Sunday, June 30, 2019

Game of Thrones - Life Is Full Of Surprises - Mandela Effect

Monday, September 16, 2019

Today, I got Game of Thrones, finally, all 7 Seasons at a drastically reduced price. I paid about $100 for all 7 Seasons released so far at a secondhand store. When the month started, I had no idea that I'd ever see a single episode. Life is full of surprises. Now I have all 7 Seasons! Daenarys Targaryen, the mother of dragons. In season 3 at Atapor, she said Dracaryas and the dragon burned that man. In Season 4, the three dragons, Rhaegal, Visarion and Drogon were twice her size and she was cradling one on her lap. In season 5, they were the size of a small room. Previously, it was said that a full size dragon head is as big as a carriage. Actually, a tyrannosaurus head was as big as a smart car. "You got a love so bright, You know you could've been a candle, You got a head so big, you know you could've been a smart car."
Season 8 won't be available on DVD until later on this year. I got season 1 - 6 on DVD. I got season 7 on Blu Ray. Season 7, the penultimate season, is said to the the best one of all. Season 8, rushed ending lots of fan backlash and it only has 6 episodes instead of the usual ten. D&D rushed it to do STAR WARS and as a result, they now have neither project. Zero out of two ain't bad.

The Red Wedding when Robb Stark was killed still traumatizes me. Ramsay Bolton was evil but finally died. It's like the walking dead. Meet a new and interesting character. Don't get too attached. They'll probably get killed. I am at the end of season 6 as I write this. Game of thrones is about the war of the roses. The York's and the Lancasters. The Starks and the Lannisters. York's won or New York would be called New Lancaster. So I'm guessing that at the end, the unassuming Arya Stark will be Ruler of the Seven Kingdoms after Daenarys Targaryen becomes corrupt Animal Farm style. That's the Twilight Zone ending.
The North, Winterfell, the Umbers, that's Scotland and Northern England.
Emilia Clarke, Khaleesa mother of dragons was also in Solo A Star Wars Story as Kira.
Star Wars General Veers, Indiana Jones Last Crusade Donovan, Julian Glover is in Game of Thrones too as Grand Maester Pycelle. As well as Captain Phasma, of course.

"For the night is dark and full of terrors." Game of Thrones
This Sunday is the Pride Parade. I am thinking of going. Mainly, there are topless women at that parade. Often older women too. That's worth seeing for me. However, most years, it just slips my mind and I don't go. It's very festive and it is part of a culture that society has been increasingly desensitized to over the last few decades that it's now seen as an innocuous part of mainstream culture.
"For the Pride is gay and full of queers."
The Netherlands was the first country in the World to legalize same sex marriage in 2001.
I went to see the Pride Parade. It was the first one I went to. Afterwards they all marched to the park for an after dance party. I didn't go. I had other things to do although I might go next year. At the Parade there were lots of people there and I made sure not to give any scowling or disapproving looks. I gave them all a benign smile. I don't want to see them persecuted like they are in some other countries. Alas, I only saw one topless older woman but she was worth seeing. She had a great body. It would have been great to dance with her at the after party. Every year, I always meet new people, new women and for me, a lot of the time, for years, maybe all my life I haven't done something or haven't done it often, then I reach a place where I am doing that thing, maybe that new thing all the time, like handstand push-ups. Life has a way of making up for lost time. I'm sure I'll meet that new extra special lady one day. Although the girlfriend I have now is a very sweet lady. Incredibly sweet.
I'd go to the after party with tents, bands, food vendors except it's in the park, the forest, and it goes on into the night. I'm thinking I might have to wear a steel plate over my ass like a chastity belt for my rectum otherwise I might get jumped. Go to some gay festival in a well intentioned attempt to show solidarity for a marginalized group, get jumped and walk away from there with a case of AIDS. Although except for the getting AIDS part, some people would pay money for an experience like that. But I'm 50 years old and my ass has coarse hairs, bumps, is kind of wrinkly. 50 year old goat ass? They want that? No. I have an ass that only a wife could love. That after party has all kinds of professional front line workers like Police, Security guards, ambulance, search and rescue. It's all on the up and up and one couldn't find a more safer venue to party. It's one of the few family friendly party into the night events in this town.

