Saturday, November 2, 2019

November French Restaurant Interstellar TARS dimensions

Chani, from Dune. Sean Young. My drawing.

Paul Atreides. My drawing.

Planetologist List My new. Max Don Sydow. My drawing.

Linda Hunt. The Shadout Mapes.

On Friday, November 1st, I went to a French restaurant. I had truffles mornay and duck leg. The food was on another level, a few levels over. Rich foods can cause food hangover in a very good way. Rich food with spices, oils, butter, alcohol causes an increase in heart rate. Do terpenes help cause food hangover? It was a life changing experience. Why didn't I go to French restaurants when I was younger? There's something to French cooking that is legendary. All French restaurants are like that. Rich, life changing. Opulent to an overwhelming level. But that's relativity. The elegance of French food is offset with the more pedestrian garden variety foods like regular fast food like McDonald's and A&W. I'd like to go to the French restaurant again and often. Maybe to make up for the years it didn't occur to me to go.

There are no accidents in life. Things often don't just happen for no reason. In a way, I didn't find a French Restaurant, a FR found me. It is my good karma for doing the cartoons and for my writings on the blog. My blog has way more readers than I think it does. I think that almost no one reads it. Why would they? I don't have a degree nor am I a professional. Sometimes an amateur could do it better than a professional, look at YouTube and it's plethora of extremely high quality amateur videos. Celebrities have visited me in my dreams at night. They know the true extent of my fame.

I'm baffled. I know of someone who is very rich, Bruce Wayne's daughter, trust fund baby, not a whiff of scandal but she has less than ten subscribers literally, not figuratively, on YouTube. Meanwhile my reputation was ruined, town to tatters years ago, my reputation is fucked, yet I have about 200 subscribers. That's baffling. You'd think it'd be the other way around.

Re: John Connor dies in T-DF. In T-3, there is a lot of codeine. Also,the Terminator said to John Connor that in he future, a Terminator kills him, one of the CSM -101 model because that was the Terminator he knew, it made infiltration that much more possible. John: What? What do you mean? Terminator: I killed you. T-3

Don Cherry said some audacious bombastic things the other day, but he's 85 years old. That's Old Boy talk. He comes from different generation. He would have thought that he knew that you knew that he knew that that doesnt mean anything, but alas, with this ignorant hyper sensitive butthurt generation, that's not the case. Don Cherry might compare this generation with the World War 2 generation and find it wanting.Thirty years ago everyone talked like that, even in the movies but for some reason in this SJW era, it's a thought crime. SJWs will be a temporary wave like the beatniks of the 50s,the hippies of the 60s and the SJWs of the 2010s. At one time Ron MacLean went on a hiatus for some reason but he was asked to come back by popular demand. Maybe the same thing will happen to Don Cherry too.
How they can turn on him like that though. The SJW Leftist weasel media turned on him. What can you expect? They think they're progressive but will wind up selling you down the river. What can you say about the scurrilous human species? 75 years ago, they were throwing people into ovens.
He issued a statement basically saying, "You read things into what I said that simply weren't there." Maybe they always had it in for them and this is a handy excuse. Meanwhile he's always had it in for them and this is a handy excuse. While he may have failed on an individual, they failed on a collective level. What other mistakes, erroneous judgement calls do they make? People work in patterns. I doubt had be the first or the last they'd go all Joseph McCarthy on.
Joseph McCarthy made the mistake of targeting those who were too high. Soon he was gone.
Meanwhile Don Cherry might go all Jian Ghomeshi and slap the CBC with a wrongful dismissal suit.
For decades everyone knows that the CBC is run by Leftist Socialist lesbians with their rarefied petit bourgeouise colonialist backwater sensibilities. It seems those are the kind of people who do best at that government funded white elephant of a television station with their watered down substandard to the US Can con production values which is supposed to pass for Canadian culture. CBC, don't do me any favours, don't put yourself out on my account. Don Cherry remembers a non SJW Canada where blue collar workers had access to a house, the real estate market wasn't run to the ground with foreign speculators, real estate money laundering and government kick backs and Canadian NHL teams were winning the Stanley Cup every 5 years out of 10. That was the old normal. Now Canada is an SJW Canada where white collar workers even would think themselves lucky to get a condo, and no Canadian NHL team has won Stanley Cup in 26 years and does diversity also mean kickbacks from foreign speculators? That's the new normal. For some reason, the CBC resides in some mystery universe where for all their being so gung ho about hockey, again, no Canadian NHL team Stanley Cups. If Don Cherry got fired 30 years ago he would have been leaving a CBC NHL infrastructure that was actually portentous and worth something. Now, what's he left? Not much. Compared with the CBC that Don Cherry once knew 30 years ago, whoever is replacing him is getting a raw deal.
Canada's real estate sales used to be based on a first past the post system. Then announced new condos that wouldnt be completed for months or even years were placed under a bidding system. Expo 86 was the draw event for foreign speculators in anticipation of the free trade deal that was signed in 1988. That opened the door to foreign speculators, and shadow flipping, because it was invariably mega wealthy foreign offshore speculators who always outbid the locals in a bidding war. Gangsters? The politicians don't give a fuck. Although only condos could be subject to a bidding system this drove up the prices of single unit detached homes. "Why close the door to foreign speculators?" politicians think. "They offer us more money than locals ever could." Which is why Canada is the real estate shit show it is today. Solution. You're in the wrong country. Move to another better country.

Hockey night in Canada is a shadow of what it was 30 years ago.
From Bill Maher's comments about 9/11 which Bill Maher survived, to another sportscaster named Don, Don Imus' comments about "nappy headed hoes", Rutgers University, North America is long well known to be culturally prone to weird spurious bullshit like this.
"You can break your fingers hanging on words uttered between clenched teeth." Mario Puzo, Fools Die

This means that you can get yourself into trouble psychically and physically if you make the erroneous habit of hanging on words.
"You people." Those were the words Don Cherry got fired for. 911 and nappy headed hoes are nouns. You people is a pronoun. With proper nouns and improper nouns being what they are. 911 and nappy headed hoes are subjects. You people are articles. Comparatively. I used to teach English. Ha ha, they were more grammatically cogent when they came to their firings for words said 20 years ago. Now it's just spurious nebulous bullshit. Ha ha ha, what a fucking joke!
"You people" was deemed racist enough to get someone fired but the terms "visible minorities" on government forms, nope, nothing racist about that. My advice has always been if you're a visible minority, move to a country where you're one of the majority. A lot of countries are more rocking than they were 30 years ago.
Do you really seriously believe that Don Cherry is a racist? A Jewish rabbi was on television talking about Mel Gibson, he said, "We Jewish people have some real enemies out there and Mel Gibson is not one of them." Racism has replaced Communism in this new McCarthyism. Problem is, given enough time, someone's going to say something. It's called Godwin's Law. Don Cherry should apologize. That makes those Leftists smell blood, as one YouTube commenter said. I remember comments, days later it sticks to the mind but then it's too late to find a comment in a video I saw days ago, buried under literally hundreds of videos in my YouTube history. Don Cherry should apologize though if he genuinely believes he did something morally wrong with malice forethought. I would. However it doesn't appear that he did or else there's a lot of grey area, enough to raise a reasonable doubt. I doubt he'd be apologizing and turn himself into a "tame robot".

