Monday, February 1, 2021

Febcovidruary 2021


Saturday, February 13, 2021. View from my window.

Garibaldi school in Vancouver has the new variant of Coronavirus. That's the vector in which we're all going to die. I wonder why they have Coronavirus. Could it be because the current policy is not to vaccinate the children yet? No instead of being given Coronavirus vaccine, children are given plenty of ritalin instead.
I thought of just giving up. Rather than dying of Coronavirus which is square, I would opt to die of an overdose and not just any heroin overdose, I would need a speedball. Cocaine heroin mix. I was thinking of going to the downtown Eastside in Vancouver where scoring some up down rock powder is as easy as falling off a log. However I would be just as if not more likely to get the actual Coronavirus vaccine which is currently being dispensed in that bacchanalian, benighted, Hieronymus Boschian neighborhood. It is a good neighborhood. The poorest people are often the most spiritual. They are happiest with the least. To get more and more and more and not be any happier is a kind of suffering. Vancouver has a well developed infrastructure. It's a Tron future city compared to this backwater city. I've thought of moving there when the pandemic is over.

Wrong thinking: Never give up.
Right thinking: Give up whenever you feel like.

Wrong thinking: Life gives back what you put into it.
Right thinking: Life rips you off what you put into it.

Wrong thinking: Anything worth doing is worth doing right.
Right thinking: Anything too difficult isn't worth doing at all.

Wrong thinking: If at fist you don't succeed, try, and try again.
Right thinking: If at first you don't succeed, try again and then give up. No point wasting time.

Wrong thinking: It is better to do something and get something than to do nothing and get nothing.
Right thinking: It is better to do nothing and get something than to do something and get nothing.

Wrong thinking: Never put off for tomorrow what you could do today.
Right thinking: Never do today what you could put off for tomorrow.

Right thinking: A good life is better than a bad death.
Also Right thinking: A good death is better than a bad life.

Life owes me nothing. And I owe life nothing.

Advice for the Young at Heart: 

Two most important points:

1. "The suicidal person looked normal from the outside. There was a problem with his day to day telepathy." George Anderson

2. "I had a thousand pieces of evidence to neutralize." Howard Marks
Don't just neutralize, do it so that it's funny. It's the British way.

Extraneous and useless points of advice for the Young at heart:

1. They always had it in for you and this is just a handy excuse. You always had it in for them and this is just a handy excuse.

2. Backwater towns are a waste of time. Don't go to them as they are useless and counterproductive. After living in a well developed city, going to a jerkwater town is taking a step backwards.

3.  They will come back at you with an ad hominem attack which underscores and doesn't change the fact that while you failed on an individual level, they failed on a collective level. What can you say about the human species. 80 years ago, they were throwing people into ovens!

There are many forms of forgiveness as there are many forms of revenge. One can often be mistaken for another. And there are levels. Ignoring someone and never mentioning them isn't as much a form of forgiveness as actually interacting with that person and verbally giving them an airtight argument as to why you forgive them, that's if you either could, would, or should do it. Could meaning maybe they live in a different town and you don't want to travel or else they died years ago. But ignoring someone is more a form of forgiveness than looking for them and assaulting them with a martial arts weapon.

David Pakman of YouTube mentions in just about all his videos that he is under the impression that President Donald Trump empirically and medically suffered from stage 1 Dementia if Dementia has 4 stages. President Donald Trump would talk with these long rambling run on incoherent sentences and within three sentences he would conflate 20 different topics together like an airport with 20 planes in a holding pattern hovering around it. It is really quite funny if you relisten to his speeches. It seemed that White House staff was somewhat aware of this as they made faces often as President Donald Trump was giving speeches. Trump was doing that too during the Presidential debate and you could see that then Presidential candidate Joe Biden was trying not to laugh. Donald Trump was a great comedian and I'm going to miss him. Hopefully he comes back but he did say that he would be back in some form. I don't know if Trump has dementia. Just about everyone can give a speech where they're conflating different topics together. It happens more often than you think.

There has been yet another military coup in Burma. Again. What were the chances of that? That region is well known for that kind of thing. Military juntas and coup d'etats. Septuagenarian leader Aung Sung Suu Kyi was ousted from power. Again not her first rodeo when it comes to that. It's difficult to say which happens more often, temporary internet blackouts or military coups in that part of the World. Germany has the Schwebebahn. Burma has the Schwedagon. What's the difference? There's more German tourists at the Schwedagon.

February is Black History month. There are top dancers and bottom dancers or break dancers. From the hip up is top dancer. A really good top dancer is better than a break dancer who isn't that good. Although, breakdancing is technically more spectacular and really good break dancers defy the laws of physics. They could be Olympic gymnasts.
If Revenge of the Nerds teaches you anything, it teaches that if you are a White nerd in University and you need to join a frat house, you could always see if you could join Tri-Lambda-Lambda, the all Black fraternity. That should work out well for you... What's the difference between Black and White fraternities? There are more White girls hanging around at the Black fraternities. The music is so much better. It certainly was in the 60s. Animal House, the movie, most of the soundtrack was music from Black musicians.
Recently in Toronto, a Black man who was wrongfully imprisonment for murder was released. What a way to celebrate Black History month. What. That he was imprisoned or that he was released? Rubin Hurricane Carter or what?

Walking Dead Survivors is very similar to Game of Thrones Conquest and also Pirates of the Caribbean although I only took a brief look at Pirates. GOTC I played extensively. I even made an in app purchase of dragon eggs. Yesterday, I paid $1.39 of my last $1.42 on my Google Play account for Michonne and even then the last ten cents needed I got answering another Google Rewards survey question. One question, ten cents. Which incidentally is better earnings than what Alex Van Halen was talking about. Money is made in merchandising. Even touring is a form of merchandising and bands will even go to towns with populations of about 10,000 like Dawson Creek Encana Per4rming Arts centre. Alex Van Halen said something like, "You have to tour. You used to get a dollar a record album. Now after 750,000 downloads you get fifty cents."
They said regularly the deal would have been worth $390 but that's incidental ornamental window dressing. Usually I'd be hard pressed as you can imagine to part with my last dollar ever on Google Play. But Michonne is worth it. Even if they did it was worth $10 or $20 regular price but $1 sale price, I still would have gotten it. It's Michonne.
Anything that sounds too good to be true probably is. It's only worth $390 regular price to anyone it has any value to. And a Walking Dead game not as good as the other ones, the value of that would merely be subjective. I'll always be happy I got Michonne. She only exists as a figmentary token. You never actually get to see her fight because of the weird clinical set up of the game. It's just a merry go round of endlessly levelling things up again and the more things you level up, the more things you got to level up. Perform token tasks for a Pavlov's Dog type of reward system. I out know how long I'll keep up with this. YouTube comments said this is  ripoff of Game of Survival. Getting Michonne is a good way to commemorate Black History Month as my Google Play account is history. I got egregiously ripped off $25 on a Google Play card purchase. No refund, no explanation. Caveat emptor, motherfucker. I'll never ever get a Google Play card ever again. I'm through with that. Therefore Michonne from The Walking Dead Survivors app is my last purchase on the Google Play store ever.

On February 5, the year is one-tenth over.
On March 14, the year is one-fifth over.
On March 31, the year is one quarter over.
On April 30, the year is one-third over.
The days go slow but the years go fast.