I miss a lot of annual festivals. I always miss the annual East Indian walk for peace followed with a free vegetarian curry buffet. I miss the annual women's march too. That's a good place to meet women, unless they are marching because they're angry at something. Going to festivals takes time and energy and presence of mind and often, my priorities are elsewhere and don't include going to festivals.🤣 Extraverted and pessimistic is one thing. Introverted and optimistic is one thing, but introverted and pessimistic? That's the worst. I'm neither optimistic nor pessimistic. I'm a realist who likes to neutralize any dilemmas, issues etc in my life.

I mentioned this before, but sometimes I find crack on the streets. Sometimes I smoke some of it. In small amounts it's a good drug. Pot catalyzes it and gives it a new life rather than just smoking it without any pot. In Mexico and other countries, possession of small amounts is legal. I wouldn't be surprised if possession of small amounts is legalized in Canada but that won't be for another 20 years.
"Coke and weed. You cant go to a house party in Miami without tripping over the stuff." Detective Sonny Crockett, Miami Vice.
$5 to $10 once a month would be the maximum. The bigger the lift, the bigger the crash. Not much up, not much down. If one smokes a little, not enough to get your bell rung, then it isn't too bad. What happens is that cocaine activates dopamine, once that reaches it's half life it becomes epinephrine or adrenaline, fight or flight. That brings the panicky anxiety edgy feeling, but if you're aware of that, you can stay on top of it. But all throughout, the essence of the dopamine is always there, and that results in a kind of a psychic glow. Also that time is an illusion and that all things are happening simultaneously if you could only time travel and see it so and so age and getting older is on one level bullshit because it's based on a framework that is dependant on arbitrary and incidental conceptual reference points is also an ameliorating notion. The traditional timeline is trying to use a 2-D map to plot out a 3-D or a 4-D phenomenon. This is advanced knowledge. They don't teach this in schools.
Remembering that I had dreams of Royalty and aliens also helps me cope with the triste of the cocaine come-down.

A YouTuber called Crowne Prince uploaded a video that taught me that art is graded in levels. Rarely does a self taught artist including yours truly get past level 4 that's if they even get to it without professional training, school, etc. I looked at the art. I'm at level 3 at best. To be accurate, I'm between level 2 and 3. No way I'm at level 4. You don't get there without comprehensive art school training. Level 4, 5, and 6 looks very professional and better than me. There are tons of artists better than me in this small town, let alone the entire World. Tattoo artists get paid hundreds if not thousands per tattoo so it's got to look good. Telltale games Walking Dead, the Blade Runner Japanese anime cartoon included on the disc, that's level 6 with good painterly fleshed out textures throughout. You need a team of animators to come cartoon like that or spend a year and only get 20 seconds animated. I try my best but I doubt I'll ever get to level 6 or anywhere near it. Still, you don't have to be Superman to make a contribution. It takes 20 years to become an overnight success.
Marvel comics and Heavy Metal magazine. That's professional. That's level 6. At that level you got one guy doing the pencils, one guy as the inkist and another one does the colors. Yet another one does the word balloons. It's a real division of labor with their specialities.