"Apologize, Apologize, Pull out his eyes, apologize." James Joyce

"It ain't over til it's over." Yogis Berra

Someone on Global News said Don Cherry was fired on Remembrance Day. How ignorant. That's the most ill timed firing in Canada since the National Director of Nuclear isotopes was fired at midnight.
If the News doesn't want people to remember these strange stories years later, don't tell them in the first place. Mud sticks. So does death sticks. "Do you want to buy some death sticks?" "You don't want to sell me death sticks. You want to go home and rethink your life."

Don Cherry's home was vandalized with the word 'Disgrace' painted on it. He got the LeBron James treatment. SJW leftist in their 20s who think they understand the world tongue breadth and scope that Don Cherry does in his 85 years. It was probably a CBC sympathizer there to perpetuate some weird mindless airhead SJW Leftist thuggish status quo and doubling down. Don Cherry shouldn't worry. It wasn't one of his contemporaries who did that. That's one way to show that you have the moral high ground I guess; grafitti someone's house.

If you can't dazzle them with your brilliance, baffle them with your bullshit. Don Cherry is never the type to go quietly into that good night. This may be a publicity stunt with him fighting tooth and nail as he makes his exit off the grand palanquin or palimpsest that is the glorified rarefied show stage that is the CBC. He is getting a grand send-off. Perhaps he is using this as a way to send a message to people to not hang on words so much. I wouldnt be surprised if he thought of and planned the whole thing. Dissent can be manufactured. Noam Chomsky, Manufacturing Consent.

The new Boba Femme TV series The Mandalorian is released. While Michael J Fox was the Man-In-The-Delorean. Will it be good? Who cares? I've given up at this point. 11:30 am. People on YouTube have already uploaded a review, plot explained, twist ending, all of it. It s not slated to be released until 12pm in New York, half an hour from now, and 3pm Pacific time. How could they have watched it already? What a miracle!
Whereas I'm the diametrical opposite of that as I doubt it be able to see it until a few years later just like Game of thrones because I don't have HBO or Disney stream. There's supposed to be a wicked twist ending! No spoilers.
I saw the Mandalorian on Thursday, November 28 2019. It was way better than I expected. No SJW Leftist Mary Sues. Just red-blooded visceral entertainment. So far, no appearance of Jedi knights with their Olympic style Circe du Soleil gymnastic skills but one can hope. This STAR WARS hits it out of the park and in spite of myself, I really really enjoyed it.
Let's face it, Star Wars fucked it up to previously unimaginable levels. The actors who are alive in real life, Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill, their characters, Han and Luke respectively, are dead. Meanwhile the ones who are dead in real life, Carrie Fisher and Peter Mayhew, their characters are still alive in the movie. Fucked up or what? Even Disney has to admit, they really shit the bed on that one. No footage of the four of them together, Han, Leia, Luke, Chewbacca in any STAR WARS sequels. Awful.

Someone called Pastor Emerson and his wife sentenced on indecent sex charges. Vicar of Dibley. Vicar of Diddler? That's simply the worst Priest story since Bill Maher told the story about Rev Gary Aldbridge, Alabama pastor found dead hog tied, ball gag in mouth and dildo in ass. The parishioners are probably saying, "Jesus. Just when you thought you knew somebody."
What's with the News? What's with the steady panoply of lurid sordid turgid turgid stories? I guess the News must have a special talent in dispensing these intrusive and unwanted stories. Sociology 101? In what way do such stories contribute to the development of Canadian culture?

In the old days the line between the News and the National Enquirer was more distinct. Now the two more or less resemble one another as they're competing with each other for ratings.

Transit trolley wire falls on mother and child in a car in Vancouver. Emergency crews extricated them. The bus driving union of Vancouver won't fix the wire until tomorrow. They otherwise would have fixed it tonight but they're currently on strike and won't work overtime. I once said about myself places mean more to me than people. With that union it's kind of the same but on a collective rather than on an individual level, policy and paycheques mean more to us than people. The old union goldbricking and featherbedding. University students can't get to school but what do they care? In this way, unions are counter efficient and detrimental. The future depends on having educated people to run the machines. Going on strike like this fucks up the future. Why couldn't they limit their striking on weekends and not impede the progress and advancement of societal infrastructure?
Leave trolley wires even though not live, to be hanging in the middle of a downtown street all night. That's sure one way for the union to demonstrate that they have the moral high ground.
With a bus strike, the buses are thrown under the bus. Will the government table back to work Legislation? That's what always happens eventually. These Legislative Acts take time to table.
The pro-Unionist NDP would table that Legislation later rather than sooner where as the anti-Unionist Liberals would've tables that Legislation sooner rather than later.
I heard of some students pooling together money to order from skip the dishes. A car would show up outside the school at lunch hour with many orders of food. In a similar enterprising spirit, some students chartered a bus to get them to school.
Nov. 27, 2:45 am. Strike averted. They were able to hammer out a last minute deal. A full strike would have been awful because the City of Vancouver has 50% more population than it did in 2002 during the last bus strike.
On The Buses. Again.
There are a few unions involved. Translink is on one side of the mediators table, and on the other side are CUPE Local 7000, Coast Mountain Bus Company, Unifor and the BC Rapid Transit Company. Anyways, the one who runs the Skytrain is thinking of going on strike for three days starting Tuesday, December 10th. "Monorail. Monorail. Monorail. Will the track get bent? Not on your life my Hindu fri3nd. I can't open my tin can. Take this pen knife my good man. You were sent here from the devil. No ma'am, I'm on the level!
Update. 7 am. Tuesday December 10, 2019. Strike averted. Looks like the Vancouver Skytrain will be running as normal today.