The Capitol Riot, the imprisonment of Alexei Navalny, the coup in Burma, the Collectivization of East Indian farms. It's all connected like a kaleidoscope, a kaleidoscope of Communism. Russia is still Communist in name and their Parliaments, their court; the Duma, is all Communist in structure however extravagant the capitalist trappings of their society otherwise are. The Capitol Riots emboldened the Continent of Asia seeing that as a further compromise and erosion of Western morality and authority. Putin is strengthening himself and the system he presides under, which is all of Asia. All of Asia is under the protection of Russia. Burma relinquishes it's Westernized puppet leader, Aung Sung Suu Kyi as her Presidential Office is uninstalled. East India is relinquishing it's aegis of British Western colonial influences and taking on a more Russian colonial footing as evidenced with its farming structure undergoing some kind of restructuring. The final end game is all of Asia is under a Russianized cultural and military block. Basically Asia is the New Eastern Europe. New Eastern Europe is largely the old Eastern Europe, that is, Russification.
This is just a flawed theory. As if the Capitol Riots set off a chain of events. The East Indian farm riots had been going on for a couple of years now. And Navalny was novichok poisoned months before the Capitol Riots. And no one asked Navalny to return to Russia after a trip to Germany. What. Was he trying to be like Rasputin who once returned to Russia after travelling to Germany and things didn't turn out so well for him either! The Capitol Riot added to what was more or less already there.
When you get to be 50 like me, you see that almost no story stands on its own and every News story has an untold backstory sometimes going back decades. For India, them rejecting and repudiating Lord Louis Mountbatten as the Supreme Viceroy of India in 1949 led to decades of semi autonomous unrest with Muslims fighting Hindoos fighting Sikhs and not necessarily in that order. India could have been a Commonwealth country like Canada and Australia and they wouldn't be having this farming bullshit right now. Now India, having to choose a side has seemingly opted to side with the Russian sphere of influence. Back in 1949, rather than going with Mountbatten, they went with Nehru.
People celebrate Ghandi but he fought the British. His non violent resistance, satyagraha was what helped to drive the British out of India. Ghandi was going to be the first PM of an independent India he helped create but he got shot before that could happen.
Aside from writing that I wish a resolution could be reached that is beneficial to both parties because old system or new, either way you are trading a set of advantages and disadvantages. Out of court settlement? Anyways I am only one person and could and would do nothing about the situation. As only one person what can I do about a situation that involves possibly millions of people and something that is happening in another country thousands of miles away and of a language and culture I don't understand even more so.

Hal Holbrook died. He was good in Wall Street. He said to Charlie Sheen in that movie. "Man looks in the abyss; there's nothing staring back at him. At that moment man finds his character. And that is what keeps him out of the abyss."

The Owners is a good movie. It stars Maisie Williams otherwise known as Arya Stark from Game of Thrones. Winter is Coming. If you like Home Alone, Panic Room, The Professional, you will like this movie. The story is about a group of young ruffian's plot to rob a rich old couple, an old doctor and his somewhat imbecilic nurse wife. The doctors voice is familiar, it's a narrators voice. I thought he might be Ducky from NCIS. But he's not. The movie is rivetting and I usually turn the video off if the pace isn't gripping enough but this movie doesn't have that problem. The ruffians are after money in a safe as they are in debt to either a loan shark or a gangster, what's the difference? As stated in the movie description, the old couple soon get the upper hand and as it turns out, the old couple is even more psychotic than the ruffians. It's a cautionary tale about how crime doesn't pay. One thing. In the scene where Maisie Williams gets struck several times and not seeing who is doing it, she's reprising her role from Game of Thrones as that trope with her in it emerges yet again.
Recently, an old East Indian woman named Singh living near Queen Elizabeth Park got a home invasion from two men posing as Police Officers. Because of injuries she suffered during the invasion, she died. Two men were arrested two days after the incident. This home invasion may have been targeted. Was the old woman involved with the East Indian farmers? After seeing this movie, The Owners, you can see how awful these incidents really are. Just a week before another person, a young man also named Singh got machine gunned no less in Langley BC. Connected? Maybe, maybe not as the name Singh is like the name Smith or Jones in the West.
Surrey BC; Canada's deadbasket. 
The News constantly doles out these microsnippets of information that the public is supposed to parse or not. One suspect was arrested at Main and Terminal, the other was arrested at tent city in Strathcona Park. The house was about six miles away. They would skip all these houses in between and make a beeline for that house. The house didn't look rich so it may not be money they were after. They were disguised as Police Officers and the brutality made it look like a crime of passion. The World is getting more disturbing or else not any less disturbing than it always was. Maybe the News will provide an update. Maybe they won't. Meanwhile, it leaves a spectre of detective crime story mystery for the general public.
The News said that just because the suspect was arrested at tent city it doesn't mean that all of tent city is to blame. "People do crimes and where a person lives has nothing to do with it." Is the premise that the News advanced.
Yes and no. Over the last year, there have been a lot of weird incidents at tent city. Violent incidents. The atmosphere of tent city could be conducive to egregious activity. The combined energy of the demographic there creates a weird energy field. A lot of people who live at tent city are the dregs of society. Not exactly society's most well-heeled clientele.
People from all kinds of economic backgrounds do someone in. Affluenza is no defense. The News might be using these stories as a pretext to either regulate tent city or to shut it down altogether.
Places like the Overlook Hotel or the Cecil Hotel are weird energy fields where the hotel has a will of its own. Not all tent cities have such a bristling violent energy. Some are better than others. Some are worse than others. However, no one else at tent city should be tarred with the same brush as the activities of a few. 
A lot of third world countries have a Thieves Market. That's a market in which nearly all of the items being sold there are stolen goods. Vancouver has a lot of sidewalk flea markets although it's indeterminable how much of the items if any are stolen. YouTube's Karl Rock visits a street market in India. Just like YouTube channel baldandbankrupt; that guy is a polyglot. Baldandbankrupt travels to South America and speaks Spanish well, Russia and speaks Russian well and India and speaks Hindi well. One sign of fluency is a fast rolling quality in the cadence of spoken sentences. Baldandbankrupt has got that.

The Q Anon shaman Jake Angeli, real name Jacob Chansley is a very influential person. He looks and talks very much exactly like a hippie from the sixties. So much so I think he is a Time traveler from the 60s. The hippies, the diggers, the AIM or American Indian Movement, Haight Ashbury sit-ins, he seems to be from that World. He wears horns and his face even looks like a buffalo or else a California college cow. As things have turned out, he's not so shamanly these days as he's in all likelihood languishing in a prison cell without his Flintstones elk club grand poobah buffalo horns. He made a critical tactical error. Had he not perticipated in the felonious storming of the capitol building, he could have been a really famous celebrity influencer for a new generation of people who want to be like Henry David Thoreau and live off the beaten path; smoke weed, drop out of college or University completely and live a more holistic naturalist lifestyle that's more mellow and closer to the Earth. I hope he's freed from prison and becomes a celebrity or writes a few books. However the books might be more of the Qanon rabbithole. Crazy classic hippie energy meets Qanon conspiracy theory.

The News said someone named Mac Beedle recently celebrated their 104th birthday. 
Mac Beedle?! Holy fuck! And I thought I had problems!

Cruise ships cancelled in the city until February 2022. One year of coronavirus lockdown, one year tour of duty. Another year of circumventions. It's like we're all in a war, we did one tour of duty, now the government recalled us all to do another coronavirus global pandemic tour of duty. With pandemic relief pay.

All STAR WARS movies have a novel beforehand. My idea for the next cartoon, either do that or be bored eventually is:
The PCAD Personal Care Attendant for the Disabled 
A man is reading a comic book about the Vietnam War. He sees a soldier wearing a bandolier of machine gun bullets on his chest. He is thinking either it's a good idea for a Halloween costume or its a great way to attract women. When women see the machine gun bullets, either they'll go nuts or else think I'm nuts. I'm still deciding which, Halloween party costume or attracts women. He wears this and a Police car with flashing but silent lights pull up. The Police Officer after hearing the story says, "A better way to attract women is to push around a wheelchair or be a PCAD." Or else, "A better Halloween costume would be a wheelchair attendant."
So he pushes around a wheelchair for different clients. Sometimes his clients are women in wheelchairs and they want the wheelchair attendant to do an exotic dance for them. The woman in the wheelchair and the studly manly male wheelchair attendant is an idea for a romance novel that women like to read. One of his clients was a detective and also an inventor. One day, after literally rolling into a small town on his wheelchair, he solves a crime. That small town awards him an honorarium in which he uses to invent a flying rocket powered wheelchair. He then gets a contract to work for NASA. 
The end scene is the wheelchair pusher and the inventor client on either the moon or Mars standing next to a crater and looking at the starry sky. They are the first wheelchair and wheelchair pusher to travel to another planet. The wheelchair pusher gets a call on the cellphone. It's from a female wheelchair bound client in a colony building a mile away. She needs to see another exotic dance.
I won't be releasing this cartoon in installments. I'll only release it after it's finished. I wondering it's a good idea for a cartoon. I don't know. It's easier to write a story than to do a cartoon about it so at least you got a story here whether or not I actually do the cartoon or not for whatever reason, either laziness or a feeling of... what's the point?
Is there a script or dialogue for this? No. Exotic dancer for the ladies is just to pad the story, add to the story. Otherwise it's a purely extraneous element. Ridiculous.