I thought some people I met in the past although in second rate towns who I think ruined my reputation on YouTube, Google, the internet. First rate towns are London, New York, Los Angeles, Tokyo. None of those towns. But then when I look at their website, they have even less of a view count in most cases than I do and that's if they're on YouTube at all. A lot aren't. People in first rate towns tend to have a higher view count average than people who live in second, third rate towns. And these people I haven't seen in over 15 years. The chances would be less that they'd be talking about me 15 years later than if they saw me yesterday, however slightly.
Fame is a funny thing. There are people in this World who never read the Bible or any Shakespeare which are the top two selling books or authors in history. There are thousands of people thousands of people heard of who I never heard of. Today I saw a video, the top ten richest and most successful YouTubers. I never heard of even one of them. Those top ten YouTube people have more subscribers than even most politicians do. YouTube has tens of millions of uploaders but only about ten thousand are the stars. You can punch up any topic and one of these ten thousand will be on top of the search list, they cover the gamut on all subjects. Ten thousand can seem like it's all different people all the time and why are so many successful and not me? But it's really just the same ten thousand people over and over again. These people spend ten hours a day working on their YouTube channel. They reach out to other people, they leave 100 comments a day on different YouTube videos, etc. The most time I ever spent on my YouTube channel was half an hour a few years ago.

The important thing is that there is not always black or white but usually shades of grey. No town is ever the right town nor the wrong town. Towns are what they are. If you don't like a place in the town you're living in, avoid it. People are often defined by the places they avoid, if not that their self definition is accentuated by the places they avoid. Shades of grey. Criminals still scam the system like real estate, money laundering etc yet society keeps getting better and better.

After doing a tightrope walk in Calgary, the greatest city that ever was and ever will be, Nick Wallenda next plans to tightrope walk across a live volcano. I strongly advise him against doing that. And I thought I was suicidal. It's a toss up between the two of us, who is ore suicidal. No one should walk across a tightrope more than two feet off the ground. That way if they fall, they won't sustain any serious injuries. Tightrope walking like that is always about the ace of spades, the death card.
"Life is lived on the wire. The rest is just waiting." Papa Wallenda

The brain isn't an extension of the body as much as the body is an extension of the brain. Early during the formation of life as one undergoes the cellular denucleation of mitosis and meiosis, the first thing that forms is the brain. A YouTube video called The Universe and the brain. A galactic supercluster and a brain cell, axions and dendrites look remarkably similar. The News talked about this Province scrapping daylight savings time. Since the body is an extension of the brain, and time is an invention of the mind, the body will do whatever the mind tells it to so it doesn't matter if daylight savings time is scrapped or not.

A woman who was a triplet herself has given birth to a set of triplets. I heard of superfetation in rabbits; how a rabbit pregnant with one litter can simultaneously afterwards bare a second litter. Talk about breeding like rabbits. Would this be like that? This in its own way is just as incredible as the Dionne quintuplets.

There is a YouTube channel called ApexTV. It talks about time travelers from the future. Alleged time travelers. Funny thing is, they share overlapping details, what they say in common is that time travel will be disclosed to the public in 2018, that they already time traveled in the early 80s. Some time travelers deigned to condescend to come back to the technological backwater of 2019 to tell us that, woah the cities in the year 3000 are like woah, awesome, man. Sounding like Bill and Ted. So some skepticism. But the stories are tightly woven and have a grain of believability. I left a comment about how time travel works, nothing you haven't already heard. Even if it's the comment of the century like that one, I get no likes, no replies, while others get a lot. But anything that can happen to anyone on the internet is something that is also happening to a lot of other people. I saw lots of other videos, someone made a comment 3 years ago, no likes, replies, next to someone with 428 likes on their comment. Maybe there are extenuating reasons. This person uploaded 100 videos, and maybe the person with the 428 like is a frequent commenter on that channel and one with a gift of the gab. Whereas the one with no likes probably doesn't comment on too many videos anywhere at any time and this is the only comment on any video, most alone this one. I saw a really good comment about ApexTV. The comment said that ApexTV is a high schoolers personal project to attempt to get 1 million subs. It worked for him. I don't know if I want a million subs on my YouTube. Too much hassles. That person probably lives in the States in a big city. I live in a small town in a small country. I'm a small timer, hence not a lot of views, likes, comments, replies, subscribers on my YouTube or anything else I do on the internet. I know of very few people in my small town who is on the internet at all and no one in the building I live in other than me is on YouTube. So all in all that's normal.
Do I believe time travel is possible? It'd be very difficult to do. How can it be done? It's just a fantasy. Freudian wish fulfillment. The videos tell entertaining stories, however, I don't believe that time traveling is possible.
Actually, anything that you can enter, a room, a car, a bus, a prison cell, is a time machine. Go in for one hour, when you emerge, it will be one hour in the future.

