Tuesday, March 2, 2021

MarCOVIDarch 2021

Tiger Woods will golf again. Hopefully.
"Gentlemen, we have the technology. We have the ability to make the World's first bionic man." He didn't say we have the ability to make the world's first six million dollar man because a lot of people in the States at the time had more than $6 million in the bank so that wouldn't have been so much of an accomplishment. Probably Trump at the time the television series was on had more than $6 million in the bank.
The doctors have a heavy task. Not only do they have to cure the patient, they have to cure him to the point where not only is he golfing again, he would be golfing to the point where he's winning medals. That happened with Harry Jerome and Nancy Kerrigan. Not only did they recover from their injuries, they recovered to the point where they were winning medals.
The doctors would have to be like Mr Miyagi. Again not only to the point where the student is doing some karate, but to the point where the student is winning medals.

The coronavirus vaccine is endogenically procured in the States and Canada. However that's on a National level. On a Provincial or a Statewide level that may or may not be so. In Canada some Provinces will be fully vaccinated months before other Provinces.
What can you say about that? Backwater politics, local yokels, policy wonks.
Ironic that the virus is exogenically procured in the Northern territories where there are adequate temperatures to store the virus naturally in the weather there. I don't know if it ever gets to minus 70 there, though.
The United States just recently approved the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Canada will do it sometime afterwards. 
The States always did things first. In the old days of no internet and no cellphones, only dial phones, it took a year for Canada to catch up to the States. The hippies showed up in the States in 1967 and the fashions became popular in Canada in 1968. Now it's very quick with the internet and Amazon. But the fact remains that Canada is always copying off the States.

Friday March 5, 2021. Canada approves National distribution of Johnson & Johnson vaccine within Canada. Our Place community centre is innoculating those economically marginalized which pretty much describes yours truly. I am going to go there to look for the coronavirus vaccine and get vaccinated! So for me on a personal level, the pandemic is pretty much over.

Someone sent me a spastic spurious and somewhat rude comment. It was on my Bruce Lee Game of Death cartoon. The person wrote "O GAY..... WHERE DO I GET MY PART?????"
That's twice that someone called me gay in YouTube comments in two months.
These comments worry me. "When they worry, the Universe worries." Padishah Emperor, Dune
I wondered if it was linked to something I did recently. Some egregious yet relatively minor mistake. Connect the dots. I think it has to do with me being on YouTube in the first place. People who aren't on YouTube don't get these comments. 
It doesn't offend me if people thought of me as gay. There are lots of people who work in the hospital who are gay. They are smart people. Some of the best people are gay. Most of them conduct themselves with honor.
I would be offended if I thought of gays as evil and disgusting but I simply don't think that.
They'd have to say more than just calling someone gay. There would need to be names, dates, places, times. Maybe something happened 30 years ago, but you couldn't come up with anything more recent than that? 
Every town has its usual gay hang out spots where gays go to cruise. Would anybody say that they saw me there? And I've been living in this town for ten years. You would think that if I was gay and in all this time, someone or more likely a few people would say that they saw me there at least once. 
But has that happened? No.

About ogay, a person is trying to say okay but due to the structural engineering of the tongue gnashing against the upper palate of the mouth, there is a dipthongal clash that doesn't always register. So instead of saying okay, it emerges as ogay. It's not even a Freudian slip, it's a dipthongal clash, a phonetic slip.
A Freudian slip is  sometimes derived not from a deep seated sexual desire and sometimes from a deep seated sexual fear.
But that doesn't explain why in a dream, I said to a lady, "When the pandemic is over, would it be ogay for us to be together?" She nodded, "Yes." I meant to say okay yet it emerged as ogay. That the linguistic phonetic anomaly would even carry over in the dream world where there isn't that same physical dipthongal clash of the tongue and upper palate because the dream world is all holographic. It'd be a holographic tongue and a holographic upper palate of the mouth that one is working with. It's not even that as one doesn't even use the holographic mouth to communicate with in that dimension as it's all telepathy! One doesn't communicate with the mouth, one communicates with the mind, kind of like Elon Musk's neural implants.
How does that happen? What's the science behind that?

YouTube is a culture that you can get all kinds of comments from people living in other countries hundreds of not thousands of miles away. People you will never meet and who will never meet you. Who cares? The comment probably came from the United States. Or maybe a bot generated it. There isn't a 0% chance of that. Not in this day and age. Oh no.

This is another specific example which illustrates the general case. Wrong thinking: Life gives you back what you put into it. Right thinking: Life rips you off what you put into it. When it comes to being an asshole, life always finds a way.
I generate a certain kind of energy. Yet always I get quite another kind of energy in return. I give gold. I get shit in return.
I make a YouTube video. In return I get shit comments like that.
What can you say about the internet? It's a place where children who died at the age of ten and died 40 years ago at that, have their own dot com website where one can comment, send money, purchase merchandise. 
The internet is a bizarre theme park where the guests, the ones who leave comments, are just as weird as the attractions and exhibits there at the theme park; supply and demand lol.

What can you say about the human species? They're the same ones who send strange YouTube comments and then go on forums guessing about the sexuality of fictional people. They're fictional. They don't exist. How could they really have a sexuality? What's trending is guessing Daryl from the Walking Dead's sexuality.

I can draw faces well. That's the level I operate from.
They can't draw faces well. That's the level they operate from.

I see a lot of beautiful women regularly. They work at places I go to regularly. 