The forces of life have always been an asshole to me. It makes me want to just give upon life altogether. Life owes me nothing and I owe life nothing.
The forces of life always unfailingly disappoints.

The Province is set to announce a  decision regarding extending health measures. Will the Province extend the health measures yet again? 
"Take a wild fucking guess!" Midnight Run
As it turns out, the health measures have now been extended indefinitely. Evermore. "Quoth the Raven, 'Evermore.'" Edgar Allen Poe
The News even phrased it as the Province keeps moving the goalpost when it comes to extending health measures. What can you say? Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. Or else: Incompetence is a fuck up, absolute incompetence is a fuck up absolutely.
Same shit, different day.

Christopher Plummer. Dies at 91. Legend. Much loved. He narrated The Man Who Planted Trees.
"At my firm, I have a flock of sheep who think they're lions. Maybe you're a lion everyone thinks is a sheep." Christopher Plummer as Dean Whiting, Syriana

Friday February 5th, 2021. Garbage truck plow accident in Toronto. "I'm Mr Plow, Hey that's my name, That's my name, It's Mr Plow." The Simpsons

In a few days, I'm going to see my Polish lady friend again. I have some mansplaining to do in Polish. I'll have to talk about how I've been completely neglecting my Polish studies recently: Hej! Moja zochanna mala dziewczynka. Wyglada slicznie. Dobrze wyglada. Jestem leniwy. W ogole nie uczylem sie polskiego. Nauka nowych slow jest cziazko, jest trudna. Osiagniecie jakiegokolwiek zrozumienia zajmuje miesiace. I odobycie jakiegokolwiek zrozumienia zajmuje lata.
Hey. My dear lady. You look beautiful. You're looking good. I'm lazy. I haven't been learning Polish. Learning new words is hard, is difficult. It takes months to get any understanding at all. And it takes years to get any understanding at all. I typed all this from memory. It helps to write out phrases when learning a new language. 
Mowisz lepiej po Angielsku niz ja po Polsku. Twoj Angielski jest lepszy niz moj Polsky.
You speak English better than I speak Polish. Your English is better than my Polish.
Chociaz tyle moglem zrobic. It's the least I could do.
I'm not learning the language because I'm trying to find a Polish girlfriend. Brian Mulroney, 'On The Take'. On the take, on the make. I'm not on the make here! Actually, I couldn't care less if I ever have a Polish girlfriend. What. Would I be legally required to?
The man who wants to get it on with a thousand women thinks of women as disposable.
Sigh, nie obchodzilo mnie jus znalezienie polskiej dziewczyny. 
Nie moglem mnie przejmowac sie znalezienie dziewczyny Polskij .
Sigh, I couldn't care less about finding a Polish girlfriend.

I bought a Huawei T3 10 replacement screen with built in digitizer from China off of Amazon. I saw the YouTube videos about how to R and R, remove and replace the screen. Result: I'm still scared to do it. I might do it wrong. I need to find someone to do this. I'll pay a reasonable amount of money. I might discover this one day.

I recently bought three Buddha statues in three days. They were at a store. The large Buddha was $4. The two smaller Buddhas were $2 each. I went with the ancient stone color for two of them. There was a bluish ancient stone color for another one which I also bought. There was another one that looked like it was carved from soap. Blue soapstone. The three ancient stone ones looked like real old statues from Southeast Asia but they can mass produce them now. One thing. The statues I have, two of the three, the heads are leaning to one side. I didn't notice that when I bought it. But that gives it a more genuine handcrafted quality rather than machine made. It somewhat gets to me at first but I'll get used to it. Just like when new things appear in life, they take a bit of getting used to. Then you don't notice it anymore. Like tent city in Vancouver. Driving down Prior Street, when it first appeared, it stood out like a sore thumb. Now people don't notice it anymore, they've become desensitized it. 
I wouldn't part with the Buddha statues. Leaning head or not, they already have a sentimental value to me.
I got a three Buddha statue altar. The one at the very left has golden flowers behind it.
There are many styles of Buddhist altar. Two Buddhas and a Quan Yin staue or Lotus flower statue to the left. Or else the central Buddha, Quan Yin to the left and a demon protector to the right. I've seen statues like that. The protector has sharp teeth, is standing in front of a large flame, and has a sword in his hand.
Follow up, I bought the soapstone Buddha. Now I have 4 Buddha's.
On Fear the Walking Dead, there was a television ad about schizophrenia. I wondered if they were referring to me. If a person wonders that, maybe they do have schizophrenia. However, I would be a mild case. If that commercial was talking about me, it'd be on all the time, but even then, any psychiatrist would say that such delusions are common. 
But that television commercial rarely comes on. So it's referring to someone in my life. Think. Who could it be? Could it be the person who lives down the hall who likes to hell out loud all the time? And clapping hands loud too. That guy is definitely schizophrenic. Whenever he sees people, he dodges and flinches quickly, not saying a word. One time I talked to him and he thought that a lot of people in the hotel have coronavirus which they don't. 
Is getting four Buddha statues schizophrenic? Four Buddha statues wound up being a reality when the ideal was just one Buddha statue. They look expensive. I've heard of high prices being paid for antique Buddha statues from Southeast Asia that look like the statues I bought.

Thursday, February 11, 2021 Coronavirus vaccine shortage, new strains of Covid 19, now the arctic cold snap with every day getting colder. It just gets worse and worse. When it comes to being an asshole, life always finds a way.

Larry Flynt, editor of Hustler magazine died. He was one of the Three Kings of Porn along with Hugh Hefner of Playboy and Bob Guccione of Penthouse. Those magazines were masturbation fodder for an entire generation. There were other magazines too of course, including Swank, High Society and Juggs, however they were never as successful as the top three. 
Hustler was iconic for the Truly Tasteless Jokes and of course the piece de resistance, the pink shots were women put their hands between their legs and did their magic. Hustler iconography was displayed in the movies Fight Club and Kill Bill. 
Larry Flynt wouldn't be paralyzed anymore in the afterlife. 
Larry Flynt was an early victim of cancel culture. He did one of his classic stylized magazine photo essays but this time it featured Jesus which angered a lot of Christians. One in particular, shot him leading to his paralysis. 
Larry Flynt was the defendant in a court case regarding the First Amendment.
The 80s just wouldn't be the same without Hustler magazine. So much that it would be difficult to imagine a 1980s without it.
Strangely, I did an animated cartoon, TwiLek baths which features the pink shot. I'm surprised that got past the censors! I did that just months before Larry Flynt died. Strange timing.

