fate that Nixon had otherwise evaded. 
Well, all is not lost for Trump. Brazilian President Lula had formerly spent a few months in prison for a Trumped up financial corruption charge. It would not however be to say that Trump is in prison to whatever extent for a Lulaed up election irregularities charge. 
The United States isn't like Russia. Trump attempted a coup against Joe Biden. However Trump did not share Prighozin's fate. 
Imagine: In order to raise money for his upcoming Presidential bid as well as his legal fees, Donald Trump decides to release a 3 hour podcast that includes him singing and playing 2 songs on the acoustic guitar. Thinking of Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison, he decides to name the podcast Donnie Trump at Fulton County Prison which would be released on CD only in a time when podcasts are usually released on digital streaming only. However less than an hour after the release of the CD, several uploaders already uploaded a few copies of the podcast in YouTube and on other websites. 
Trump got released on bond. So much for the podcast CD. 

The News has a story about a fake Uber driver who tried to abduct a woman on Store St in this town. The News said that the suspect is somewhere between age 20 and 40. That's quite the range. 20 and 40?! Well that certainly narrows it down. 
Between 20 and 40. What next? The suspect was somewhere between the age of 10 and 70. He could have been 10. He could have been 70.

Friday, August 25, 2023

Woke up in fear. I fear the future. I fear life. I also fear death. 
I think I'll have some fear every single day for the rest of my lore which gives me more fear. I think I'm doomed. 

I spite of this, I thank God for being with me even amidst my fears. I don't see God or understand Him. My faith or what little of it I can bring up, faith the size of a mustard seed is what helps me to remember that God is with me. 

The foundation leads to a structure. 
The foundation is a normal city guy, be a person who is religious and has faith. 
The structure is the superhero and adventurer. In life one goes through phases of being either the foundation or the structure. A well developed foundation leads to a good structure. But during the structure phase, one gets burned out and loses touch with some foundational basics. That is when one has to reconnect with the foundation and work on what parts of the foundation one has lost touch with. Then one is, in time, the structure again because that is what one yearns to be. One can go from foundation to structure back to foundation etc etc a few times during their life. 
I am at the foundation again being the normal city guy, and one who yearns for religious guidance. One day, I will be the structure again which is Jedi Knight, Indiana Jones adventurer, Tron future warrior. This is the ideal anyways. Whether or not this is ever the reality....
I might be stuck at the foundational phase for life. 
Joseph Campbell talked about that. The struggle, the arc, the archetype of the hero. George Lucas used this model in the movie Star Wars. Joseph Campbell also said this is a cycle and a person can go through this cycle more than once in life. This happens all the time, a reticent conformist person comes into their own and becomes brilliant at their talents and dreams, artistry, performance, travel and then gets a nervous breakdown or is overwhelmed and then rdverts back to being the ordinary person and then finds their way back to being a hero again. 

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Me and Heather went to the hair salon. Then we went to Tim Hortons. 

I saw the movie the Wrath of Becky. Good movie. Lots of over the top violence and gore. 

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Went to a Chinese Presbyterian Church. Then I went to Chinatown and got a chicken fried rice. I went home the rest of the day.

For a few Sundays in a row, at 4pm, I watch Christ Church Cathedral Evensong Service on their YouTube channel. The music is very beautiful. 

Monday, August 28, 2023

Went to Shoppers to get a Google card. Then I decided to go rogue and get a coffee and a muffin. I got the hamster & turtle and then I got the dog completing the pet collection. I already previously got the white rat, the cat and the Royal flush toilet as the housepets. 
Then I got the premium membership for TJ or TearJerker's casino and spins with the golden premium dice. Etc etc Extra prizes including chests with uniforms and weapons but I never got any weapons or uniforms in any of the chests Iopened so it was a bit of a waste of money. 

Heaven could never be heaven if a person brings their negative attitude or involuntary fear and panic and anxiety with them in the afterlife. I still feel some fear every day. I fear the future. 

I stayed home all day. Again. Smoking weed makes a person stay home. I'm back on the 24 hour a day permastone again. In other words, I've reverted to previous programming. 
There was a thunder and lightning and hail storm today. That's not good going for a walk weather anyways. 