The US placed sanctions on Russia over the mailing of Alexei Navalny. The smoke has hit the fan. It's at that level now.
Why would the US do that unless Navalny is a high ranking CIA asset?
What is the end game exactly? Spring Navalny out of the hoosgow and then facilitate a CIA style escape from Russia? That's the best they could do.
Or did they think they could spring him out and ten one day Navalny's the President of Russia? Not under Putin's watch. You'd have more of a chance of winning the powerball lottery - and in Russia. The lottery in Russia is probably pretty much as rigged as the electoral system. Whether the election is rigged or not, Putin still wins. 
You can do anything you want in Russia. Russia's the land of freedom. Just don't get involved in politics. It's a game reserved for a select few aristocratic families, like a dynasty.
All other countries are like that too. I've seen weird and offensive videos made of heads of state even in Canada. I don't think that the people who made the videos are around anymore. 
"I know a few things about predatory behavior. And what was once a legitimate intelligence gathering agency is now being used to prey on weaker governments." The Falcon and the Snowman
White Supremacy is a blanket that makes how some more powerful groups of White ethnicities systemically target, colonialize, exploitate, and co-opt other weaker groups of White ethnicities under one White banner acceptable. All lesser tribes united under a banner but not the banner of the most dominant and controlling tribe, except this isn't on a National level but on an international level. The Kalergi plan. The Morgenthau plan. The London Funnel. Makes it less obvious. And makes it less likely for the less powerful Whites to turn to other cultures and ethnicities for assistance and or escape. Like how the US occupies and regulates the military in Germany or how the States places sanctions on Russia all the time and Russia and Germany and Canada are known as pretty much all White countries. Like how the US occupies Canada. Like all the White people are bratya perugia, brothers in arms. New Balance shoes. The footwear of choice for White Supremacists.
White Supremacy started in the United States, the KKK, but the States are a subsidiary of England. White Supremacy is the White English speaking tribe colonizing, controlling, coopting, commandeering and hegemonizing all the other White non English speaking tribes of Europe and Russia too under the banner of the US Anglo English speaking Whites. Otherwise old habits die hard and Europe was centuries of internecine tribal warfare, War of the Roses, Thirty Years War, Hundred Years War, Franco Prussian War, etc. China was like that, all 13 Tribes were united under a banner of Beijing but not the banner as the other tribes weren't thought of as quite equal. The French foreign Legion is joined under one banner but not the banner as they are not thought of as equals to the Official French Army. 
White Supremacy in German is WeiBe Vorherrschaft but rarely is that bandied about because that would seem too Nazi. Pedestrian, garden-variety White Supremacy is tacitly socially acceptable but not to point of being a Nazi. Again, it's about Anglo Supremacy specifically. 
At one time, about 50% of Americans spoke German and Germany was a European colonial superpower as powerful as if not more powerful than England. The Kaiser who had that disability was a factor, maybe if he didn't have that. Then there was a major power struggle between England and Germany often referred to as World War 1 and World War 2. Germany was totally wiped out and after that, the States had the Monroe Doctrine or if not that then the Marshall Plan. So it's more like 'Deutschland Uber Alles AuBer GroBbritannien und die Vereinigte Staaten.' Just trying to be objective.... Not a complaint and shouldn't register as such. Merely an observation.
White Supremacy is maintained when a threat is perceived from other colored nonWhite nationalities or ethnicities. However the premise falls apart, if the Whites were that superior, they'd be superior to the point were other Nationalities wouldn't be a threat, or are they just enough of a threat to give them a run for their money? If they were that superior or poweful, they'd be impervious to threats, if they aren't impervious threats they're not all that superior or powerful.
Don't ever lose that imagination. These thoughts are purely imagination. Try to place myself in someone else's shoes. These thoughts are not facts, just worries.
Just some awful niggling thoughts that are another variable of the ghastly wretched algorithm of the physics of this dimension. Cultures probably don't present themselves the same way given the holographic physics in the afterlife.
If I had any money, I'd move back to Asia where I'm one of the majority. Farther away, bigger adventure, less of a regression to some erstwhile bullshit.
Racism is a luxury that people who have good health and take their health for granted have. As soon as one gets sick and imagines that they're dying, having the fear of God put into them, the typical thoughts are not of hatred and racism, rather of love. The final messages of the 9/11 passengers were all about love. Racism comes from fear. Anger comes from fear of losing control. 

Every year ending with 1, without fail, I have always gone on a major journey. In 1981, I travelled to the United States. I remember Southgate Mall in Seattle and Laura Secord chocolates and Macy's and JC Penney department store. In 1991, I travelled from Dawson Creek to Vancouver. In 2001, I went to Bangkok Thailand and I was an English teacher that year. I taught Pratayom 5  - 7 and Matayom 1 -5. That's grade 5 to 7 and grade 8 to 12 in Canada. 
In 2011, I travelled from Dawson Creek to Vancouver, again, and I rode a seaplane to Vancouver twice that year. This is a very powerful thing. I don't know if I will go through this year ending with 1 without travelling. It hasn't happened yet.
What does this mean? 

Mount Krakatoa in Indonesia.

Mount Sinabung in Indonesia erupted with smoke and magma and lava spewing out of its Sinabunghole. This eruption is teeny tiny compared to the Mount Krakatoa explosion in 1886 which had the power of 250 WW2 atom bombs! Looking at that village, the best thing anyone there could comics to hop on the nearest water buffalo and high tail it on out of there. 

Mount Sinabung in Indonesia.

There is a remnant gene in the human DNA called GULOP. This gene enabled humans to make their own Vitamin C. Then the great branch off occurred a couple of million years ago when a lot of primates including humans lost this gene but some primates like lemurs still retain this gene.
Would it be possible for me to use CRISPR to reintroduce GULOP into my body? If I had this gene in my body, I could really write my own ticket! Theoretically I could do this in your own home while watching Monday Night Football or else Hockey Night in Canada. But it's still undeveloped and there is a high risk of haploid based genetic fuck ups.