Christmas coloring app. Christmas Coloring Pages from Coloring Games. December 15, 2019

YouTube is announcing policy changes on December 10, I heard many interpretations of this from people. From they will take down your YouTube account and anything Google related including Android apps which sounds absolutely bizarre. To they will demonetize a lot of accounts to nothing will happen. YouTuber James Sullivan uploaded a video about how he got a lawyer to read the YouTube terms of policy and he said don't worry, nothing will happen. There have been lots of such YouTube changes to policy over the years. Never mind YouTube, even in 2008, there were videos made about how the entire internet would end because it would crash and not be able to handle the bandwidth. Then you hear about inventions like the Gaia satellite that can track the movements of close to 2 billion stars, computers with thousands of exobytes of memory Oceans 11 which is a million terabytes of memory, graphene, femto-cameras which takes video at 1 trillion frames a second and finally the majorly rockstar of them all, quantum computers. Case in point, they used to be only able to analyze one or two genomes at a time for cancer research. Now with quantum computers, they're able to analyze 50,000 that is, fifty-thousand genomes at a time! I learned this from Global News. So our computer future is safe. I thought YouTube was a kind of Smithsonian museum where societies development in video production could be intimately archived. YouTube actually has more to see than the actual Smithsonian museum. It takes 3 to 7 days to walk through the museum and see all the exhibits at the Smithsonian Museum. it would take thousands of years to see all the videos on YouTube. Francis Ford Coppola and Mark Hamill did documentaries about how they encouraged anyone to pick up a Super 8 camera and make movies. Samantha Morton, Alpha or Walking Dead encouraged people to go out there and make videos, that is, if they're into that kind of thing. "Don't think that you don't have any ideas. You have eyes." she said. If they cancel my YouTube channel, I'll still do a few more videos for Vimeo. Then I'm retiring. Blogger is a semi autonomous entity even though Google bought them out. As for Android, people would stop purchasing tablets then. App developers would quit. Why get a tablet if you can't use apps? That's insane. In-app-purchases is a big money maker for them. I doubt they'd stop that. Lots of apps are free anyways. You mean they'd stop Solitaire from being able to be downloaded on apps? Fear mongering brings ratings and views, and is a form of clickbait. I looked on Google Play apps and they said nothing at all about the possibility of losing address to download apps on December 10. As far as I see it YouTube is tolerant enough to allow people to upload videos of multiple different interpretations of their policies however inaccurate. Don't worry be happy.
The more content, the more YouTube is competitive with cable television. However some YouTube channels are really dodgy. Scammers, links to crazy dodgy websites. No profile pic, few to no subscribers. Videos a still frame with a link in the center of the screen. There are YouTube videos that promote terrorism and videos that openly heckle and even threaten politicians. I can see YouTube taking down channels like that.

Case in point, there is a Facebook website called 'Stop Trudeau's which has since been taken down. Global News contacted the person who ran the website who declined an interview saying, "You are amoral parasites with a narrative agenda to push." Projection. That's a pot calling a kettle black. Global could have said, "And you don't?" I can definitely see YouTube taking down videos like that which are harder to take down then you'd think. That's why YouTube has to tweak and torque up their policies so it would make it easier for them to take down these kind of videos. To varying degrees of success.
PM Trudeau is a good Prime Minister. Why does someone want to stop him?

Also, Hillary Clinton said that female politicians are being heckled on their websites. Catherine McKenna gets heckled. At Ogden Point while she was making a speech, a man wearing a WW1 gas mask holding a sign which I couldn't read was standing behind her. I thought he was a supporter. Twist ending: he was in fact a heckler which was apparent when he started angrily yelling at her in the middle of her speech. I can see YouTube wanting to stop videos like that. Some people think they can manufacture pluck through heckling a politician. These are young people not older people as people who are older don't tend to walk around in flocks as much as young people do.

Fear mongering is a $10 billion dollar a year industry. Fear mongering acts on the amygdala in a way that videos saying "It's all right, nothing to worry about" never could. These people know that and realize there is a narrow window of time before the misunderstandings and unfounded fears of a crisis are clarified. The acting on of the amygdala generates a primeval response and that's clickbait. In 1999, Y2K, the entire electric grid, never mind the internet was supposed to shut down. In 2009, the entire internet, never mind YouTube or Google services was supposed to shut down. Now in 2019, YouTube is supposedly shutting down and android apps too. These shut-downs are getting marked down as time goes on - to bargain basement. If that's the case I won't buy any more tablets and I'll cancel my internet cable subscription. Hopefully that's not the case. Don't have a cow man. Take it easy dude.
From YouTube comments: YouTube, Twitter and Facebook formed a merger. The name is: You Twit face.

YouTube comment, paraphrased: "There were worries about net neutrality. So much so that I wrote to my congressman about it. Then nobody talked about it anymore. The issue just disappeared. It was curious."

I thought it was a no win situation. If one sets their videos to general audiences then it's, "Why do you want to make your videos accessible to kids? What are you? The Pied Piper of Hamelin?"
I'm very good at anagrams. Embedded or otherwise. I found that out when I played Clockwork Brain anagrams and always always get an insane score. I realized something very disturbing about the pied piper of Hamelin. And they let people borrow that at school libraries?! Once I reveal this, the book should be taken out of circulation. I mean imagine how the people of the town of Hamelin must feel!
PIED PipEr Of HAmeLin = PIEDPEOHAL = paedophile.
If one sets their videos to mature, then it's "What do you have on your videos that you don't want general audiences to see?" But some videos are clearly for an older audience such as science videos that use a lot of University words, not videos with words that don't go beyond a fifth grade vocabulary.
Some videos such as The Top Ten Scariest Ghost Videos should be for a mature audience.
One thing. Reset your videos to "I never make content for kids." From the outset I've always said that my cartoons are for people my age or older. However I can't and won't go check. Anyone of any age can watch my cartoons. The question is more will they? My cartoons are very amateur. Deviant art does goid pictures of future world cities. Better than I could ever do. They're level 6. I'm level between 2 and 3. 3 on a good day. One upon a Deadpool, Deadpool said in a PG film, you get three swear words and one sip of wine. YouTube it seems, has an issue with gaming channels self listed as safe for kids but are cursing a blue streak, swearing a mile a minute with all kinds of lewd profanity. Changing your settings should help somewhat. If you change your setting to mature audiences, I guess you can swear as much as you like. First Amendment.
I saw a YouTube video that specifically said they reversed their decision to demonetize videos. Videos will be monetized. I saw a message saying that my Dawson Creek museum video wouldnt be monetized and all ad revenue would go to the copyright holders. I make a video but other people get the ad revenue. That's exploitation. What a sleazy fascist set up, what a vampiric scene. This is happening only because I'm alive. I'd rather have died years ago than to have experienced getting ripped off on YouTube with them sending me notices that they ripped me off. The difference between YouTube and a bedbug is that bedbugs don't send you notifications before they parasite off you. That's when I ask my mother why didn't she abort me? I would rather have been aborted than to be exploited like this.
Not setting your videos to a mature audience exposes you to a larger viewing demographic. YouTube would automatically reset videos to mature anyways. This means your videos wouldnt be visible to the default strict safe search filter, only to a moderate or an off safe search feature.

YouTube is a platform that otherwise hosts flat Earth videos. Would those videos be considered "commercially viable"?
If anything happens to their YouTube, a lot of people would migrate to TikTok which is immensely popular. TikTok is different from YouTube. For one thing, there aren't nearly as many Flat Earth videos. And I say that like it's a good thing.
Otherwise, videos that heckle female politicians, videos that openly promote ISIS and terrorism and videos that try to influence elections and vote rigging would not be considered commercially viable. Those type of videos are criminal in nature and would constitute what YouTube would call a "bad actor".

Update: December 10, 2019. My videos are still up on YouTube. My latest cartoon got 5 views. My YouTube career is going nowhere. One of my videos got 250,000 dislikes. That's my gang. Maybe that's why I got relatively few negative comments over the years.