On Sunday, some people were expecting to attend a Taylor Swift themed brunch and/or an ABBA drag queen themed brunch. It looks like someone pulled a swift one on them. 
A Taylor Swift thmed brunch was in Vancouver on Saturday and that happened successfully. 
Taylor is an anagram of Royal-T in other words, royalty. 
Taylor Swift is a great singer. 
ABBA was a great band, one of the best in music history. I once woke to the song Chiquitita playing in my mind and the emotions that were with it made me softly weep tears of joy as I woke up. 

A lot of concepts wouldn't exist at all except as a relative value to offset another relative value. There would be no poor without rich, there would be no young without old, there wouldn't exist a large without a small and vice versa etc etc. 

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

I didn't go out much today if at all. Actually, I went to the beach. I don't know. This is two days later. I already forgot what I did on this day. 

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Went to visit Heather. She wasn't there. I walked to Craigdarroch Castle. I went to Pic A Flick video and got a movie called The Iron Lady. It's a movie about British PM Margaret Thatcher. 

Thursday, August 31, 2023 

Today, I went absolutely crazy and altogether got a $30 Google card and then making a second trip to Shoppers Drug Mart, I got another $15 Google card. 
On American Dad Apocalypse Soon, I got the eagle which I named Sam and I got a Christmas Reindeer which I named Dancer. These were $14.55 each. Then on the second Google card, I got the black cat which I named Herbessa reminding me of my old Guinea pig who's been dead for 23 years now. Mr Bojangles had a dog that died years ago, but he mourns him still. I'm kind of like that with Herbessa. 
These pets are obtained at the ephemeral CIA Yard Sale. This event lasts for only 7 days so I had only a 7 day window to get the eagle, the reindeer and the black cat or else Sam, Dancer and Herbessa. 
Sam the Eagle was a Muppets character and he once said, "I refuse to dignify that question with an answer." 

Today, I also got some Life brand extra strength bismuth salicyclate aka pepto bismol. 
These days, drinking tea and coffee, the tannins are giving me some very fierce acid reflux. Bad but not quite off the charts but still pretty bad. 
Bismuth is an element on the periodic table. And I'm ingesting it. Bismuth is  83 on the periodic table. Lead is 82. 

At Shoppers, I saw a friend of mine who is Catholic. She bought a lottery ticket. Even though she is a Christian, she is into gambling or the lottery which is bad. A perfect Christian has no vices at all. I didn't know she was into gambling, playing the lottery. It shocked me. I thought she was a perfect Christian. The lottery is known as the idiot tax. The odds are one in literally millions in winning. 

American Dad Apocalypse Soon seems like a high quality American app. It doesn't fall apart and lose a lot of your data like Smurfs Village and Smurfs Magical Meadow. On Smurfs Village I lost all my peripheral world such as the grove, the mountaintop, Planet Swoof, the island etc. On Magical Meadow, my entire world has been completely lost. Do that to me once and I never play the app ever again. 
On ADAS, the pets aren't an ephemeral purchase like an afternoon at the zoo or a restaurant meal. This app will be around for years to come although how many, who knows? The pets are a permanent addition to my Rogers House. It's a gift that keeps on giving and the pets pay for themselves after two months. They pay for themselves because their sheer presence grants a resource collecting bonus. Two months of bonus resources and the value thereof would be equal to the initial monetary value of the pets. 
Americans have a different vibe. They have a muscular tension. Americans are very admirable and notable people. I wonder if I could be an American. I have a lot of talents and I value knowledge which is what a lot of Americans are also known for. 
I'd like to visit the United States but I have a checkered past, a hard scrabble youth, so I don't know if I would be admitted into the US. Visiting Vancouver is expensive enough let alone visiting anywhere else. I don't know if I'll ever see the inside of an airplane ever again. 

This is the brain that I have to work with for the rest of my life?! 

Today, a dead seagull is outside my window. 

It is one of the three babies that were born on the roof two buildings away from mine. Seagulls start flying at the 45 day mark but weeks after they start flying, baby seagulls will still stay with their parents nest. 
This baby seagull probably fell off the roof or was anemic from starvation or thirst. Who knows. 

On Friday, September 1 at 5:45 pm, a security guard removed the dead seagull from the roof.