Last year 1,761 people in British Columbia died of an opiate or other drug overdose. Other drugs including meth and cocaine. This is the other global pandemic except unlike with the coronavirus pandemic, this one if going to be around pretty much forever. Eventually, given enough time into the future, it could outlast the 15 million year global pandemic the PBS did a YouTube video about. I wouldn't be surprised.
The nurse on television said there are 100 beds when 1,000 are needed. Opiate overdose statistics and the people behind them are seen as victims. Just like AIDS victims. Because opiate addiction is a lifestyle choice and associated with certain types of activities like self medicating with syringes which for some strange reason is seen as socially repellent, because of the potential health risks and social toll like missing work. It's a vicious cycle. It's stigmatized because it's an unhealthy activity which leads to more stigma which makes the activity even more dangerous. That is changing as intravenous drug use is seen as a social and medical problem rather than a criminal problem which is because the drugs are criminalized. Legalize the drugs which is exactly what the trend is going towards these days and there is even a consensus amongst police and medical personnel regarding this. 
Scientists have observed that people are less likely to use drugs if their life is otherwise comfortable and loving. That means a culture in general that should be more loving if a lot of people are unable to find a loving atmosphere at home. Of course some cultures that are very friendly and loving like a lot of countries everywhere in every continent still have their drug addicts and down and outers.
Andrea Perron also said that opiate medication tends to be overprescribed. Often, due to lack of technical knowledge, people die. 2 grams of cocaine or over is fatal so no grabbing that Ziploc full of cocaine from under the couch cushion and having a go at it like Wolf of Wall Street. Somewhat less than one gram of heroin is the toxicity limit.
There are overdoses and there are overdoses. There are overdoses where organs somewhat go into distress and there are overdoses where the organs shut down completely, ironically in an attempt to expunge the poison.
On Hastings Street in Vancouver, there is a safe drug testing site. Using a laser electo spectrometer, they test heroin samples to see if it contains fentanyl or any other drug. Disturbingly, about half the samples they ran under the spectrometer tested positive for fentanyl.
The less drugs you do, the better.
"Hurry cane - the innovative cane that tackles any terrain."
Human brain - the innovative brain that tackles any cocaine.

Here's my Munchausen acting up again. These last few days, either I had a headache or an upset stomach. This is caused from the arctic cold front. Weather-wise, it's like why go to Dawson Creek and experience the weather there when the weather there can come to you? Whether you want it or not. Which is what happened. It's getting better. Tonight it's a balmy minus one when last night it was about minus seven. Cold weather lowers body temperature which can cause muscle cramps, upset digestion and headaches. Headaches go away. Eat aspirin, massage the fingertips. As for the stomachache, I ate a banana I found on the street. Someone must have left it there for me. Banana is one one of the foods on the BRAT diet, bananas rice applesauce toast, which is recommended for upset stomachs. It worked immediately, like magic! Bananas contain pectin which aids in digestion. 
Taking a shower raises the body temperature. This arctic cold front will be over on Sunday or Monday.
I felt really bad this morning. Aching all over. Taking a shower to raise the body temperature, doing 20 pushups and 10 squats and 10 upside down pushups against the wall helped as exercise produces serotonin which helps the body. Also I did a 30 minute meditation which helps. Meditation if done right lowers the heart rate which produces all kinds of corollary benefits. Also, I placed two blankets over my stormtrooper helmet for padding and then I lied down on the Star Wars stormtrooper helmet. This is an excellent amateur chiropractic treatment for the slight subluxations and also the mild case of ankylosing spondylitis which I had in the spinal area. This keeps me young. It's good to do it enough to crack the vertebrae of the spine which as Steven Seagal mentioned in a movie, is connected to nerves connected to the organs which produces beneficial effects but remember not to over do it! Do all of that. Any doctor would also say remember to eat regularly and a walk and exercise helps too.

Chinese Lunar New Year. In Smurfs Village, everyone on the VIP program including yours truly got a golden ox statue since it's the year of the ox. That reminds me of Moses and the Golden cow statue, Baal.
There are 28 days in a lunar month. There are 13 months in a lunar year since 28 times 13 fits into 365 quite nicely with a one day carryover. 28 x 13 equals 364. They would still count a year as 365 days so as a result every 365 days would fall on a different day, different month in a lunar monthly calendar based on actual 28 day months.
At some point in history, Christianity decided that 13 is an evil number, Judas, 13 at dinner so first the Niceian council decided that the number 13 is evil then two hundred years later, Pope Gregory instituted the 12 month Gregorian calendar. That kind of perverse Puritanical culty bullshit has put Western Civilization out of sync with the natural cycles of nature ever since. The West used to observe a 13 month calendar and each of the months including the 13 month had different names to the names of months we know.
Some cultures still observe this so there is a vestige of that still in the World. Of course different cultures saw different periods in the year as New Year's Day as there is Chinese Lunar New Year, Easter and Ramadan observes a same once a year observance based on a 28 days a month 13 months yearly calendar.

US President Donald Trump got acquitted in his second impeachment trial. 
"A plongeur is too low to prosecute!" George Orwell, Down and Out in Paris and London
A head of State like Donald Trump is too high to prosecute! The old boys network.
If their Exhibit A was Donald Trump's characteristically semi-incoherent rambling word salad screed was the basis for pinning Trump with insurrection, it's pretty hard to make it stick. Donald Trump didn't walk to the Capitol and try to stop the riot but he would have thought the Police would do that. He didn't think that the Police would be so compromised that day, but a Capitol Riot insurrection type event would give any Police force a run for its money! Donald Trump. Exonerated. Sentencing commuted to non-sentencing.
The January 6 Capitol Riot was like an episode of The Walking Dead with the Washington DC Police as the survivors and the rioters as the walkers. I'm sure that an enterprising YouTuber would do a video of the capital riot using a zombie filter. Do it with The Walking Dead theme music and snarling growling zombie sounds.
Baby filter, cat filter, how many filters are available exactly?

In not the first of such lurid stories I have ever heard on Global News, and probably not the last a serial killer is up for parole. Thousands of Canadians don't want him to be paroled. But the story is so disturbing and bizarre. 
A man stalked an entire extended family, two grandparents, two parents and two girls who were children. The man stalked the family in a National Park and then killed the grandparents and parents in order to sexually assault and then kill the two young girls thus wiping out three generations. I'll never look at the Smurfy Generations Wonder in Smurfs Village the same way again.
Bizarre because he did all that for two young girls who were children. You would have thought that like in a Wes Craven horror movie, someone would be more likely to do that for two fully formed adult women. Not two pre-formed adults or children.
The person who did this is White. Now this is a member of what is supposedly the 'Superior Race'.
There was another story. Man follows girl home from bus stop. Has gun. Follows young girl home where she lives with her grandparents. When the grandparents answer the door, he shoots them through the door, diddles the girl and then kills her. 
Are these stories going to be like, a semi regular recurrent motif just like the injury to the eyeball motif in 1950s comics? A motif. A trope. A meme. 
Amputation of limbs is a trope in Star Wars.
I guess the killing of parents and or whatever else extended family, guardians and then getting access to a child or children and doing some gross indecent act and then killing them is getting to be a trope on Global News.
Someone like that should not be paroled. He should have been put in front of a firing squad years ago. The United States would know how to deal with something like that.

Baldandbankrupt did a YouTube video called Do Not Learn Russian Grammar. I don't have to watch the video. I already know! I'm learning Polish. I never knew a word could have so many suffixes. Polski, Polsku, Polskiej, Polskiego. Depending on the other words used in the sentence. 

Some Churches actually help a person to relocate. This happened a lot more in the old days. If you joined an East Indian temple, if you showed enough interest, they would help you move to India! Passport witness, guarantor, no problem, there are at least a hundred people at the Church that would help you with that. Especially if you learn to speak the language well. I'm good at learning languages. A lot of countries actually want people to move there, a lot. The farther away I am, the bigger the adventure and the less the regression. The less the regression, the bigger the adventure. The farther away I am from Vancouver and Victoria, the better. I once lived a thousand miles away from Vancouver only to go back to living a hundred miles away from Vancouver. 
As for UBC, it would be unrecognizable to me now. The Golden age of UBC was in the 1980s. For me, UBC died 40 years. Unrecognizable is not a word you want for a previously favorite spot.
I want to move far away and not come back. I'm not playing at my full potential. I'm never really happy here. I know I'll be fully happy when I'm very far away and speaking other new languages is a real blast! I would be willing to consider joining a Sikh temple if they could help me move to India. That would be a great adventure. Once I go there, I don't ever want to come back. 
Since I'm learning Polish, I'd really like to move to Poland and never come back.
If I ever move to Poland, I'll take the overland bus to Wuppertal Germany to ride the Schwebebahn.
If you join a synagogue, there is a high likelihood that they could help you move to Israel. That is a country that is eagerly wanting new people to move there. Israel has a reputation for that.
I see YouTube videos of people in other countries speaking foreign languages and I really want to do that. It's much better than the life I have now which is empty and meaningless.