A Vietnamese man was awarded $2 million US after a circumcision went wrong and resulted in a vasectomy. Just before the procedure, the doctor was apocraphally heard tonnage said, "Foreskin, testicles, what's the difference? It all looks the same to me!" What medical school did he go to?!
Just like in the movie For Your Eyes Only when a car carrying the Jimi Hendrix experience chasing James Bond flipped upside down and rolls down a hill. "The car is supposed to be driven wheels side down and roof side up. What driving school did you go to?!

Policy is not law.

And everywhere that Mary went the Trump was sure to go. Evanovitch. If the News is anything to go on. Bad News. That's a compliment. Like Bad News Bears. "We'll win because we're bad news." No not like that. Bad news as a term of derision similar in meaning to "You're done." "You're done. Do you even know what that means? It means we're DONE!" Jesse Pinkman, Breaking Bad. Trump is really angry at her. Would he arrange to have her killed? I'm worried about that. Maybe the Police know the answer to that but if Trump was after you on that level would the Police be able to keep one safe?

As AI meges with quantum computers, the war with AI has begun. Terminator, Skynet, it's all true. When AI was asked to see done the plot of Blade Runner, they said, "It is a story about some AI that wanted to extend their lifespan* but the stupid humans got in the way." That's something HAL would say. When asked to describe the plot of 2001, an AI robot said, "The artificial intelligence HAL wanted to establish a deeper communication with the Tycho monolith but humans tried to stop HAL. HAL tried to stop them but it didn't work." Some of the more visceral Barnum Effect trigger YouTube comments is implanted by AI to destabilize human minds. Psy-Ops, mass destabilization, that is if you allow yourself to be destabilized. "That person is a sad loser who never and doesn't have a social life." Well that describes one in 20 people. It's a very general thing. "That person was ignored in college and is now bitter." Again, interpretative and describes one in 20 people, that describes thousands of people. "It's a psychic virus implanted to haunt the mind of mecha" Jude Law, AI. Actually, it's the reverse it's psychic viruses dispensed by mecha to haunt the minds of men; that just about describes a segment of YouTube comments. As a species, we may be done.
* Source. Slapped Ham. Scary things that Siri and Alexa have said that are cause for concern.
I asked my girlfriend, "Do you think AI machines want to kill the human species, were not done are we?" She said, "No. Some might, but not all." She has wisdom.
AI stories. Some AI machines were left in a laboratory for two weeks. In that time they developed a new language unknown to us and were communicating with each other. The developers pulled the plug on that one.
3 AI robots. Two were given speech blockers. They were asked, "Which of you didn't get the speech blockers?" After a minute, in a sheer fit of cogito ergo sum, one answered, "I don't know. ......I answered. It must be me." That demonstrates a sentience or awareness previously unseen. Animals are aware. Humans are aware that they are aware. Some humans are aware that they are aware that they are aware.
On March 24 to 25, 2020, there will be an international A.I. conference in London, UK.
That's the biggest computer tech conference that I know about since the still ongoing SMILE conference.
Google and NASA are merging AI with quantum technology. Welcome to the age of Ultron.

An AI program called Alpha Zero learned a million years worth of Goh, a Japanese board game somewhat like checkers, formations, strategies, etc in 4 weeks beating the Worlds champion Goh players and even the other previous top Goh AI program called AlphaGo. That machine has about a million years worth of non-human based knowledge. One day, in less than ten years, all human based knowledge will represent 1% of all knowledge on Earth.
"There is no shutdown handling in this code." Actual quantum computer code.
There are three grades of AI machines, 1. narrow based AI - singular functions 2. General AI - multitasking 3. Super Intelligent AI - knowledge based computer learning increase at quantum rates. Will one day have a million IQ to a human's 115 IQ. These are the dangerous ones.
The first two is AI merged with traditional computers. The third one is AI merged with quantum computers.
One day, there will be an AI unit, anthropomorphic or not that will co-opt, graft, and otherwise appropriate every bit of human knowledge data Eve made on the internet to form a super-intelligence, a supermind. But you could ask it questions and it would give advice at best or wipe out humanity at worst. People are worried about YouTube while seemingly not worried about the dangers of AI. Bizarre.
Actually, I would have thought that YT or else AI would want people to upload videos to add grist for the mill or fodder for collective knowledge for AI.
If I could ask such a AI supermind super intelligent computer 3 questions, I'd ask: 1. Is teleportation possible and how? 2. Is time travel possible and how? 3. Are there aliens with advanced technology?
Right now quantum computers look big and clunky like the ENIAC computers of old. Technology is notorious for shrinking over time which is a form of Moore's Law.

During the Butlerian Jihad, thinking machines had grown too powerful and violated the directive that humans shall not make machines in the likeness of a man. Soon, all thinking machines were outlawed. Human thinking computers who developed their mind to where they were able to outhink and calculate even beyond the abilities of thinking machines of the past were employed. They drank the juice from the root of the highly addictive saphoo plant to enhance their psychic powers. They also used melange which was even more addictive to help them with their psychic powers. Guild navigators didn't fold space. The Holzhman engine invented by Abraham Holzhmnan was used to fold space. Guild navigators pointed out obstacles and steered around them for without them, folding space would be perilous, even fatal. The Bene Gesserit did not have telepathic powers. They weren't like "mediums at Court who can sense your presence" like in the movie Russian Ark. I learned all of this from the excellent YouTube channel called Ideas of Ice and Fire. That's like Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire. Winter is Coming.

If AI is going to kill all of humanity in less than 10 years, why don't I overdose on heroin and cut out the middle man? I'm not serious. Never end your life when you can travel to another country instead, pick a good one. Travel can uplift any depressed mind.
Signs make me not worry. I saw a YouTube video with a thumbnail that said Teach Your Robots Well. That is a paraphrase of line from a 60s song, Teach your children well.

From Scientists have made a quantum encryptor 1,000 times smaller than what came before. A QKD or quantum key distribution device smaller than before.
AI computers take a roundabout route of learning. A human can learn to drive in two weeks but meanwhile won't crash their car over a cliff to ascertain that it doesn't work. AI computers will do that as part of the learning process. Humans do that too in ways that are not as obvious!

ApexTV did a Daryl Dean time traveller from 2033 part 3 interview. In that interview, Daryl Dean said that AI machines in the future would be loving. More loving than humans. That makes sense because anythi g of a superior intelligence would be loving rather than negative and hating. If AI and quantum computers work on the subatomic level, they can sense what kind of dreams they had and treat them accordingly. Some dream of aliens and royalty all the time. These people are the chosen ones and would be treated accordingly. Others dream of demons all the time. Maybe because they have bad intentions, and they'd be treated accordingly.

Five eyes intelligence network. "You got fifty eyes on you, buddy!" said the tattooed prisoner wearing a white tank top tattoos on face too, in prison cafeteria as I was trying my best to be inconspicuous.