I get delusions of reference all the time. I often think that the News is always making secret references to me. Certain names remind me of people I met in the past which makes me think that they're referring to me. Why would they refer to me? They are living in different towns and they never met me in the past and I doubt I'd ever have the reason, opportunity, or inclination to meet them in the future. I don't even know where they work so I doubt I'd ever pass the place even for a minute.
And what if I die next year? What if one of them die or most likely retire next year? Then all that time they spent talking about me are a waste of time. 
Irish saying, "If they're talking about you that means they're leaving somebody else alone."
Why would the News talk about me so much as I presume and never actually contact me personally in all this time? The News is known to be pretty gung ho when they're determined to cover a story about a person.
This sounds as likely as if any other person in the World thinks the News is talking about them. If a neighbour said to me, "I think the News is talking about me and all the time every day." They'd say, "That's ridiculous. They're not talking about you. They never talk about you. They're talking about me!

Yesterday and today I had a splitting migraine headache. I thought I was dying. "You're not dying, Cameron. Cameron always thinks he's dying." Ferris Bueller's Day Off
I traced the activity that caused it. First of all I ate an opened pack of Doritos sitting in room temperature with dust and residual cigarette smoke, etc then I drank a can of coconut milk that had been in a fridge for two years. The best before date is actually 4 months away but they do the best before dates a year sometimes two years in advance. Ugh! Finally I ate fresh food and that took away the headache.

I am a nobody. I have no credentials. Read this blog if you want to but in terms of academic weight, this is like a University student term paper except not even as academic weighty as that. Write an essay about something, hand it in to the professor except these days but can put it online to share with others. It might be a really good term paper but in regards to academic weight, a treatise from a professor is more portentous. 
I think term papers are structured very differently anyways. Etc.

In the style of Riff Trax:
Watching CHEK 6 News.
Dragon boat race. One lady said she did 130 laps. I misheard that as 130 years old. She's 130 years old? She looks good for 130 years old.
"We play hard." They play hard and they fuck hard. What. Even the 130 year old one? What would that look like?

On an interview on Global News, the fire department was talking about tanker farms. Tanker farms? First time I heard of it. Do they raise them from young tankerlings to one day being a big tanker? "Keep eating your vitamins and tanker food and one day you'll grow to be a big tanker."

The News said that someone was found dead and done in at 5:30 am on a trail at Beacon Hill Park. Beacon Hill Park isn't known to be a place where people get done in. That happens only once every few years and yesterday, Wednesday March 3 2021 was the day. The Police didn't issue any warnings to stay away from the place. They are uncertain if this is connected to a tent city that's currently there. The News said years ago that the area is an area known for late night gay cruising. Maybe it is connected to that. Or else a drug deal gone wrong. 
Someone did something. Find out who did it. How long have the Police been playing that game? For hundreds of years.
The person who did that probably isn't resting easy.
Holy fuck! Another person dead at Beacon Hill Park in a burned out van.
Beacon Hill Park. Victoria's deadbasket.
Two dead bodies in two days. That's a two-fer!
I thought it was a man who was found dead that first day. That's why I brought it up that the area is known as late night gay cruise central. It turns out that the person found dead was a woman. But that doesn't change the fact that the area is known for gay cruising. It still is an area for late night gay cruising because even a woman found dead there wouldn't change that.

March 4th. If they were hoping for a noon inauguration for Donald Trump which is when inauguration really technically is for purists, well, that ship has sailed, that bird has flown. March the 4th be with you.

There is a News conference on Global News about coronavirus clusters. The takeaway I got from that is clusters, clusterfuckers. The people who got coronavirus were clusterfuckers. Could the clusterfucking have anything to do with it?


"Now I want you to promise me one thing. That you will never put anyone or anything before Family." King George VI, The Crown

I won't do it but an idea for a cartoon would be:
Wheel of Fortune. Someone wins a car. The contestant from Canada says to the game show host, "Doesn't the American IRS automatically take 50% of all winnings?" "You bet!" said the host. Just then there is a sound of chainsaws as IRS agents enter the room with special government issue diamond tipped chainsaws and proceed to saw the car in half, King Solomon style. The IRS agents ask the prize winner which half of the car he wants and if he can't decide then they'll make a decision and choose for him. The IRS agents then use chains and attach the front half of the car to a tow truck and then after driving it out of the studio leaving the incredulous prize winner standing there with the remaining most undignified rear half of the car he just won after correctly guessing the answer.
The anguished prize winner says, "That car was worth a lot of money before. Now it's worth shit! Before, that car went from 0 to 60 in ten seconds. Now it goes from zero to zero in ten hours. So what am I supposed to do with this?!"

The app Dark Days zombie survival is a platinum 10 stars out of 5. The graphics are top rate. A better artist than me designed that. It looks a lot like Borderlands as one reviewer wrote in comments. The controls are X Box. Very difficult, learning curve. Motion sickness but it can be done.

Saturday, March 13, 2021. Today is a red letter day. I got a $15 Google Play card and guess what? It worked. 
The deets: I would need 2000 spring tokens for the Golden crossbow. After playing for an excruciating 19 days, I got 1930 spring tokens. For some reason, the Saturday morning trade goods shop didn't offer the usual 30 spring tokens for 750 trade goods. With that, plus with the 60 I would have gotten tomorrow, I would have gotten in total 2020 spring tokens, more than enough for the Golden crossbow. I did get the 30 spring tokens for winning 8 challenge missions because last night, I had 1900 spring tokens. I went and a activated the distance booster. I needed 400 gold. For $6.99, from the $15 Google card, I got 500 gold. More than enough. After activated the distance booster which dispensed 100 spring tokens plus a whole plethora of other prizes enough to sink a boat, I finally got the Golden crossbow which I assigned to Tara Chambler, "I know it sucks and it's scary, but it's time to be brave!" The Golden crossbow only kills one walker whereas the speargun that hilltop Maggie has kills a whole line of walkers, up to 3 walkers. But the Golden crossbow is very powerful.
As it turns out, the 30 spring tokens at the trade goods shop did arrive. I would have gotten the Golden crossbow for free anyways! Now I got 2080 spring tokens. With the 30 today and 60 tomorrow, that's 2170 spring tokens. A few tokens shy of the 2250 spring tokens required for the next prize. The Princess can be gotten for 3000 spring tokens. I'll never get that for free. Maybe I will if I keep on playing for a year.