Uber, Lyft, and the like are apparently blocked by the ultra powerful taxicab lobby in Vancouver. That's ironic as well as hypocritical because most of the people in that lobby are East Indian, and where they come from they have Uber and Lyft even more intensely there than they do here. Although it's not called I've or Lyft there, they have a local version which probably has long ago formed a reciprocal lobby to the taxi lobby. In the West, we have capitalism with a socialist safety net. In Russia, they have socialism with a capitalist safety net. In Southeast Asia, they have capitalism with a capitalist safety net which is what their local iteration of Uber is for them.
I never tried Uber. I would prefer to use the bus or a taxi. Saying that the taxi lobby is ironic or hypocritical at times still doesn't mean I wouldn't rather ride a taxi.

In Thailand, minivans that were Ubers were parked in a parking lot. They had their destinations or route names like Ku-Sie, Nong-Jok, Cha-choeng-Sao, etc over the front windshields. When a van had enough passengers, it took off or often they took off at regular intervals. These mini Vans plied the highways, routes that the city buses didn't run, to small towns in the vicinity. Thailand is like the States in that way, and not at all like Canada in that there is a small town every ten or twenty miles along the highway.
Thailand is a third the size of British Columbia but has twice the population of Canada. Bangkok has a population of 8 million. High population density creates ongoing high demand and customer turnover rate for vehicles and transportation including uber.

Taxi drivers need a class 4 license. And then the taxi company only issues so many licences a year. To create an artificial scarcity, they keep the numbers of these licenses limited. And to pay for a license to work some unenviable shit job most people wouldn't work if they were a billionaire, in Vancouver, a taxi licence costs $200,000 a year. In New York, a taxi license costs a million dollars a year. $200,000 a year. You'd got to be making $1,000 a day just to break even. The taxi is probably a front for some money laundering scam. Police, in the old days, the office was at the Police station building. These days, the office is the police car. In the old days, a building was the basis for a money laundering scam. These days, it can be done with a car.
Uber. A class 4 licence is 300 pages of study material. To be an Uber driver, one merely needs to watch a 13 minute YouTube video. There have been stories of Uber drivers stealing the credit card information, names, credit card numbers, etc, off clients and then selling it or even using it.

Recommended: Any escape room games from Mobest media. I tried a few and this one is, you like it the first time you see it. Goldilocks Zone. Not too simple, not too difficult. Addictive as Game of Thrones. Currently, I'm on Escape Room 1 of 3. There are a lot more escape room apps from Mobest media.
I tried the Titanic escape room app once. Uninstalled. Way too difficult.