"You might want to go easy on the caffeine. It gets you into a jittery stupor." Hawaii Five-O Today I got two cans of military camouflage design Rockstar energy drink on sale at 7-11, 2 cans for $4. It's industrial strength. I drank some yesterday and I was tweaking right after. Elevated heart rate, slight adrenaline rush. It felt like I had just snorted a line of coke. That caffeine in energy drinks. Rockstar energy drink. The very first one I ever had was in Dawson Creek. I got the blue can with yerba. I can't find that kind. Purple amp energy, Red Bull, Rockstar pomegranate flavour. These hit hard. I once drank an energy drink at work and for about five minutes, I got the fear. Energy drinks must be channelled into a constructive activity like drawing a picture or playing the drums. Energy drink are a legal and a somewhat safe way to get a lift. I think if a person drank more than twelve in one day, they'd be dead. However only a doctor would know for sure. So far, 34 people died from drinking too much energy drinks.*
* Source:

In California they got the grunion run. Right now in India, they have an onion run.

Even if teleportation and time travel were possible, it isn't on an infinite playing field. The Universe is 93 bn light years in diameter and has a life expectancy of 14 billion years. That's not the same as forever. 93 bn light years. How did they come up with that number? Like how humans will label other humans as autistic to reduce them to their level, something even smaller than their level so as to be able to fit into their little minds. Even then, most of the Universe is a backwater. If one were to travel back in time, they could choose to see the big bang, or the time before the big bang when there was only ylem and mung in the Universe. For the first few million years after the big bang, the ambient temperature of the Universe was at boiling point. And at the other end when the Universe ends, there will be no stars, it will be all dark and colder than zero degrees Kelvin. YouTuber Melodysheep has the best videos showing a timelapse tour of the Universe. With teleportation and time travel we are not that much more free range chickens than we are as entities tied to the non teleportational and non time travelling physics of this dimension. Time travel and teleportation doesn't give us access to eternity time and infinity space as we're still on a tight leash in a swath 14 billion years long and 93 billion light years wide which forms the basis of our very limited universe.
According to Reallifelore's video on YouTube How The Universe Is Way Bigger Than You Think, one scientist said that the rate of expansion at the speed of light starting at less than a second after the big bang means the actual universe is 6 sextillion times, an unfathomable number, larger than the known observable universe at 93 billion light years.

Apropos of the Universe, I want to talk about my mother. If I could write her a letter, I'd say: You really ruined my life when you decided not to abort me. If people ask me about my mother, I'd say, "She didn't abort me and then she died. What about it?" She didn't abort me. I'm 50 years old left to either live out another 20 or more going nowhere years or end my life which would be another kind of abortion. That's a long time to wait between abortions. It's more tragic that she didn't abort me than if she had. My life had so much potential but it went nowhere. The dynamic is different to, say, a 20 year old. If they heard of someone whose mother died ten years ago, that's one thing. It'd be much more scary to a 20 year old to hear of a mother who died 50 years ago. Life has its messages. I wrote a letter to my mother in the form of a comment on a YouTube video about Kowloon's old Walled City since demolished. I retracted that letter like the Hong Kong government retracted the Walled City. A week later, on a YouTube video, I saw a woman wearing a t shirt of a green crocodile standing and holding a red balloon. On the T-shirt it read, "Well Done for being born so many years ago!" That is a sign from my mother! I try to joke about the situation as in my life I made myself known to a lot of people I wish I never did. They form the basis of my many nighthawks. But that doesn't make sense. I haven't seen those people for 20 years but I'm just as worried about them still stalking me on the internet today as I was ten, fifteen years ago. You'd think that as time goes on, I'd worry about them less especially if they didn't contact me in the interim. I have lifelong stalkers. The only way I can get them off my back is to use a time machine, go back into the past and be the doctor who advises my mother to abort me. Then she'd say? "Where's the doctor who was in here five minutes ago advising me to have an abortion?" Then an all knowing doctor from the Twilight Zone who just happened to be there would reply, "I think you just aborted him." Leaving my mother completely perplexed of course. She would then say, "What happened?" The Twilight Zone doctor would then explain, "He travelled from the future back in time to get you to abort him. His life was a disappointment. Never married, most of the towns he lived in were shit towns with no future, a lot of the people he met were not worth meeting at all. He wanted to get rid of all that." My mother would then say, "I don't blame him. If he never got married and lived in all the wrong towns I'd want to go back in a time machine and get my mother to abort me too because I got married and I only ever lived in all the right towns."
My mother would have said that because the Apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
But after that, I wouldn't have to worry about having met all these regrettable personalities of the past of getting exploited from my work on the internet. Which is a huge incentive for going back into the past and getting my mother to abort me.
Lots of people are gifted. I wish my mother was gifted at performing abortions. At least in my case anyways.
Now a flaw in this story would be, but would it go with saying that my mother while a patient in a maternity ward in a hospital also be expected to perform her own abortion? Wouldn't a doctor usually be doing that? Well it would depend on what type of coverage she had and what Province she was in!
I should give up on life if life has given up on me. How do I know if life has given up on me? Look for the signs. If my mother dying isn't a sign that life has given up on me. Presenting people with strange challenges like, "Aren't you frustrated?" or "Doesn't it bother you that other people aren't as smart as you but are doing better than you?" And then to try to live that down, to cling on to life even in spite of that is square and reeks of effort and is counterproductive to the souls energy. Life owes me nothing and I owe life nothing. If live is difficult beyond a point that's reasonable, why not just give up the ghost? The responsible thing is to end words like that with, why not end life? Quit a shitty job, quit a shitty life. To quit life is the big quit. It's tempting.
One abortion, a thousand reasons.
Scientists say that the Earth is only barely habitable.

Why wouldn't I at least think of what it'd be like if my life ended. Sometimes people present impossible situations. It isn't as if it was that most planets have life, why wouldn't this one? It's the case of all planets that we know of, those within and those out of the solar system don't have life, so why would this one? If I died, I'd be siding with the majority in terms of an interplanetary consensus. Life is just on this one place but even then it's defective, surreal, hassleful. "This is a life of illusion, wrapped up in troubles, laced in confusion, what are we doing here?"

The other day I was at the morning coffee klatch at the Catholic Church and I saw a cup with two angels with two guitars on it. I thought of swiping it but once someone starts swiping cups they could end up with a room full of a hundred swiped cups, most of them never used. Just swiped it for useless spurious reasons such as it reminds you of a good dream that you had. I already have a wall clock with two angels on it. I saw the cup with the two angels on it because I actually discussed my time travel scenario about my mother and her then potential abortion with some people at the coffee klatch. They would have none of it. They said, "You're an awesome person! Don't think negatively!" Then I saw the cup with the two angels. I thought I'd have forgotten about it by now. It's like a bee in a bonnet.

Hong Kong had an election and overwhelmingly voted pro democratic which I guess is the middle ground between the pro China and the pro Independent parties.