If there was a system where everyday there are boats waiting in the harbour to take people to other countries free, countries like India, China, Thailand, and you don't need a passport to go, I would have been gone long ago. Never mind a million dollars, even if I had $10,000, heck, even $5,000, I would move to another country and never come back.

Why should I go on living? At 50 and never gotten married, committment issues, stinginess, etc, to get married after would be a joke. But to not get married is a joke too. 
I have a deathwish. The afterlife would be a blast. Death day would be one weird somewhat annoying surreal day but that day would soon enough be gotten over with. Then I'd be in the catbird's seat because I would be immersed in the strange physics of the holographic world of the afterlife. I hope I'm there soon! Remember to pray for my death.
I once had a pet guinea pig. I thought of her as my real daughter. I love her more than life itself. 
Typical Freudian transference; she was a guinea pig and not my actual daughter.
I would be willing to die here right now on the spot if I could be reunited with her in the afterlife.
I wish I died of a heroin overdose in my twenties. Seeing the way my life turned out. Now I'm not at the point where I'd say I'm glad that I didn't die of a heroin overdose in my twenties. I really actively wish I died of a heroin overdose in my 20s. That would have been total rock star! Life has cheated me. Life has cheated me out of an early death.

Global News talked about anti Asian graffiti. The graffiti was written in English. Not that effective against Asians who can't read English. Again, not thinking things through. 
That's what happens when you allow a special interest group to control the narrative with their weird cultural and social agenda. The News is a special interest group. They present themselves as an essential service but News is subjective very interpretative.
The stories themselves aren't subjective but the interpretation of it is. It's called Left Brain vs Right Brain.  The Right brain just sees images. The Left Brain decides who is the good guy and who is the bad guy.
Look at the difference between CNN and FOX News.
Two stories to help you understand the News:
"Doctor, my sister thinks she's a chicken." "I'll talk to her." " You don't understand. We need the eggs." People are not merely desensitized but addicted to the bullshit heard on the News.
"Why are you looking for your contact lens under the lamplight when you dropped it over there?" "The lighting is much better here."
Why should the News tell a real story when a completely bullshit story brings more ratings? 
Ratings brings profits. The News is a for profit corporation. Always has been. Since the days of William Randolph Hearst and yellow journalism which means fake news.
Like someone once said, "The News is a bunch of amoralistic parasites with their agenda driven narrative." A dog in the fight, therefore not impartial. The agenda of the News is to reinforce class distinction and division through accentuating racial differences. The thing is most people in this day and age got them sussed. This isn't the 50s anymore. QAnon said in one of the things they say that I agree with, "There is no race war. This is really about class warfare." The News is a for profit corporation and have to think about the IPOs and shareholders. It's a hybrid system being the government socialist model and the for-profit corporation, reinforce the class distinction so as to appease their governmental paymasters and spin some flashy fake news version of a story to appease the shareholders. So of course there's an agenda!
Memo to News journalists: Nobody has the monopoly on bullshit.
I create cartoons, I can draw faces well. That's the level from which I'm operating. Most people working on the news can't draw faces well. They don't create. They report rather than create. That's the level they're operating from. 

The News is an ongoing sickly coverage of racial musical chairs. One week it's the Blacks being the victims of Police brutality, another week it's Iranians held up at Customs or denied entry, the next week it's Asians being attacked. The next week it's something about Natives and aboriginals.
I'm tired of it. 
I saw a sign at an anti masker march which I saw from a 4th storey window, "No TV No Pandemic." 
I wouldn't quit all of TV, just the News. No point in throwing away the baby with the bathwater. The News directs the narrative. Come for the pandemic narrative, stay for the racism stories. Uh, no thanks!
More and more people see the News as the bullshit it is which really presents itself in obvious ways during extreme times like a pandemic.
No one emerges unscathed from the News. I imagine a White person can watch the News and walk away baffled and non-plussed. The News covers a lot of White people doing weird things or else weird things happened to them. 

The racism coverage on the News is simply misdirection like how a magic will wave his left hand furiously while the audience is looking at that, his right hand does a slight slow subtle signature move. The News has 1,000 potential stories to cover and one hour doing it. The time to cover one more story about someone's life being saved or another tip that could help the public is instead taken up with another racism story, and it's day in, day out, week in week out with those fuckers. The racism misdirection often covers up as QAnon pointed out, how the upper class is systemically ripping off the middle class. But the racism coverage misdirection also diverts attention away from government boondoggle pork barrel white elephant projects like a dam that's going to be five years overdue and go tens of billions of dollars over budget. That story gets covered maybe twice but the racism stories get covered a lot more times. You would think it would be the other way around! Priorities. Priorities. 
Most but not racism comes from ignorant people who generally only speak one language and often not even that as you see that every letter they write never goes beyond a grade five vocabulary and even then has has multiple spelling errors on every single handwritten note they write. The News is lowbrow like that. They usually don't go beyond a grade five vocabulary and haha, the News ticker often has spelling and grammar areas. What a bunch of airheads. The News appeals to a lot of people and a lot of people are as dumb as two boards nailed together. This isn't an individual who never went to University. We're talking about a collective who supposedly all went to University and the News ticker is supposed to belie that. But it doesn't. Consider the source. With that level of mentality it isn't difficult to see where their tendency to racist coverage is coming from.
It's right there, a clue. The same people going to work every day means the News is a clique with an us vs you structure or mentality, which implies an adversarial undertone in their coverage. I quit the News. The News will still bullshit you even when they know that you know that they are bullshitting. They don't care. They're quite recalcitrant in that way.

The racism coverage on the News works for the minorities that are allegedly persecuted and they often lobby the News to cover such stories. It's a special interest story. The persecution gives these persecuted minorities and ethnicities a raison d'etre or else a race on d'etre lol, it defines them, it gives them a stalwart bulwark or else a reason to exist, it intensifies any protectionist and isolationist sentimentalities and to get government funding to form special interest groups dedicated to helping victims of persecution or funding more research or just to ask for more money. A perceived threat, real or not, is just enough to ask the government for money for funding yet another special interest group.

Sometimes the News has good stories and quotes, messages:
1. A father said, "Some days it's a 7 and some days it's a 3. Rarely is it ever a 10 but we go on doing what we can."
2. Train hits truck. Driver jumps out in time. "When it's not your time, it's not your time."
3. A girl who is a rock climber said, "I get tense and cramped but there's no time for that. Relaxed. Calm. That's the way to be before instant rock climbing." 
All totally misquoted and paraphrased but the gist is there. The News must get frustrated when all people remember is the negative stories. Then they stop caring. It's important to remember they tell good stories or clue you in to things. I first learned about a blog and what it is when I was watching the News back in 2004.

"You wouldn't want to go up there. There's nothing there but snow and ice and trees. You would be the only fresh meat around there. They'll come after you son. Just for the ugly fun of tearing you apart." Never Cry Wolf
That sounds like how it is at Stanley Park these days with all the Coyotes there.