After mulling it over, I didn't walk to shell out the $3.99 for the Game of Life. It's a 4 player, one player you vs 3 CPU players turn based game. "The waiting is the hardest part." Tom Petty
I didn't want to always wait for the other three players to complete until it's my turn again. What is this. The 70s?!
If I wanted to go to a place where I have to wait for my turn, I'd go to the safe injection site. Wouldn't that be a good place to dispense coronavirus vaccine?
If The Game of Life is free I'll install it for sure. The thing is, I only ever remember seeing the Game of Life in the 70s. I never actually played it so it's a memory based on sight rather than on use.
The only other thing I thought worth getting is the extra building queue for $1.39 on Walking Dead Survivors. The WHO actually has a zombie apocalypse preparedness plan.
I installed some zombie apocalypse quiz apps. Questions like would you go to the city or the woods? What's your fitness level? Weapons or food? Hospital or military base? Etc. I didn't do that well on the quiz. 
A military base would have a medical component. A hospital wouldn't have an armory. Too many zombies, not enough bullets, use a sword. If no sword, if it were me, I'd look for any morphine and try to overdose. But that's just me. However this is a zombie apocalypse we're talking about. I wouldn't do that in normal times.
I am already very close to getting the extra building queue anyways so it's another introductory off for new players. From experience, extra building queue uses up more resources faster so it's not that great of a thing.
Walking Dead Survivors also offers a level 3 promotion for $1.39. However after playing for awhile, I am already at level 3. This offer is only an introductory offer for new players.
For some reason, compulsion, I got the extra building queue. Superfluous. I'd get all that fun time anyways.

I got The Game of Life on Saturday March 13, 2021! I will try it and see if I could play it all the way through. This is Snakes and Ladders on steroids.

I also got Stratego for $4.49. It's an old game from the 80s. It talks about rank. Who is more majorly. A prime minister outranks a premier. A cabinet minister outranks a regular MP. A Crown Prince is more majorly than a regular Prince. The Monarch is more majorly than the Royal Consort or the Monarch's spouse. The spy and miner are the most elusive. The spy can defeat anyone except the general. The miner can defeat a lit cannonball but anyone can defeat a miner. Unlike The Game of Life, I actually played Stratego years ago.
Stratego after playing it again is capture the flag. If I wanted to play capture the flag, I'd play Star Wars Battlefront Elite Squadron on PSP or else The Walking Dead No Man's Land outpost missions. It's a very elementary form of capture the flag before Dungeons and Dragons was invented. Lord of the Rings The Third Age on GBA and LOTR Tactics on PSP and Walking Dead No Man's Land on Google Play Android and Fire Emblem The Sacred Stones on GBA all copy off the Dungeons and Dragons set up. Except these games are all in one. Once you get the cartridge or install the app, it's all there. With Dungeons and Dragons it got pricey as you had to purchase every little thing, tokens, dice, playing board, cards, extra tokens etc. You had to be rich to play dungeons and dragons. Not anymore.
Dungeons and Dragons is somewhat similar to Stratego.
Even though the reviews said that the AI is aggressive and cheats and does things that the player can't get away with, I still got Stratego because it is an old classic.
I paid an additional $1.29 for the Napoleon campaign.

On both the Walking Dead apps, all members just about except one or two have left the clan, and the previous one in command has promoted me to leader which isn't the good thing that it appears to be. It means I'm the only one left in the clan. These games are a juggling act of a hundred things and if I miss even one of the crucial things regularly just because it appears too complex and I therefore never bother to learn it, all clan members leave. It's usually the Guild Wars in which everyone regardless of whether they participated get prizes. Most people don't like others coasting off of their efforts to get free prizes while doing nothing to contribute for whatever the hell reason. In Walking Dead Survivors, I never raid other compounds and that decreases the clan power, so as a result, everyone egresses. I wouldn't blame them I guess. Plus I never ever take part in the chats. Usually I get ignored or else I don't think I have anything to say. People in chats have mastered that kind of sarcasm that you find at comic book stores either with the customers or employees. I don't really know how to talk like that. Now I am the leader and/or the only member in two clans in two separate The Walking Dead apps. This is undoubtedly a system wide thing and has happened to a lot of people, not only me.
Since I got egregiously kicked out of a clan or else the clan disbanded around me, I rage quit The Walking Dead Survivors. It's overall not a satisfying game. It's a game for bean counters. It's very anal. So anal that the actual anus isn't as anal. What are you actually doing in the game. Good apps are heavy on the PvP action and light on the buildings, weapons, supplies, resources etc upgrades. Survivors is light on the PvP action and heavy on the levelling up of shit. The only reward in this game is more of the same. This is very similar to Game of Thrones Conquest; level up a hundred things, the more you do the more you have to do. Heavy on the levelling up, light on the PvP action. 

Today, in The Game of Life, I was given a choice between politician and pilot. After mulling it over, I chose politician. A pilots lifemis very unstable with too much traveling. A politician lives a more stable sedentary life. Pilot is a blue collar job. Politician is a White collar job. Just sit around, answer the phone if you want to, or not. Attend meetings where you don't have to say anything and still get paid lots. Politician isn't the glamour detail it was in the 50s. SJWs, Leftists with their woke Cancel culture, Right Wingers with their QAnon lizard people eating babies. Being a politician is a very difficult job. If you don't like trolls all the time in your social media feed complaining about this and that, don't be a politician. In essence, a modern contemporary cynical populace has sucked out all the glamour from politicianing.
A rising tide lifts all ships, but a lowering tide lowers all ships which explains why it's not very desirable to be a politician in this day and age vs before.