"Why do we want all these people from those shithole countries coming here?" President Donald Trump, January 12, 2018
Trump will win again in 2020. In fact, he will win forever. As for his comments about Tlaib, Omar, Pressley, and Cortez, The Gang of Four, a lot of them do come from unenviable tin pot, banana republic, squalid third world shithole hovels, oonga boonga lands not exactly known for its futuristic space age infrastructure. In big cities, we have infrastructure. In jerkwater small towns, you have amenities. Amenities, Gawd, don't do us any favours; don't put yourself out on our account. A lot of ethnic politicians are semi educated opportunists, carpetbaggers, with a sleazy gangster empire builder mentality. Trump is calling a spade a spade. Actually, all nationalities including Whites see themselves as empire builders. "Socialism will never work in America because the impoverished American doesn't see themselves as poor but as temporarily inconvenienced millionaires." F Scott Fitzgerald
Trump also said that they didn't have to leave forever.
Trump wants them to be strong in a country where they are a majority rather than in a minority, to be with their people and help make them stronger. Followed to it's logical extreme, all people who aren't White, go back to their own countries. In North America, you hear and see the words White supremacy all the time. A propagandist phrase repeated over and over again like Grond! Grond! Grond! from Lord of the Rings or else like Aldous Huxley's hypnopedia. You sure don't get that in African countries. That leaves the only the Whites left who would then destroy themselves or not from within with classism, religious factionalism and inbreeding. And even then a lot of White people might go back to their country of origin in Europe where as Michael Moore said in Sicko and Where To Invade Next, the social programs are way better there. We are all points on a curve and ethnic politicians fight for that point on the curve where they can be simultaneously be Canadian or American and where they can wear a hijab to work. I have no problem with that. Hijabs look exotic, like Blade Runner world. A lot of countries in Europe have a lot more diverse populations than a lot of places in the States for a lot longer, for centuries, and they're a lot less twisted up about it. Almost half of downtown London is Black people.
White supremacists. Being 50 and not being White, I'll only have the endure the indignity of hearing such phrases and seeing such phrases written out in print for only 20 more years. Whereas those who are not White and in their 20s have another 50 years of hearing that to look forward to. The only hope is to leave North America. Would I leave if I had a chance? The thing is, I can't say that I would or that I wouldn't for certain, commitment issues being what they are. I'd be willing to give it the old college try if it came to that.
Also, the deportations are overblown. He reported people who entered illegally, not legally. And 2,000 people were deported. More people in the US die in hospitals across the US every month for whatever reason.
If I were in China, would I join the Chinese equivalent of the KKK? No. My race is superior to all other races? That's bullshit. I don't really believed that. Other races have done some awesome things.
Most people: If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.
President Donald Trump: If you don't have anything nice to say, double down.

If any of Trump's children attains the US Presidency, I suspect that they would have a somewhat different managerial style than their father, however slightly. Just like the current Canadian Prime Minister has a noticeably different managerial style than his father.

President Donald Trump thinks that Facebook's Libra like all cryptocurrencies is extremely volatile and based on thin air. In other words it's a house of cards. Thats saying something when Donald Trump, the King of 80s New York yuppie scams thinks that cryptocurrencies are too dodgy even for him. Long live Donald Trump.

Speaking of managerial style, the Premier of BC wants to abolish daylight savings time. And abolish that all across the Province, as some towns such as Dawson Creek already doesn't have daylight savings time. That is because Dawson Creek being in the North, the sun already sets late enough at 11:30 pm in the summer, why do they need it to set an hour later? The sun already rises early enough in the winter at 3:30am, why do they need it to rise an hour earlier? Daylight savings time is good for places that don't have as much sunlight in the summer as in the south of the US, it was originally made for agrarian societies.