Google translate simply does not have the microphone for Punjabi like it does for all other languages. I know an East Indian lady I thought of trying my East Indian with her. I would say to her in the Hindi I learnt so far and committed to memory. 
Namaskar ji. Aap shay milkar hwee. Hello. How are you?
Dhaniyad - thank you.
But if that doesn't work I would then say. Sat Shri Akal kaur-ji. Ki tusim Punjabi bole day hoe? Hello. Do you speak Punjabi? 
Kis se bulat? What do you call this?
That would be Punjabi. 
I was thinking of doing something that would take a bit of guts. I was thinking of visiting the Sikh temple. There are only 3 or 4 Sikh temples in this town alone although none of them are as major as the Gurudwaras in Vancouver like the one on Skeena Street.
I would visit there and at that time, I will have gotten at least 50 to 100 Punjabi phrases and I would try my language skills with people there.
I would say purses like 'Ee-ha  bot Sundar hay'. This is beautiful. 
Implying the Gurdwara.
Eeha mari pahili verie hay. This is my first time.
For those who like the idea of a welfare state and for those who would be interested in books titled '1000 Free Things', the langars at most Sikh temples in India have free food and lodging to all. Really. Once went to Langara College, now staying at a langar.
I could go to India and not come back. Coming back would be a regression.
A Gurdwara is a place that would help a person move to India if that person showed a keen enough interest. There are tons of YouTube videos with titles like Places That Will Pay People To Move There. A lot of towns and countries are so underpopulated and so desperate for people, they will pay you to live there. There are even videos titled US States That Will Pay People To Move There. Actually I am more or less already in a place that pays people to live here. It's called the welfare state.
I might visit the Sikh temple and try to speak Punjabi there. Or I might chicken out. That would be just crazy of a thing to do. Chalo! Let's go!
I need Google translate to do a microphone for Punjabi. Lots of people need that. Of course they would have to program an AI voice to do that.
Punjabi is a very popular language these days.

Pat Singh Cheung is an enigma. Very inspiring individual. That he turned to Sikhism is incidental. Here is a man who left his comfort zone, to a place farthest away from anything he's ever known and embraced an exotic new way of life.
The Sikhs ornate architecture and uniform of the classic Sikh guards remind me of the swarthy dwarves of Erebor. Their dress and style is very distinct and unique. 
Pat Singh Cheung said his family rejected him because of his new faith.

Karl Rock and his East Indian wife has been very inspirational. The videos teach me a lot and inspire me to become a better polyglot. Karl Rock's wife mentioned that seekh is a kebab skewer and that Sikh is pronounced sick.

Baldandbankrupt aka Benjamin Rich is another super polyglot. He speaks Hindi and Punjabi well. Kisa magri Punjabi hey? What is this called in Punjabi? He also speaks Russian very well. His language skills were amazing in one video when he got drunk with four Russian women. Disturbingly, he spent a lot of time in Chernobyl and that place has a lot of radiation! He also speaks Spanish well and he went to some really rough places in South America yet people were friendly to him. He has great social skills and people were probably impressed with his linguistic knowledge.

Also I might try Korean with some a couple of Korean store owners. Dasi mannaseo bangawo. Good to see you again. Or else mannaseo bangawo. Good to see you.
I usually purchase ZigZag blue rolling papers at the Korean store. I could then say, dambay jongee, palanseng. Cigarette papers, blue.
Hello is anyeonghayseeoh.

What else is there to do during a global pandemic lockdown than to learn a few new languages? 16 year old polyglot Tim Doner puts us all to shame. He speaks 23 languages!

Reddit has an article called Fake Polyglots. At first that offended me but then I realized that was a profound truth that should push me to learn languages better. 
Most Polyglots claim to be so but actually they only have a cursory summary knowledge of the languages they claim to be able to speak and either get the pronunciation or the rhythm or cadence or accent wrong. Very few people can speak more than one language, if that, at University level. That kind of thing takes about ten years of daily hours on end speaking of that language.
Between the stages from that of a beginner to expert, it is necessary to go through a phase of fake polyglot. It can takes months to master any accent. Maybe not. There are lots of people who speak languages with foreign accents.
Don't be afraid to make mistakes while doing it. I know I have. Between beginner stage  and master stage, mistakes will be made.
It's not that difficult to speak at a University level with any language. All you need to know are these and probably a few other usual go to words of any University.
1. University - uniwersytet
2. Computer - komputer
3. Physics - fizyka
4. Calculus - rachunek rozniczkowy
5. Other Dimension - inny wymiar
6. Time travel - podroz w czasie
7. Teleportation - teleportacja
8. Aliens, extra terrestrials - kosmici, pozaziemski
9. Quantum - kwant
10. Algorithm - algorytm

A language is like an app. With a lot of apps, one is immersed in a lexicon of nomenclature of characters, weapons, buildings, etc and these words can number into the hundreds if not thousands. Learning a language is like that. Slowly over time, you pick up new words. I had lots of friends in the past and still do that speak other languages regularly. I should have learned more languages earlier in life so I could speak to them in that language! Sometimes one wants to learn other languages later on in life.
I spent a year in Thailand and I learnt Thai to some extent with Berlitz before going there. When I first got there, I immediately started speaking to people in Thai!
I remember the first sentence I ever spoke. At the airport, at about 1:30 am local time, I asked a female janitor, 
"Rott fie cow by nie meung mie?" Does the train go into town?"

Good News:  Dr Art Hister of Global News said coronavirus vaccine don't need the minus 70 degree storage. Regular freezers will do it.
Also, one dose is sufficient for an 80% - 90% immunity. Two doses aren't necessarily needed.
Canada has 1.5 million people already vaccinated. But Washington State alone already has 1.1 milion people vaccinated. 
Somehow it's supposed to take 8 months to vaccinate 300 million people in the States but also 8 months to vaccinate 30 million people in Canada?! Would it take as long to feed 30 million people as it does to feed 300 million people?
Americans can not visualize a world where they are not one step ahead of everybody else. The US wants you to be successful, but not more successful as them. 
Other countries in the world just have to del with the vague offhand policies of the United States but Canada also has to deal with their physical presence and to such an extent.
England shares two of 48 of its Provinces or regions borders with the Scotland border and 2 of 48 of its regions with the Wales border. Mexico shares 6 of its 32 Provinces with the US border. Canada shares 8 of 10  Provincial borders with the US border and 1 of 3 Territorial borders with the US border of Alaska! Let's call it 11 of 13 Canadian Provincial borders shared and with access to and from a US border. While the US only shares 14 State borders with a Canadian border; pro-rated, a much smaller percentage. Maybe it has something to do with the US having smaller sized States and Canada has such large sized Provinces. Mathematically, if Canada had only one Province then 100 percent of its Provinces would share a border with the US. So what?
American Imperialism or what? You wonder why all Canadians get vaccinated only at the same time all Americans do and not months before as would be mathematically consistent with reality. 
Oh gawd!
If I ever get a chance I'd leave this country and never come back. I wasn't born here so that's one less reason for me to stay here. I'm thinking of moving to another country.
Oh what the fuck. It might or might not be popular to say, but I trust the Americans. I think they are good people and in all likelihood, more together than I am. American Police were kind to me on twitter and I'll always remember that. I really do believe that geoprovincial anomalies nothwithstanding, Americans have my back. 
This is one less reason to stay in Canada if you're here and one less reason to return to Canada if you're not in Canada.
This thing regarding the Canadian and US border has only been around for about 170 years. I never worried about it before. Why would I start worrying about it now?

Vancouver anti-masker sign: The Perfect Storm - The Covid-19 vaccine will cause pathogenic priming aka a cytokine storm within every cell in your body within 19 months. 
I don't know if this is true or not, probably is but I wouldn't put anything past the government.
The News is a little bit on the side of the anti-maskers but can't say so because of their jobs, their hands are tied.
The News is mostly real but a little bit bullshit - only the important parts.
Conspiracy theories are most bullshit but a little bit true - only the important parts.
Some doctors like Dr Stephen Malthouse believe the restrictions are actually bad for the health.
We're all points on a curve between some think the restrictions go too far. Some think the restrictions don't go far enough.
"You can pay a doctor to say anything." William Burroughs
When pushing a bullshit line, it's necessary to perpetuate cognitive dissonance towards certain truths and to suppress facts that go against the bullshit line.
"Never ascribe to malice that which can be explained through incompetence." Napoleon

I often get negative, let my imagination run away with me and write things I don't really mean. I am sorry for this. Please disregard a lot of the negative things I write.