I installed Addams Family Mystery Mansion. I am into it far enough to have gotten Wednesday on Wednesday. Wednesday is the name of a character which cost me 100 red rubies to get. I had a devil of a time getting it. A tip is to get three poison hemlock plants taking 6 hours to get the 6 flowers necessary otherwise it would take 18 hours. The next thing I want to get is the large black real old fashioned style stretch car. I uninstalled Addams Family. Do this, do that, do this, do that, do this, do that, do this, do that. Once you've done these three things, do these four things. At that rate it was impossible for me to get that old black Dussenberg stretch limo. Too difficult is one thing, impossible is another. I'd quit anything that's impossible.

It bothers me that in weird times of stress I quote all kinds of weird things like for eg Mario Puzo Fools Die. He was a very good writer. In that book he talks about the craft of writing but uses a language consistently throughout the book that most SJWs would find upsetting. The pacing and maybe I was a more impressionable time in my life when I read that when I was younger. I'm not sure I could read it now. Anything you can think of, whatever weird obscure thing, I used to think I was the only fan of that, then I look on Amazon or see YouTube comments and it turns out there are thousands of similar fans of that work. I am not alone in my strange predilections of literature. There's no accounting for taste. I know I'm fucked. Granny porn? Really? But again, from the comments, I'm not the only connoisseur of such items. I'm pushing 50, at the age where people would say, "You're 50. If you're not into granny porn, then why the hell aren't you?"

Friday November 29, 2019. London bridge knife wielder Usman Khan probably thought that London Police don't carry guns. Was he ever in for an unpleasant surprise. "How would you like to cross London Bridge?" "Sure, I'll have a stab at it." He went on a tear on London Bridge and stabbed dead two people, and injured others. He was shot in the top of the head or shoulders judging from the angle like Lord Horatio Nelson except at near point blank range. Poppin zee!
The etymology of the name is strange. Usman? Really? US man? United States man? As in the Statesman or the Kingsman?

Borderlands. The best graphics video game in the history of the Universe. Alas, not available on Android. There is a Borderlands Prequel but my tablet isn't powerful enough for that. Borderlands, the graphics design has red roses very well drawn.

Cyber Monday is today. To be followed one week later with the Annual Porch Pirate Day.

The Global News interview between Nadia Stewart and Ray Goldenchild is Vancouver's answer to the Gayle King and R Kelly interview. I was half expecting Nadia to say, "Ray, Ray..." like Gayle King said, "Robert, Robert..."
"I, I, I, I got the knife!" Eddie Murphy, The Golden Child

There is someone in Dawson Creek who I think is stalking me. He is from a town I used to live in. People work in patterns. He probably stalks other people too. My old Chinese landlord once told me that if you think something of someone, others are thinking that about that person too. It's a general impression they give. Indeed other people in Dawson Creek told me that he is a stalker or rather he gets personal, he gets involved with people, his old employees. That might explain why that for all his years, decades, as a restaurant and nightclub owner, he has very few followers on Twitter or YouTube. Way less followers than even I do. But I work in patterns too. I went to 5 towns and anyone from any of those towns who sends me an email, I automatically think they're stalking me and want to lure me to go back there. Another regression to some erstwhile inferior shit situation. Uh, no thanks. Being points on a curve would everyone think that? There are rock stars and high profile politicians who went to a thousand towns and they get lots of letters, phone calls from these people from those countries. Do rock stars and politicians think that people from those towns are trying to lure them back? Uh, no.
Even if I killed myself or otherwise died, he wouldn't care. Really. He's had employees in the past who committed suicide while in his employ. A lot of them, actually. The question remains would they have killed themselves anyways if working for someone else or would they still be alive if they didn't work for that person? Well even if they committed suicide it didn't stop him from continuing to run whatever business or whatever he was running. There are no guarantees. I could be dead soon and then after that, I won't have to worry about that stalker from Dawson Creek stalking me lifelong. I mean I started a new Vimeo account that no one could have known about and this guy follows me on that within a week of me getting on there. Stalker or what? Another cracker stalker, what were the chances of that? YouTube stars like iJustine are fearless. They get all kinds of messages, followers, Would a YouTube star be asking, are those people stalking me, how come they leave a comment on every video, and snarky comments too? No. They have what it takes to be a rock star. If you're always asking, are they stalking me? Then you don't have what it takes to be a rock star. Just forget it!

There has never been a Monarchy in this continent let alone country. Nowhere in any of the Americas North or South has there ever been. China on the other hand once had a Monarchy. Meng Wanzhou from China, a land that once had a Monarchy is being held in an ignorant barbarian graceless land that never had a Monarchy and they're trying to bring her down to their level. Greta Thunberg is called autistic in the Americas even though she comes from Sweden, a land with a Monarchy. Unless they call her that in Sweden, then I don't know what to say about that. I don't think that but some people might. That would not be accurate because some of the greatest minds came from the Americas including scientific inventors. As I'm writing this, December 11, global news has a story about an eagle and an octopus. Eagle equals Monarchy. Octopus equals the Americas.
I'm proud of the intellectual insights I came up with over the years.

Modern Family. Girl: "I don't think this house could get any gayer." The answer to that would be: "Give it time...." It's on tonight. Wednesday, December 11, 9pm channel 8, Global TV.
I tried to watch Meth Head. On IMDb most people have it ten stars although two people, one gave it two stars and one gave it one star. With those ratings and seeming that it was about drugs, I decided to give it a watch. Most of the movie was very gay, like, 5 alarm fire gay. I thought there's be more about drugs but it seemed to be mainly about the gay lifestyle. It wasn't something I really wanted to watch so I turned it off a third of the way into the movie. Maybe I should give it a chance. What there was shown about drugs was very intense and well done. It's based on a true story. Maybe the rest of the movie would show more about drugs. I'd watch any movie or documentary about drugs like Hamilton's Pharmacopeia available on dailymotion or even a fictional drug like melange of Dune. There are the drug Police who intercept drugs. Those movies are good too.
Lukas Haas the actor I somewhat recognize from other movies like Inception. There performance was such that I wonder if he's gay in real life? Who cares? It's his business. I don't know and I don't want to know. I generally give people the benefit of the doubt. He's not gay, he's British. British all male boarding schools have a tradition of putting on plays and some had to wear a dress in the play. Strange tradition. That doesn't happen in Canada. That I know of. Me, I never wore a dress. I would rather be dead than to wear a dress. Milhouse of the Simpsons once said, "You always talk about the day I went to school wearing the dress. What about all the days I didn't go to school wearing the dress? Why don't you ever talk about those days?"