"Fuck around and get caught up in a one-eight-seven." Dr Dre, Let Me Ride

"So much death. What chance do we have against such reckless hate?" Liam Cunningham, Lord of the Rings
A couple found dead on the Alaska Highway. Foul play is suspected. Two escaped convicts the prime suspects in the death of a Metchosin man. Sodium thiopental should elicit a confession. A man found dead at Stikine Bridge. Dease Lake too. 5 incidents, 6 dead victims. I think I should watch The Walking Dead. It's less scary than the News.
Two additional people presumed to be dead victims in a weird twist actually turned out to be murderers. Ex-WalMart employees Kam McLeod and Bryer Schmegelesky were last seen in Northern Manitoba. With the RCMP, Australian Police, and the FBI and uh, Interpol looking for them for a hat-trick of murders, since two of the victims was an Australian and an American, it's only a matter of time until the drag-net closes in. There's probably bounty hunters looking for them too.
Hopefully they don't do anyone else in before they're caught.
McLeod. Duncan McLeod. Highlander. "In the end, there will be only be one."
McLeod and Schmegelesky, sounds like a Law Firm.
Interpol knows where anyone on this planet is sleeping on any given night. That's if one uses their real name when checking into a hotel. These guys are survival in the woods type of guys. Being six foot four they would stand out. They're tall like Brienne of Tarth. Just like if they were short like Tyrion Lannister, that would make them stand out. But how much would they stand out? There are lots of tall people.
Otherwise, this is Canada's Columbine.
Ex-WalMart employees, because it would be safe to say that after a caper like that, their employment at WalMart would be terminated. In fact, it's at the level that if they went to ask for their jobs back, the manager would say, "Sure, we'll give you your jobs back. Wait here." Then two minutes later, 25 Police Officer walk through the door.
Don't demolish their burned out truck! Put it up for auction on eBay.



Travel advisory: The government of Canada, not, advises against all non-essential travel to Northern Manitoba because there is some chance you could get killed by Thelma and Louise, we mean Kam McLeod and Bryer Schmelesky.

Sunday July 28, 2019. Simon and Garfunkel. Still not caught. This must be a bad week for Customs Officers as travelers say to them, "You couldn't catch two teenagers who evaded you for days so you lean extra hard on the low hanging fruit to compensate." Keystone cops. They must be arguing with each other as to who is going to get the collar that the teenagers slipped past them. I'm thinking maybe a cougar or bear ate them. I'm thinking suicide pact. Then an animal ate them. Or they sink in quicksand. Or maybe one of Schemegelesky's Nazi friends absconded them into the States. At first when I heard of the couple dead on the Alaska Highway, I thought it was some Prom Phi ROM type incident where some locals robbed and killed them. Turns out locals had nothing to do with it. The people who killed them were from a town hundreds of miles away.
I think the Police will catch them in a few days. It took a few days to catch Richard Kimble, The Fugitive.
"Comanche. Lords of the Plains." Hell or High Water. Like in that movie, it took them a few days. At least they didn't kill anyone else. The Police presence is a deterrent. Sweeps would be ubiquitous and ongoing. I think I myself might be able to evade the Police for an hour at most if I was wanted and I probably wouldn't even be trying to do it at the time, like I'm at a movie or something. If I tried, I doubt I could evade them for even five minutes. The Police are military in their precision. I've seen them at work. So it's baffling that two teenagers are still on the lam unseen, unheard, radio silence, incommunicado after two weeks. Talk about Silence of the Lams, spelling incorrect. I was on the lamb last week when I got some lamb chops at the supermarket and cooked it and ate it.
What the hell. An animal can evade people for days. Recently, a dog called an Arya Stark-like name of Maisie was lost in the woods for days before she was found, and an animal only has a 42 IQ. A human has about 120 IQ. If an animal can elude humans for days. Maybe a pair of teenagers can give the Police a run for their money.
Not since DB Cooper has anyone escaped the Police for so long. The long arm of the Law.
If caught their first words might be, "We wanna talk movie deal and options on a book deal. Like Aileen Wuornos got."
The News said that they may have changed their appearance. I'd say. Let me guess, 50 pounds lighter from lack of food and malnutrition. That would change your appearance. That and two weeks of beard growth. They would look like two bearded Slendermen.
As of this time, they haven't caught Batman and Robin yet.

They might never be caught. It might have been settled out of court. No court. No trial. No jail. Australians are crazy. And they know the bush well. Crocodile Dundee. They probably hunted them down as to not permit the killers the luxury of News press coverage and a court trial so any supporters could defend them. I think the Australians found them and did them in. They did kill the son of a "high ranking Police Chief in Australia". They fucked up. That's hard core. There are no new leads and the case remains open. But also no further sightings and no further killings. Won't this look stupid once they catch and find them.
"Stop chasing the mice running around in your head." Ciaran Hinds aka Mance Rayder, Munich

13 days, almost a fortnight, and they still haven't caught Beavis and Butthead. Now they're searching on the Nelson River after a burned out boat was found insinuating that the pair found a boat owner, killed him, commandeered the boat, took whatever they could use and then scuttled the boat in what appears to be a brazen act of piracy on Canadian waters.