I have to move back to Vancouver. I have given up on moving to India.
Before I was on the internet I was living in Vancouver. Then when I got on the internet, I moved to all these smaller backwater shithole fishbowl existence towns. That's was backwards. It should be before the internet I loved in small towns. When I got on the internet doing cartoons, etc then move to a bigger city. Moving to a smaller town is taking a step backwards. Only an idiot would get on the internet then move to a smaller town.
My hotel has no review page but if I were to write a review for this hotel I would give it one star. Vancouver hotels had a well developed modern infrastructure. This hotel has a retarded infrastructure. The sinks are weird, retarded and like no sinks I've seen in any other hotels. The sinks in this hotel are just fucking weird, bizarre batshit crazy. This hotel is a dive and worse in a lot of ways than the hotels in Vancouver's downtown Eastside and that's saying something.

This hotel I am staying at is a golden hotel. Recently I left two things in the bathroom and days later they were still there. No one took them. It's as if this is Japan.

This town is a vacuous hole. On Google reviews this is rated as an unfriendly town. It's just another shithole that thinks it's the center of the universe and its jacked up prices reflect that. I really won't miss anyone in this town when I leave. I don't even miss them now let alone when I leave.
For instance Sikhs have India to choose from but they would opt for living here? The Sikh temples in Canada are whatever but the ones in India are ten thousand times better. Way more exotic. The ones in India are real. Here any temple is just some backwater shithole, watered down and dumbed down to Western tastes temple. A compromise, a knuckling under. Some DP or displaced persons mentality. So if you're at a Sikh temple in Canada, you're neither in Canada nor are you in India either. 
How and why would East Indians if they had the money and the choice stay in Canada and be a visible minority when they could move to India and be a majority. 
If I go to the East Indian temple, I would marvel at how some of them are millionaires and would still stay in town. Whereas if I had any money at I would be out of here so fast. 
In Canada, a person can earn at least $15 an hour and it goes up from there. Some people make 75K, 100K a year. In India, they don't even make $10 a day.
"Baba Lassi. The best Lassis in Varanasi." Baldandbankrupt

Lots of people all over the planet probably numbering in the millions have been done dirty because when it comes to being an asshole, the forces of life always find a way. 

Stephen King's Mr Mercedes is a really awful book. Caravan of garbage! It belongs in the basket of deplorables. The plot was terrible and messed up. It takes a twisted mind to write a twisted book. More spurious gratuitous sensationalist violence ad absurdio.
John Macafee could crush up a ton of bath salts, snort it, go on a three week bath salts bender and then after all that, write a book afterwards and it would wind up being a better book than Mr Mercedes.

May the best of last year be the worst of next year. 

I always hang out in the afterlife teleporting between towns, riding on teleportational buses or sometimes a small plane between towns. Stay in all these different and funky hotels for free all the time. Vancouver is so quiet in the afterlife and there are very few cars and people on the street although all the buildings are there. Sometimes they seem all wrecked, like the whole city. But usually not. I spend eternity on a continuous moebius strip loop travelling between the limbo version of Vancouver and Dawson Creek and since time travel is time experienced on an objective level and what we call time is bullshit and all in our heads, I'd be surfing along that exquisite time dynamic in the afterlife forever. 
Buddha said life is an illusion. That's correct. But I would also say that life is a set of physics, lifemis a dynamic, life is an algorithm and all this can change through either dreaming while sleeping or else dying and going to the afterlife.

I don't want to get married. Marriage is an anachronistic institution, it's a trap, it's bullshit. But being single for life is also bullshit. It's a no-win situation. I'm hell get to get out of life.

The autocorrect autotyping feature on this tablet, heck, on all tablets I experienced is fucking bullshit. I type these words and then the computer second guesses and side swipes me and types in this other word instead. I have to constantly go back and correct it. This is what passes for AI. They call it AI but it should at least learn the English language. I have a better grasp of the Polish and the East Indian languages better than the autocorrect has a grasp of English. Completely fucking retarded computer program. What a fucking piece of shit retarded computer program. They call it AI which leaves me wondering what it would've been like without its so called AI.

BC Covid care bingo card. Cold comfort. Cold comforts comes from in the 1800s at Christmas, church ministers would dispense free meals to the poor while lecturing them all the while how they were reprobate sinners doomed to the everlasting fires of hell - where the drugs are better and where the music is better. Hell is the weird music 🎼 of thrash metal and death metal pipes through the PA system at all times.

BC Government's self help bingo card. "Let them eat cake." Marie Antoinette, the madamoiselle of the maison.
Just the typical spurious laconic sanctimonious claptrap that you could expect from an out of touch government. Your votes matter, your voices don't. Your money matters, your opinions don't.

I would be the first to admit that I am far from a perfect person. But who is a perfect person exactly, specifically. Other than Jesus. I am also psychologically defective and parts of my brain I'd like to throw in the garbage.
Don't regard any of my writings as facts unless they are clearly facts because I have no credentials whatsoever. These are my own evolving opinions and do not reflect the views of Google or any of their subsidiaries.

Canada passes legislation declaring China's treatment of Uighurs a genocide.
That's rich coming from Canada when you think of how Canada dealt with its Native population especially historically. And even now all the water on Native reservations is shit, boil water advisory and the government couldn't care less.
Canada's a genocidalist themselves lol!
So clearly, this is a case of projection. People will push some persona onto you which is really, an extension of their fuck ups. Well isn't that the pot calling the kettle black.
To call another country a genocidalist during a global pandemic is typical of the special kind of tact and diplomacy that Canada has always been known for. Good timing as usual.
That it was China that they called genocidal is incidental. Or is it? As usual KKKanada can't make up its mind about how exactly racist it is. For an individual that's bad enough but for a collective like a government that's bungling buffoonery that results in a bonkers government. If KKKanada was that gung ho about their racism, they would've been all too happy to send Meng Wang Zhou and me, separately and at different times of course back to China I mean if we're dealing with the crass racism at the level of, "It's better for ten Chinese people to leave Canada than for even one White person to leave Canada." I never chose to come to Canada. I was brought here without my consultation as an infant. I'm not sure that Canada is a somewhere I'd choose to move to if I was in Asia. Asia's more rocking. Better weather. In Asia I'd be one of the majority. Especially if I grew up there.
As usual the White culture of Canada levels a European 'je t'accuse' at China. That's the White culture trying to create a pretext to get involved to interfere some way with China.
Of course China would say, "Hey West, don't put yourself out on our account. Don't be doing us any favours!" 
The Whites are prosaic barbarians who can never understand the elaborate intricacy of the Chinese cultural infrastructure. The Whites in Canada can barely write in a 26 letter alphabetic script and I've seen lots of White people who cannot write a letter without making multiple spelling errors each and every time while the Chinese have mastered a pictographic script of ten thousand characters as well as knowing the English alphabet very well. And the Chinese built better quantum computers than the West. 
Soy boy? Is that why the US got their ass kicked in Korea and Vietnam? Especially Vietnam.
The Chinese did recently say that whatever incursions the West makes towards China will fail.
A country of 30 million people saying something about a country with a billion people? The West mostly simply does not have any ideamof what they are getting involved with and would be in over their heads.
Talk to any expat overseas, they can't stand the West. They have and loathe the West as an anathema and they would never return and the reasons they give why is stuff they wouldn't show on the News.
China is doing better than the West while the West thinks of everyone, "I want you to be successful but not more successful than me." Which sums up the human race. This is something that makes life not worth living and I prayed to God lots asking if I could be swept away. If I could die in the middle of a dream. In the dream someone walks up to me and days, "You're dead, you know. It's that smooth." I'd love it if that could happen to me. Too bad it didn't happen years ago.
Canada is a future less hopeless country with bad weather and if it weren't for the social programs and paying people to live here and the barely adequate free to low cost Medicare, a lot less people would choose to move here.
I would advise anyone from another country not to come to Canada. You probably come from a country that once had if not still has a Monarchy. Canada is full of savages and barbarians and Canada never had a Monarchy so if you come here they'll inmost likelihood call you autistic if you're White and or a visible minority if you're not just to bring you down to their turbid and turgid Kingless Queenless level. That's what they don't tell you in those emigrate to Canada pamphlets, if you make the mistake of moving to Canada, you're a visible minority while in your homeland, you're one of the majority.
Of course I can't say much about China. My family didn't give me a fair shake. But that's OK, they didn't even give themselves a fair shake lol. 
China's weird pictographic alphabet with its steep learning curve makes it a non-starter for any aspiring polyglot who is keen to have a mastery of foreign languages that includes learning how to write it. 
If I had any money, even $5,000 or $10,000, I would leave Canada and never come back.
The West with its fake artificial bullshit Christian imposed 12 month calendar. As if there are only 12 lunar cycles in a year. YouTube comments said that Abrahamic religions are bullshit. East Indian religions are generally much better. In other countries, not Canada, they still observe the true 13 lunar months a year calendar. Etc etc
Anyways this so called passed Legislation was in essence some weird opposition private member's bill that all but one member of the Prime Minister's political party abstained from including the Prime Minster, it was drafted and passed but not ratified. Certainly not personally, on a Prime Ministerial level from the PMO.