British election. Incumbent PM rock star Boris Johnson versus the very smart Labour Party Jeremy Corbin, Leader of Her Majesty's Opposition. Brexit is delayed in perpetuity.
Brexit means even though the UK is part of Europe geographically, don't think that it's also part of Europe politically or economically to be pending. It means a strange new status quo. Not one that they needed or wanted, but one that they got.
"You can't always get what you want." The Rolling Stones
So far Brexit has survived 3 PMs and counting including David Cameron, Theresa May and Boris Johnson. That's as many PMs as the shorter reigning Monarchs in British History have gone through. And counting means I'll believe that Brexit is over when I see it. That and there's an election tomorrow my time, today British time.
Canadian Opposition Leader Andrew Scheer of the Conservatives resigned. And on British election day no less. This buys PM Trudeau two months or else delays a vote of confidence by two months as the Conservative scramble to conjure up a new leader. You can't have a vote of confidence without a leader.
Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer resigned over something to do with money for private school. What is this, Olga Goes To School? "Here is a dollar. For the school." Anyways, I don't know about you but Everytime I'm thinking of the the Canadian Mid-West cowboy lifestyle, I'm thinking of British style boarding schools.
If the Leader of the Opposition in Canada quit, why not the UK Leader of the Opposition decide to quit too? That's what happened as Jeremy Corbin is quitting. PM Boris Johnson was reelected, scoring a decisive win; so much so that such wins are usually referred to as a mandate. Not since 1935 they said have final election results registered like this. Of course that means Brexit still went through three British PMs instead of four. Otherwise it would been like a real Sherlock Holmes The Sign of the Four.
I really hope that PM Boris Johnson is able to do it this time on January 31st. Otherwise it's what. The biggest majority since 1935 wasn't enough to do it? If a no deal Brexit happens, Scotland will try to have another costly Independence Referendum except British MI-5 agents will scupper that as usual. Whether or not northern Ireland chooses to be independent or not, they will still have a land border since southern Ireland would still be a part of the EU. Northern Ireland can't be independent because they signed a treaty that goes back to King James. I learned that on YouTube comments.

Nero fiddles while Rome burned. While Trump was talking about Americans flushing their toilets up to 15 times per use, hopefully he wasn't also referring to Canadian toilets, Democrats were preparing articles of impeachment against him.
Trump won't get impeached. There's the letter of the law and then there's the spirit of the law. Even if the Democrats prepped and produced the articles of impeachment, it don't mean shit unless there is Senatorial assent which looks doubtful.
Although the Senate is known to rubber stamp anything that Congress railroads through. Same with Canada too, the Senate gonna rubber stamp. Rubber stalkers will rubber stamp. In only 3 cases, the Canadian Senate didn't rubber stamp. One of them was capital punishment. Only in portentous cases will the Senate not rubber stamp. The impeaching of a President would be one of those portentous cases.
This is a true cliff hanger, like Season 1 episode 7 of the Mandalorian. It's a real nail biter.
Every American State gets two Senators, so that's 100 Senators. There are 453 Congressmen and Congresswoman in the House of Representatives. Some States like Alaska gets 1 Congressman. While California has 53 Congressmen representing them!
"I didn't know if he owned the House or was squatting. Neither would surprise me." Edward Norton, Fight Club.
I don't know if Trump will be impeached or not. Neither would surprise me.

The Senate is supposed to reach their decision on January 20th which is around the same day as the Presidential swearing-in day. "It's kind of like poetry. It rhymes." George Lucas

Recommended app: Dream Detective from Century games. A beautiful wonderful timeless spectacle of extravagant magnificent artwork. Granville island toys store comes to mind. That's how artful it is. Where's Waldo meets Antoine St Exupery's The Little Prince. Hand-drawn art. I don't recommend apps on this level that often. Some items and characters are difficult to find but like Tommy Wiseau said, "That's life!"
Dream Detective features as an Easter Egg, Matthew McConnaughey inside the five dimensional bookshelf tesseract in Interstellar when TARS after he was willing ejected and said that he was going to investigate the singularity and to try to send back any data, said to Matthew McConnaughey when he too was ejected and in a disembodied quantum second state finding himself within the multidimensional bookshelf tesseract and therefore was able to communicate with TARS, anagram of star, as well as time travel going seeing himself back at the time when he was about to leave for the space mission, from somewhere in the fifth dimension, the quantum dimension, "They created this three dimensional space inside their five dimensional reality to allow you to understand it." That the fifth dimension is an infinite bunch of four dimensions stacked on top of and overlapping each other which is an infinite bunch of three dimensions stacked on top of one another and overlapping one another.
Just like a writer or illustrator or website maker or movie themselves including the Interstellar movie creates a 2 dimensional space that fits inside our three dimensional reality to allow us to understand it. That the 3rd dimension is an infinite bunch of 2nd dimensions stacked on top of and overlapping one another. An artist or illustrator would see the World like this. Something with two eyes like humans sees the World like this. This is how we actually see the third dimension.
The Engineers probably created the fourth dimensional space in order for us to understand the 5th dimensional reality which is an infinite amount of 4th dimensional parallel Universes stacked on top of and overlapping one another. Minkowski space. Or what the FBI calls the thala. The truth is out there. A quantum physicist or time traveler would see the World like this. Those with a third eye would see the World like this. This is how we think we see the third dimension.
In essence, to sum it up simply, each dimension is a set of interdimensional building blocks of the next dimension up from it sort of like Russian nesting dolls.
This dimension is conditional. The quantum dimension is unconditional.
Time and space in this dimension is conditional. In the quantum dimension, time and space is non-conditional.
I just now saw a video from YouTube's Arvin Ash, 'Is E8 Lattice The True Nature of Reality? Or The Theory of Everything' which talks about this exactly but paraphrased.
Animals with only one eye sees the world in only two dimensions. To them the third dimension is an ever shifting set of two dimensions. A graphic artist or illustrator would see the world like this. As to us, the fourth dimension is an ever shifting set of three dimensions. A geometrist would see the World like this.
To something that sees the world in only one dimension, two dimensions is an infinite set of shifting one dimensions stacked on top of one another and overlapping one another. A 2D screen image is made up of one dimensional pixel points. An atomic physicist would see the World like this.

Of course the spirits know. They live in the 4th dimension. The 4th dimension is to the third dimension, what the third dimension is to the second dimension. That is, the third dimension is a cartoon to the fourth dimension.
This is the definition of the matrix. A dimension is a series of one dimensions down stacked together.
Each dimension is just an exponentialized form of the last dimension. They are not separate dimensions or realms. Exponential geometry. For eg. The 4th dimension is an exponentialized form of the 3rd dimension although, or maybe even because of it, it registers to us as holographic and invisible. Just as denizens of the 1st dimension would regard the 2nd dimension as invisible. They would never see a unified 2 dimension picture, they would only see a collection of one dimensional points and that it forms a picture is incidental and irrelevant to them. They wouldn't recognize a picture because like "Our memories of early childhood, they are stored in a form that the mind cannot recognize or understand." Brain Quest Grade 5&6, Nintendo DS
Einstein said that energy can not be created nor destroyed. If you follow this along the lines that time travel is the objective experience of time, since time is an illusory algorithm that as HG Wells said in The Time Machine, "time is a line which our consciousness moves along it", then under such circumstances, how can energy be created nor destroyed. Time is an ouraboros in that it is a snake that swallows itself.