How can two teenagers evade the Police? There's the RCMP, IHIT, the OPP, CSIS, CPIC, Interpol, FBI, CIA, NSA, MI-6, NASA, and they still haven't caught them? I think the Police are very jurisdictional. "You cover your patch of ground. We cover ours." What. Would there be a Venn diagram of Police cooperation?

In the States, they had the Summer of Sam. In Canada, we had the Summer of McLeod and Schmegelesky.

The saddest news. The two teenagers found dead in the woods. So we'll never get the story. Satanic news all 'round. There are no winners in this story.

Anytime you see someone on the News requesting a video like Bryar Schemegelesky's father asking to see the video his son made before he and his friend kilt themselves, you are seeing someone without a TOR onion router and a connection to the dark web. On the dark web, you can get anything and chances are, it's somewhere buried in the mountain of trash dubiously, glamourously, and ignominiously eponymously referred to as the dark net or the dark web. The News said the video will eventually be released to the public so for him it's just a matter of waiting. This is sort of like how Mayor Rob Ford's previously clandestine crack cocaine was eventually released to the public for their scrutiny and dissemination.
He could pay a hacker $1,000 to scoop it off the dark net.


Bats in the belfry. Someone died recently of an encounter with a bat. It was scary because the bat didn't actually bite him. The bat may have scratched him superficially but rabies is on the fir where the bats lick themselves. The symptoms didn't show up for a few weeks but then it was too late. Meanwhile a woman has bats in her chimney. Bizarre laws have it that the bats cannot be harrassed in anyway. They are only expected to be there for 6 weeks but that's six weeks where she and her family could get rabies. Another man wanted to get treated for rabies but they didn't have enough vaccine. "I wanted the vaccine, they tried their best.", he said. Maybe he would've gotten further if he said, "I wanted the batsine, they tried their bats."

If it were up to me, all animals that threaten humans should be hunted to extinction, but that's a pretty tall order because it'd be impossible to kill all crocodiles and alligators. Up until the late 50s, there was a lots of animal hunting and lots of rabies cases in BC. Then they developed rabies vaccines. Then in the 60s, the hippy do-gooders and environmentalists, Greenpeace, said stop hunting animals. So the animal population has built up again. The popularity of the novel Gorky Park which featured a furrier brought furs to the attention that they are high priced commodities even more expensive than illegal drugs on a pound per pound basis. North America is used as a fur animal breeding ground for Europe and Russia with bear fur Russian hats, and cougar skin coats, bobcat, lynx, etc,etc. There have been hundreds of bear airings in the city of Vancouver. Where's the three aught three? More people in Canada should be packing. If they see a bear, take it down. That might not be legal. That's the ideal, not the reality. The reality would be to call the Police or else a Conservation Officer. One can only kill an animal in self defense.
There has been an increase in shark attacks. That's what happens when a ban is placed on shark fin hunting. The numbers build up again.
There is a man in Coquitlam who was a Conservation Officer who refused to shoot ears and even tried to get in the way of other Conservation Officers from killing other bears. "Negata Chen charin?" "Against cruelty to animals?!" Borat. Who is this strange Conservation Officer? Johnny Apple-bear?
There have been so many news stories about bears attacking people on the news and cougars too that I wouldn't go hiking or sleep overnight in the woods. I wouldn't recommend anyone else do it, but what you do is up to you. I thought of sleeping overnight at the UBC Endowment lands forest but I wouldn't be surprised to hear a bear or cougar story from there one day. It's more than I can bear. I wouldn't even visit Christmas Hill or Christmas Mountain around here without going to the pawn store and getting a gun. I think that place is certainly infested with bears and cougars. The way around that is don't go there, then I don't have to get a gun. There are a few mountains in BC called Bear Mountain. One is near Dawson Creek. Another is near Victoria BC. Those names are literal rather figurative like it is with the Sangro de Christo mountains. Literal as in those mountains are almost 100% certainly saturated with bears. I think the bears at Bear Mountain in Dawson Creek hibernate, so there is a few months reprieve every year.
In the medieval days, they had an annual bear cull. Anyone who hunts and kills a bear and brings it for it's fur gets a bounty. Bears are a threat to humans. If bears had their way, there's be no humans at all, and they'd be the apex predator of the land. Bears have an IQ of about 35. Give or take 1 or more IQ points. Bears can't do simple arithmetic like counting crows who will peck a trainer number or times for food or skip every three pegs to get food located at a fourth peg. Bears can't do that.
Don't kill all the bears but reduce their numbers to where you're not hearing about a bear or cougar stalking or even attacking someone on a hiking trail what, a few times a week now?
The most famous case of a man not shooting a bear is US President Theodore Roosevelt who refused to shoot a bear cub. This was commemoratd with a stuffed animal doll called the Teddy bear.