For some reason, my Google Play card worked today again as I bought a second $15 Play card in order to acquire Stratego. I'm keeping grim score. Yesterday morning, I bought my first $15 GPC that worked, but the night before the Police were in my apartment. Someone I said hi to often and liked, the rumour is he died suddenly of a drug overdose. The last time I got a $25 Google card months ago, it didn't work. But omens work that way. That Google card not working is an omenistic way of saying, the next time you get a Google card, on that day, someone you know well and like will die. I got the first $15  Google Play card yesterday on March 13 early in the morning. It was the evening of March 12 that the Police were in the building. Then in the afternoon of March 13 was when I learned of the sad tragic event. 
It often happens. Weird death omens or coincidences. Another time when I was in Dawson Creek, I found out someone who was living in Vancouver named Guthrie, last name, died. On that day I went and got a box of hard shell tacos with grated cheese and salsa included. When I opened that box on that day, there was only the cheese and salsa, no hard shell tacos. I didn't take it in for a refund because unregistered the death omen. I kept score on that occasion. Otherwise I would have taken it in for a refund! 
The same thing happened on another somewhat less memorable occasion.

I want to talk about Blade Runner Rogue. It truly captures the style and energy of Blade Runner. For some reason, it's completely addictive. The music is good too. It's very similar to Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes and Warner Bros Bugs Bunny World of Mayhem in PvP style play. With this one you can autoplay 4x for free without it being an in all purchase as I've seen in other games. That's great. You can only have three characters. I chose 4 star Marietta, 4 star Fat Brenda who I don't remember from the movies and 3 star Eduardo Gaff. If I get another 4 or even a 5 star character, I am loathe to replay either Marietta, Brenda or Gaff with other characters unless it's a really good character like Deckard, Agent K, Roy Batty, Abdul Ben Hassan, Niander Wallace, Joie, Pris and Zhora. Then I might replace Brenda because I don't remember her from the movie any more than I remember Sam Hiraga who is another character in this video game. 
Blade Runner Rogue has as one of its characters the barmaid with the eyepatch who sold Deckard the Tsingtao. I don't remember her name. I hope I see her again. I want to see her again because she has a very interesting name. She either shows up in cases, patrols, or else as a recruit. I scrapped a lot of my recruits for energy shards. Hopefully I didn't scrap the Tsingtao lady accidentally.

So many times on YouTube, I've seen comments like, "Did anyone else get this in their recommendations?" or "Why did I get this in my recommendations?" I was once told that if you look at normal porn, you see all these kinds of weird pictures, gays, trannies etc. It sure wasn't like that in traditional porn magazines. Not nearly as much anyways. 
These days whenever I'm on xhamster, there's always either a penile erectile advertisement showing a cross section of a penis, testicles etc. Offsetting enough. 
Then the other picture that always appears is a guy with a dark mustache wearing a blue and white striped t-shirt. He looks like an oily bohunk or else a crouching Serb. He does have that Eastern European look and of course the tumescent penis.
And the picture strobes slightly which registers as gay AF. Ugh! Grim, wretched, offsetting.
Why would xhamster think that would be any kind of priority for straight males to look at that? Xhamster, like metro Vancouver if not necessarily hetero Vancouver. Metrosexual. That's one of the 8 human genders like the alien species the Al Gruaalix have 8 genders.
Sigh, the 8 human genders, male, female, straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transexual MtF, transexual FtM; assigned male at birth, assigned female at birth, cisgender, non-binary,  hermaphrodite, etc Unlike with the Al Gruualix where they have 8 mainstream genders, with the human species, it's more contrived. With humans, you got your two mainstream genders and six alternative genders. If you were to include the alternative genders in your count of all the genders of the Al Gruualix along with the mainstream genders, they have about 50 genders! Don't even ask.  Anyways, that's your Anthropology 101, that's your Sociology 101 these days.
I talked about all of this with my girlfriend. Imagine a woman wanting to look at a picture of a cowboy with a rippling abdomen, abs, and then she sees a picture on the side all the time of lesbians? I'm sure that would be offsetting to her. My girlfriend agreed. 
I might have to avoid xhamster, from fear.

NFT or non-fungible token is a digital token of ownership. Theoretically it might work for me. But my cartoons drawings tweets aren't worth that much money. 
Governments encourage publishing houses because creating a work of art or novel and making money from it are two different skill sets. Publishing houses have printing presses and a network of booksellers and this generates revenue which also generates tax revenue. Publishing houses usually publish hundreds of artists simultaneously.
NFTs can be an excellent vector of money laundering. 
If it was so easy to make money then a lot of people would immediately quit their job, make some kind of artwork and make money off the NFT of it. Some artists have a much bigger name than others. Banksy's NFTs would make more money than most other artists would.
If my art is being sold and I don't get a cut off of it and someone is making money off my NFTs then that's more of the defective incompetent retarded forces of life ripping me off yet again. I generate a certain kind of energy and life returns it with quite another kind of energy. Behind it all, society, human actions, governments, laws, NFTs is the forces of life. 