I want to quit life like dropping out of college. I've lived long enough. There's nothing else I want to live for. Get laid? I already got laid enough already. It's repetitive and there's often politics that come with it. Committment issues, worries about being on the hook for child support. For me, that would be the most unwanted thing. Life is tawdry. Why doesn't God just sweep me away and let's just all call it 'even'? I might not be long for this World. Even if the East Indians decide to kill me, it would be one weird East Indian day but it would soon enough be over with. Then I'd be in the catbird's seat. I'd be in the afterlife with a better set of physics. 
But if I'm at the level where I'm dreaming of running down tunnels with an opening at the bottom, highly symbolic of death and dying, and then there's the usual authority figures stopping me, "It's not your time!" I must be doing something right. To get that close. I'm rather proud of myself for that.
I came up with so many answers. Answers about the afterlife, holographic dimensions, different time dynamic, if for myself and noone else. These are answers my scientific  friend Mark Roy didn't come up with yet he was granted an early reprieve. He was just as tired of living as I am. His life was just as going nowhere as mine is. But he got an early reprieve!
Life cheated me out of an early death! To be honest and how many thousands of times have I said this over how many years now? I'd rather be dead and partying in the afterlife than to love a life that's going nowhere. There is no future. Quit life altogether.

Mark Roy.  1963 - 2004
Mark, you're alive, you're not dead! Yeah. That means that time you were in the hospital was bullshit and we can hang out physically again. No.
It's over there! It's under the blanket! I don't want to shoot any more coke anymore Mark. Yeah, that's right! Just start flap flapping away!
Mark, I want to give up on life as my life is going nowhere. Mark, I have connections with The British Royal Family!

I had lots of dreams about my friend Mark Roy since he died. He seems to be having a blast in the afterlife while I am stuck here with a life that's going nowhere.

Tiger Woods is one of the world's greatest golf prodigies. He could play with a 20 stroke handicap and still beat most average people on the golf course. It's a miracle he survived in a ghastly car accident. I hope Tiger Woods can play golf again but now that's all up in the air. Tiger Woods is a god of the golf course. I wish sympathy and best wishes and a full recovery to Tiger Woods.  In the past Tiger Woods had back surgery but he was still playing golf after that to the point of winning the PGA Tour in 2019.

My Smurf Village. Thursday, February 25, 2021.


Some very few people are reactivating and renewing their vitriolic mixture of questionable medical pseudo science and of course, death threats especially levelled towards the celebrity personage of Dr Bonnie Henry. Whereas on the internet, there's usually a generous serving of the usual vitriolic cornucopia of incest, bestiality and deaths threats; **** your mother, a dog ****ed your mother, watch your back, that's standard issue on the internet. These are probably the same people who would knock down a newspaper stand after walking out of an arena after their local sports team lost. Poor sports. That's the same kind of hooliganism behind the 2011 Stanley Cup Riot. 
In the movie Stars Wars the Rise of Skywalker, there was a Festival of the Ancestors held once every 42 years festival on the planet of Pasaana. The global pandemic is a once every 100 years anti-festival costume party where everyone has to wear a mask. 1720 - bubonic plague 1820 - typhoid fever pandemic 1920 - Spanish Flu 2020 - Covid 19 Pandemic. Enjoy the themed two year Halloween costume party for it will end one day.
There was anger and fist fights too in the 1920s when people were seen not wearing masks except back then it wasn't called anti maskers. It was just called people fighting when seeing someone not wearing a face mask.

Dr Bonnie Henry is a god send. Somehow in this Province we lucked out with such a beautiful visage with a cougar as a health minister. Health ministers in other places have a more Stern and strict and clinical presence. Dr Bonnie Henry is a highly professional doctor. Top class!

"Our store is now bigger to serve you better."
My cok is now bigger to serve your mother's vagina better. So what?

I learned a new very useful German phrase: Dein gesicht sieht aus wie eine schildkrote.
Your face looks like a turtle. I committed it to memory.
Come to think of it, that's not something that would be a priority to say to anyone. Then someone could say to me, well your face looks like a weasel.

I am an imperfect person. I am racked with self doubt and negativity. Don't read my blog with its non peer reviewed opinions if you want true facts as I have no credentials whatsoever. I try my best but someone who is a University professor could write a better more informed treatise on whatever topic.

Anima on Android is very much like Untold Legends: Warriors Code and Brotherhood of the Blade. But very monotonous. Colour tone a dark sickly grey. Eternium looked better but gameplay was awful. Anima is more conventional. I've given up. Enemies too tough. On brotherhood of the Blade there was a lot of different colorful magical effects with the mages that look like Las Vegas slot  machine  eye candy. 
I hope to find on Android something similar to the Untold Legends series on PSP.
Bladebound from Artifax Mundi on Android Google play deserves a million stars out of five. If you like Untold Legends: The Warrior's Code and Brotherhood of the Blade, and Dungeon Siege Throne of Agony all on Sony PSP, then you will like this app. Bladebound is all the above mentioned games on steroids and tweaked to ultimate perfection.
I chose the female avatar as she is eye candy.

I accidentally lost my Walking Dead Survivors account when I reinstalled it.  I also lost Michonne which I paid a Lordly $1.39 for. After answering a few survey questions over two weeks, my Google play account has been bumped up to $1.15. Hopefully I get the other $0.24 needed to get Michonne. Again. There have been updates. This time, starting over the graphics and layout is somewhat different, better than before.
Before, starting on level one, there were only dirt roads. This time, starting on level one,  there are paved roads throughout.
Update: Monday March 1, 2021. I got $0.10 from answering a survey on Google Play rewards. I am up to $1.25. Just $0.14 to go until I get Michonne. Again.
Saturday, March 6, 2021 I got Michonne again. I got nearly $1 from answering a Google survey. 

A lot of you have helped me over the years on the internet. Thank you for being my friend. I wish you all the best. Whether I ever get to the right town and country ever or not, thank you for being my friend all these years in the trenches. My cartoons are amateur. I like to style them on doodlings in a telephone book. I liked the almost ballet coordination of all the helicopters and planes and smoke flares and explosions I did in my latest cartoon. I had time not only the smoke, but where the smoke looked best at what point as the helicopters drifted past.

CNN said during The Sixties documentary that the toughest Vietnam War American soldiers had mohawk haircuts. These were the most dangerous and feared soldiers and the mohawks were earned only after a few lethal skirmishes.