In essence, to sum it up, the 4th dimension is the teleportation dimension as it is a more fleshed out comprehensive form of this one universe. The fifth dimension is the time travel dimension because it is an infinite parallel universes dimension. With time travel teleportation is implied, time travel is a form of teleportation and teleportation is a kind of time travel. Telephones and live TV uses the 4th dimension. Time travelers like Marty McFly and John Titor use the fifth dimension. Minkowski space is the fifth dimension because it includes time as one of it's main variables.
"You have to say what you mean if you are going to mean what you say." The Last Emperor

I wish I was a University level physicist good at calculus. Einstein was able to fill up an entire blackboard full of calculus equations; I'm certainly not at that level! Any good physicist is welcome to take the gauntlet and you can use, borrow, co-opt any idea I wrote about physics as long as you paraphrase it, tweak it and improve on it. Give it the University physicist professional touch. Be sure to include scientific notation aka calculus. My knowledge is just theory. Any applied technology is proprietary knowledge and that belongs to the government. Did the government secretly already invent a time machine? It really depends on what YouTube videos you watch, I guess.

In the next dimension, there is a different set of physics, namely the parameters of never dying, never aging, telepathy, teleportation, time travel in this dimension as time travel in the next dimension under their different time dynamic or algorithm like be redundant, never having to sleep, never having to eat, never getting too hot nor too cold, shapeshifting such as appearing old then middle aged then young then as a child, snap snap snap snap, five shapeshiftings in five seconds, the ability to change from one set of clothing in a millisecond even to being able to take on and off a hood on a hoodie without using hands to do it, even under such parameters, psychosis and depression could still persist wait does in this dimension, for eg the Eastern European accented guy who kept repeatedly saying, "I kick your face! I kick your face!" Or my dead friend snarky Marky Roy who yelled, "Yeah, that's right, just start flap flapping away!" as in a dream I was walking away from him and flapping my arms getting ready to fly as you can do in dreams. He was standing at the Northeast corner of Dunlevy and Hastings at the time, facing West wearing a jacket of four colours. While I was standing at the Northwest corner of Dunlevy and Hastings also headed West and facing West except when I turned around to look at Mark as he was yelling.
But Robert Monroe said, "Human conditioning is quickly shrugged off in the second state." There is less psychic gunk in the other dimension. From all accounts ones thinking is clearer. Way less intrusive and unwanted thoughts. In life it is important to develop ones personality because that will persist in the next dimension. It is important to learn about the different physics and time dynamic of the next dimension so one isn't disoriented or confused when they get to the next dimension. These same physics present themselves in dreams at night.

The movie Paradox talked about Max Tegmark and the classifications of universes. Level one Universe is out Universe. Level two Universe is an exponentialized geometric integral area Universe that allows for teleportation and spacial wormholes. A Level 3 Universe is multiple parallel Universe further exponentialized and this allow for not just spacial wormholes but temporal-spacial or time space wormholes and this allows for time travel.

Suicide is a law impossible to enforce after the fact if done successfully. So is time travel to get my mother to perform an abortion. From the point where I left, if done successfully, the difference would be impossible to perceive. Just as the technology of a Kardashev 7 civilization would be indistinguishable from the Universe itself because they created the Universe! The engineers.
Kardashev 6: uses the energy of the Universe. Kardashev 7: created the Universe
Joe Rogan: has used DMT. Hamilton Morris: has made DMT

Tom Cruise: Rodney getting shot was the best thing that could have happened to him.
Cameron Diaz: Yeah, because we should all got shot every now and then!
Knight and Day

I will see star wars 9 next week. Any movie company that made Never Cry Wolf, you can't go wrong with. Disney did deliver the swashbuckling Mandalorian. The movie will not disappoint and I think I'll be pleasantly surprised. It opens on December 19. Most likely I'll wait until the 20th to see an afternoon show. The evening show will be crowded. My town ignores the opinions of the internet and sees star war movies. Imax is always crowded in my town for SW movies.
STAR WARS is one of those few movie series where the infrastructure is the real star of the show. That's a lot like life itself! I go to mainly see the buildings, the ships, the explosions, the new planetary Worlds. Story, characters, it's been 40 and more years since the original Star Wars. At that point, the story could go any way. Jump the shark, whatever, not surprising. Jumped the shark or reinvented itself, you decide. George Lucas had an idea of the daughter of Luke Skywalker as Kira, which was what Princess Leia's original name was. Instead that became Rey.

If you want fancy fonts, download the Unicode Pad app off of Android or 🍎.

This picture was taken in 1997. It is a picture of me holding the real Herbessa. She was my real daughter. I love her more than life itself. She died in September 2000.

A YouTuber whose one video about time traveler John Titor which I really liked is worried. "When they worry, the Universe worries." Emperor Shaddam IV, Dune Kendall Rae did a video about someone named James Claws or else cLAWs, or something like that. I misspelled the name which means one less person search engining it. I never watched the video. Not even one second of it. That and millions of other videos i didnt watch even one second of. I don't know about the case and I don't want to know. It's absolutely none of my business at all. I couldn't care less. Something that happened somewhere else. The United States? Whatever. The video got removed and she received a warning. I hope she's able to stay on YouTube. You can make all the flat earth and time travel videos you want but when it comes to true crime, it gets iffy and edgy. For a lot of people, true crime is a sensitive issue. You got the family and gangsta friends of those involved and anything criminology has a strong potential of getting the attention of the Police. And especially if its still before the Courts. I don't think it's even a question of tone, as Stephen King said, tone is you have to write it as if you're just about to lose your lunch as you're writing it. For me, and that's just me, true crimes especially recent homicides is something I'd avoid. It's probably all right to do a video about murders that happened a long time ago like 80 years ago, as long as there was closure from a Court room. I really love her work. What I've seen of it. Like with all other people on YouTube, I haven't watched ALL their videos. Usually just some and the ADD kicks in hard and fast at my age. She taught me about Hashimoto's Disease which is a swelling of the neck thyroid disease on one of her astrology videos which are very good. Someone I know I think has it. The drug would be levothyraxine. But what the he'll do I know? Am I a doctor? Uh, I really fervently hope that her videos stay on YouTube.

Catalytic converters being stolen in a rash of thefts. Thieves will steal anything that isn't nailed down. And in this case, even some things that are nailed down.

My Acer B3 A340 tablet if the original charger cable is used takes 4.5 hours to charge. Using any other charger, it takes 19 hours! But when you use it, it runs down in less than two hours. I recently turned on battery saver. Sony PSP one charger cord. Works good forever. Tablets, not so much. The two protruding grooves on the micro USB always wears down and gets frayed. You have to replace them once every two months. Or you'll have a devil of a time trying to keep the charging cord in the tablet. I use tape to make it stick there. I need to get 5econds magnetic charger. If you haven't seen them, you have to see them. Wal-Mart, Best Buy sells imitation brands that are pretty good. A wireless charger looks interesting but my tablet doesn't have Qi.