"If a lamp complains about every rub, how will it ever be polished?" Rumi

I got The Game of Life 2 today on sale for $3.49. Hopefully Alter Ego Complex is on sale. Although the first Alter Ego for free, is way way better. The music is better and Es is there. The first Alter Ego has a real UBC University textbook feel. Not just any University, UBC is the most beautiful University on the planet.  Alter Ego Complex doesn't have the same University textbook vibe. Alter Ego Complex has a grade school te took vibe.
My girlfriend knows that the Game of Life has a blue peg for male and link peg for female. Playing for the first time three days ago, I didn't know I already had the pink peg, so I naturally chose the pink peg for the wedding winding up with a 2 pink peg wedding. All other players had blue peg pink peg weddings. I don't care. Whatever. 
What would TGOL 2 be like?
If I see Alter Ego Complex on sale, I might get it.
Oh what the fuck! I just now got Alter Ego Complex for $9.99. Keeping in mind that I never finished the first Alter Ego. Someone in comments said they completed it in 7 hours, but that's 7 hours of deep intensive hard core concentration. ADD or else ADHD stops me from completing Alter Ego and also stops me from going to University, like UBC.
The first book is Alter Ego is weird. No Longer Human; Osamu Dazai. Depressing book, full of depression, makes my depressing writing look like Disney's Magic Kingdom on the 4th of July in comparison. Then he does himself in. But after writing such a depressing book, should you be surprised? Anyways that book is required reading in University?!
The forces of life aren't always bad. Sure I was a dishwasher but I always got free meals and good meals they were. When I was a janitor, I was able to do a lot of free cocaine while on the job! Lots. Up to five times a week. I was a janitor there for three years. That was a good run! 
Today the forces of life brought me The Game of Life 2 and also Alter Ego Complex. 

"Forever young. I want to be 
Forever young."  
Someone I knew died of a drug overdose. He was young. He is forever young. He lives in the afterlife in a different time dynamic or algorithm if time travel is time experienced on an objective level. He lives in the time behind time.
"Reports of my demise have been greatly exaggerated." Mark Twain
I saw the guy again this morning. He lives! He did say that he was in the hospital.

Someone on the News named Knill is celebrating their 92nd birthday.
To most people: "Knill. It's pronounced kill; the n is silent like in 'damn'"
When talking to the Police: "Knill. It's pronounced nil; the k is silent like in 'knockers' and 'knows'."

I generate a certain kind of energy. The forces of life always return it with quite another. The forces of life are my sworn enemy. I envy my dead friends for their death. Nikola Tesla was really brilliant and what did the forces of life throw his way? Moron after moron, idiot after idiot. I truly hate the forces of life and I don't believe in God. The forces of life are incompetent and defective.
Wrong: Life gives back what you it into it.
Right: Life rips off what you put into it. 

God damned YouTube comments. Someone sent me a comment saying my comment was a copy and paste from Wikipedia. What a gormless asshole. I hate the forces of life. I write a good comment on youTube and that's what the fucking wretched defective forces of life throw at me in return.

There is a planet full of talented artists who generate a certain kind of energy. And what do the forces of life give them in return? The internet which is a repository of human garbage. Artists generate effort to create a video or to write out a thoughtful comment and in return they get the most deleterious detritus, useless slurry of human garbage comments written by the moss useless philistine prosaic gormless talentless barbarian assholes. Every YouTube video, I see the most shit comments. I tell you, I hate the forces of life. I have a vendetta against the forces of life. I generate a kind of energy of knowing how to draw faces well and so the goddamned shit forces of life throws at me all these shit personalities who can't draw faces at all. One useless personality after a fucking 'nother.

If I had enough money, I'd move to Asia and never come back. Someone in my hotel a few years ago inherited $150,000. And he still stayed in this hotel for years until he got evicted. The story behind the eviction is interesting.... That's baffling! I sure the hell wouldn't be staying here if I had $150,000. If I inherited $150,000, I'd be out of here so fast! 

I replied to someone on YouTube comments calling the person who accused memory copying and pasting from wikipedia a weird shit cracker. I replied using the vector reply to rather than post a public reply so I could have mistakenly sent a DM. White shits don't care at all if you call them a cracker because in the West they have the upper hand. Calling a minority some ignomious slur on the other hand is worse because it's punching down, that you know that they know that you know that they are a minority and slagging them off is rubbing it in. Calling a White person a cracker is irrelevant because it's punching up, it doesn't and wouldn't all of a sudden change the reality that they have the upper hand in the West. For me the West is sunk. It's finished. It's done. The West has no future. I would move to Asia and not come back. Thailand, India, Taiwan, Beijing, Hong Kong, I don't care. If I were to move to Poland I sure wouldn't come back. 
A White person wouldn't care if I call them a cracker. Even if I were to drop dead now right here on the spot, I doubt they'd care. Why would they?

There are lots of anti lockdown protests internationally. I don't know if the pandemic is bullshit or not. I trust the government enough to take them at face value and wear the mask lol. One sign that it might be bullshit is something at the edges which is where bullshit is often usually exposed. Vaccinations are five days a week, 8 hours a day. If this was really that serious of a global pandemic, why wouldn't it be 7 days a week 24 hours a day? Apparently it's an abbreviated truncated pandemic vaccination program that works to rule. Works only on banker's hours. No vaccinations on weekends or statutory holidays. Like a union. A unionized pandemic vaccination program. The pandemic is powerful but not as powerful as union work to rule. They seem to be taking their own sweet time when it comes to vaccinations. I tentatively have a vaccination scheduled for me sometime on Tuesday. It's the Moderna vaccine. Even if it was Astra Zeneca, I would still do it. Dr Bonnie Henry said this vaccine is safe and I wouldn't have to worry about blood clots.
Would I get a vaccination card? 
I could show that vaccination card on the ferry to Vancouver. Once the ferry workers get vaccinated which should be within 4 weeks, then that means safe travel to Vancouver. They see my card, they got vaccinated. Everybody wins.
What about the UK B 117 variant and the Brazilian P1 variant? These are either mutations or else mutations of mutations of COVID-19. This is genetic drift which even happens with cloned marijuana plants.

I am mulling over whether to get Monopoly on Google Play for $6.99. Yes, it has really come to this. The party never stops with me. 
The Game of Life has a point A and a point B. Monopoly is an infinite square and the game only ends when one person has all the money and everyone else is bankrupt, hence the name. How long would that that? From what I remember, Monopoly tournaments used to take days in an era where PlayStation 5s weren't an available option. There could be variations where after at least two times around the board for every player, whoever has the most money at that point would win, not quite a monopoly, more like an oligopoly.
The new Monopoly on Android is intensely tweaked. I might go for it for the nostalgia of Monopoly and memories from the Golden era when dial phones were the only phones. I grew up in those times. 
Monopoly costs $6.99 in two days. It costs $3.49 now but the sale ends in one day and I'm simply too lazy to go and get it today. I wonder if there is a Monopoly 2.

Monopoly is just as confusing as I remember. I bought it and there are other themes. There is the 1935 Atlantic City theme for $11.99.
And the Victoria London theme for $11.99.
You can watch a playthrough of these on YouTube. The Atlantic City has a real nice jazzy soundtrack. There is an Atlantic City Board for $8.49 and an Atlantic City Theme for $11.99. What's the difference?
Different board, different music, different player pieces, same confusing rules, same slow pacing. Monopoly is to Subway Surfers what hockey is to golf in terms of pace. 
If I could earn the other boards for free through playing that would be great but how many Monopoly games? Monopoly isn't an action based rpg. The dice rolling has taken away a lot of the decision making aspect of it.
I'll probably just play it a few times and uninstall it. 
"However many times you change the variables, the equation remains the same." Stephen King, The Bachman Books
However many boards, themes, variations, iterations, it's still basically the same Monopoly over and over again.

Monopoly is intense. If you're not right 100% dialed in, you can lose the thread of it quite quickly. In times like these, I just play through to the end and see what the final score is. This version of Monopoly has a huge 3D diorama in the center just like The Game of Life.
The original board game from the 50s sure didn't have that. Therefore this doesn't exactly have the old Monopoly feel. Game of Life 1 on Android is better than Game of Life 2 in terms of the feel from the nostalgic old times. Times were pretty nostalgic then, no internet, no cable TV, televisions usually ran three channels and only 12 hours a day. Even VCRs weren't then yet an option. The board game Monopoly would have seemed pretty good. 
I plonked down $1.29 for The Game of Life Vacations. 
Game of Life 2 and Vacations is variations on a theme. It could be fun to try it out for a few times. I doubt I'd have it on for life.

I downloaded Monopoly for DS on an emulator on my tablet. Monopoly on DS is worse. On GBA, it's even more worse as seen on a YouTube video. I guess they were cutting edge in their time. Monopoly on DS doesn't have the 3D diorama in the center. The new Monopoly on the tablet is good.
The Monopoly for DS I downloaded for emulator is the 4 in one pack also including Boggle, Yahtzee,  and Battleship. The one that has Monopoly alone is slightly different and has minigames. I couldn't find that one.
The pacing and 4K resolution on the tablet version of Monopoly is so good that there's no going back. Some Monopoly tips I learned. 
Get all railroads and utilities. 
The orange properties are the top best to get, even better than Boardwalk but Boardwalk isn't bad either. 
The worst row to get is between jail and go, next worse the row between go to jail and go. The best row is between jail and free parking, next best the last remaining row I didn't mention. 
Better to get three houses per property than a hotel per property.

Finally I was able to get the original Monopoly on DS and also on PSP. Interesting but lacklustre compared to the Android version.

In Walking Dead Survivors, all members have left my clan and I changed my clan to a Polish clan, to give it a Star Wars science fiction vibe. Language: Rzeczpospolita Polski. Declaration: Wszystkiego najlepszego. Witam. Wolne pokoj. Wszystko w porzadku.
Translated: Happy birthday. Welcome. Have room. No problem.
I decided to write the clan declaration in Polish to give it a sort of je ne sais quoi.
I doubt that anyone wants to join my clan. People usually get booted out for some form of inactivity. Not participating in and/or not understanding clan battles is usually it. To participate in clan battles, there are criteria although I can't tell you what they are. You see, I don't understand them myself. That's why I got kicked out of the clan. If I understood it, perhaps things would be different. I rage quit and uninstall it only to reinstall it again. It comes and it goes. Even comments said pay to play bullies always raid your village, steal your resources, but you do get very kind compensation letters as part of the natural set up of the game. This game has the set up to make this possible. Basic solitaire that only takes 12 megabytes and can be played offline wouldn't have this. It's all in the contrived set up of The Walking Dead Survivors.
This game is fun. If you uninstall and reinstall, you get your progress restored. I'm on level 12, but level 12 without taking part in clan battles, rallies, other things like occupy a level 1, 2, 3, 4, whatever compound. Level 12 gets me team of Three for the second queue, but innate to get melee, sharpshooter and cavalry defense all to level 5 first. It's quite the learning curve.

Buffalo Bill didn't just hunt buffalos. He also fucked buffalos. He often used to address crowds as such, "My cock has gone through more buffalo vaginas than glasses of water have gone down your throats!"

Tuesday, March 23, 2021. I got my corona virus vaccination today.
3 questions. What brand of vaccine? Moderna.
2nd shot and when? 2nd shot 4 months later.
Do I get a card? Card is given out after first dose.
Anybody who gets the vaccination could be the hundredth monkey and then things will turn around quick. It is said that it takes two weeks for the vaccine to attain full effectiveness.

Apps I recently got. Like today. 
Walking Dead Bridge Constructor. Fail. Awful. Terrible.
Yahtzee and Clue. An Ed Grimley 80s Christmas. 80s board games as gifts. Board games are anal. So anal that even the actual anus isn't as anal. Yahtzee is a cross between dice rolling and poker. Clue is like Monopoly. You have to follow the thread like in a game of pool but worse. Its got a high thread count!
I'll try Clue since I missed the $1.29 sale and got it for $2.89, still not expensive. It has a lot for that price. Over 500 mb worth of game. Clue as an app on a tablet is better than the board game. It has music, animations and really immerses you into that world.  
What the heck. There are other 80s board games. Mastermind and connect 4 I played already for free on Nintendo DS brain games. Those games are very elementary, geometric and not nearly as good as The Walking Dead No Man's Land or Subway Surfers or Alter Ego. The young Japanese lady who did the music of Alter Ego is a genius. Her name is amiko. I don't know what defines genius but the music of Alter Ego is some of the most moving and most beautiful music I have ever heard in my entire life of 50 years. 
Battleship has a few free versions since its low tech and isn't as details driven as Clue or Monopoly. Clue does have a gruesome edge and a very criminology Police Department give to it. Despite that, I thought I'd still give it a try. Clue uses the same mental requirements as an escape room. Memory, deduction, observation, logic. 

Picture: Monopoly alien with UFO token.

I paid for Monopoly Atlantic City 1935 and Victorian London. Beautiful. Enthralling. Reviews all pretty much unanimously say the AI on Monopoly is a crooked table and rigs it so that you mostly always lose. I already get enough of that from the forces of life itself! It would be a cold snowy day in August if you win. True. One time I played and the AI rolled the dice so the opponent got Boardwalk! That's the one I wanted to get! However another time, I got Boardwalk. I am thinking of getting the 👽 with UFO token for $3.39.
There is a carriage token but carriage without horses equals whatever. Those are the ones that are tempting me. 
The Atlantic City board has a good but eventually looping repeating soundtrack. Good for playing on Sunday afternoons. 
The Victorian London board has a pithy Christmas soundtrack that really immerses one in the vibe of Christmas.
I'll get the alien token in all likelihood but should I get the carriage one too? I don't want to spend too much money.
If I was a billionaire, I'd get it no problem. A billion dollars is so much money that if a person were to spend a million dollars every three months, at that rate they'd spend a billion dollars in 250 years! Some people have multibillions. What would they do with all that? Never have more things than you can keep track of in your mind. With multi billions one could use that to purchase small countries but is it even legal to do that? What is this. Risk? And as an owner of a country with no political experience, all politicking including the installation of a head of state would have to be a service that is contracted.
I paid $3.39 and got the Alien with UFO token.

There is also Farmassonne aka Carcassonne which is a 17th century French board game. The rules are you get a tile. On the tile is part of either a farm, a town, or a road. You get a point for every time you get. Then if on succeeding turns you complete a town, road or farm with another tile, you get another point. Placing a person on the road, town or farm wins you another point. Only one person can be placed per landmark. It can not be co-occupied by another player. At the end of the game, the person with the most points wins.
Carcassonne on Google Play costs $7.99 and is as glitchy as hell. Everyone in reviews said so. It's a unanimous consensus. Farmassonne is free and not glitchy and has all the elements of Carcassonne. 
The old version of Carcassonne no longer available or temporarily unavailable on Google Play is better than the one that is on now.

Catan looks confusing. With 8 hotels and 24 houses per player, it looks confusing at first. I'll look more into it. A player gets tiles that look like honeycombs. Catan probably means confusing in either French or Spanish, I'm not sure. The rules are very difficult.

Boggle is a very fun and addictive word game from back in the day. However on the Google Play Android version you need either a Facebook or an email registered account. I hate those things! I never use them. Ever. Most apps don't do that. They're very user friendly. Google Play registers a sign in automatically and immediately. If Hasbro did a paid version with Google Play sign in, I'd pay. It would be worth the money. I already paid Hasbro for apps like Monopoly, three version of The Game of Life as well as Stratego. All very user friendly. Google Play sign in. Smooth.
Word Shaker does all that Boggle does if you're looking for an app.

The other Suez Crisis. A ship is logjammed, jackknifed on the Suez Canal. This could have an impact on World Trade. This is an engineering problem. Possible solutions: use a few Sikorski helicopters to simultaneously lift the ship. Use a UBC engineering student to come up with a solution. If you can't go over, go around, if you can't go around it go under it. Maybe dig an opening under the ship Ever Given. Yeah right, ever given to troubles and problems. Something has to be done about it but what? This is a massive engineering problem. Perhaps unload the ship completely right there to relieve the weight. Then it might float a bit enough to get out. Then use a few tugboats. There is a queue of over 200 ships at the Suez Canal waiting to pass. Panama. A man. A plan. A canal.

Speaking of queue, there is an app called Cue which is a mind-blowing next level game of cards. Cards, the Universe and Everything; Cue. This app should get a million stars out of five. 

Restaurants are closed for in restaurant dining for three weeks starting March 30. As one restaurant owner said, "Three weeks, maybe. That's just a guess. It could be til June!" Of course any conspiracy theorist worth their salt would say that this is part of the great reset. It's about widening the gap between rich and poor. What else is new? Flatten the curve or flatten the lower middle class? It's about the elimination of the middle class. The weaker restaurants won't survive the next three weeks. Only the stronger bigger restaurants will survive which weeds out the lesser smaller undesirable upstart restaurants. In other words it keeps out the riffraff. Sounds like a plan. Pandemic? It's a plandemic. Life is only barely worth living anyways. I often think of just quitting life altogether. Even though I still have very powerful Royal dreams. I don't get them that often, but when I do, is it ever a doozie. March 31, Royal Dream. Young Liz and Maggie. Tan long car. I sat in the very back seat with the two Royal sisters. Then I teleported to the front seat with the chauffeur dressed in dark blue uniform beside me. As I was looking behind me I saw three rows of tan seats, the Royal sisters at the very back row so there were 4 rows of seats in that long tan car. I also saw the long ribbon of road behind the car. 
Anyways, this only works for awhile as after the pandemic, these newer smaller restaurants will start up again.