The Mandela Effect. I used to not think much of that. But even the history books support the Mandela Effect changes. Lots of them like Donner and Blitzen is actually Dunder and Blitzen. Maybe someone used a time machine and made a major change.
Other Mandela Effects. The Library of Alexandria never burned down. All the scrolls were saved. Dodos were smart birds and humans had nothing to do with their extinction, rather rats and other animals hunted their eggs to extinction. The Black Tom explosion and not the sinking of the Lusitania was what brought America into WW1. A Ted Talks video said that CERN had something to do with it. Quantum computing. And IBM built a working quantum computer! Those who remember something different are retaining memories of a previous timeline before it got altered. Usually those born before 1980 remember something different. Maybe it has more to do with post modern culture where things get tweaked all the time, or were tweaked and then retweaked to revert to the original version. No Mandela Effect. Just cultural tweaking.
The thousand and one cultural things have been tweaked at various points along the line but after the fact, it could appear as if they were all simultaneously tweaked at one point along the line. Things change. Change is the only constant.
Tweaking. Cultural icons tinkering. No time machines involved. Mandela Effects. Can Mandela Effects be attributed to something besides time machines or CERN? Yes. It's called post modernism. Anthropology. Sociology. Cultural tweakings.
A new Mandela Effect States that human rib bones can regrow. That explains a lot. That's how Adam regrew his rib after God took it out and made a woman out of it. And I thought I had problems. Is that true or is that the plot of an M Night Shyamalan movie? This is from the July 26 or thereabouts 5 Brand New Mandela Effects video from AllTime.
Every country has it's Mandela Effects. I imagine I might have a few Mandela Effects on a personal individual level. I swore I did something bad a few years ago, yet no one has mentioned it and when I ask them about it, they vigorously deny that I ever did that. Quantum computing erased my error and I'm struggling under the duress of false memories or else memories no longer relevant to this quantum computing deformed timeline. Did that happen to other people? Maybe I'll see a YouTube video about it.
There is a website called A Place For Personal Alternate Memories - The Mandela Effect.
A quantum computer is as different from a normal computer as is a candle from a lightbulb, and like the lightbulb, the quantum computer is built on a deeper understanding of scientific principles as Shohini Ghose said in Ted Talks.
Quantum computers are unhackable and could be used in voting.
Some things have little to no effect. A person in normal time ripping a tissue in half or a time traveler traveling to the past and ripping a tissue in half has little effect and affects no one. And a time machine would not change some things. Even travelling to a million years in the past wouldn't change the sun or that the solar system has 8 planets, etc. So even with time travel, a lot of things would be shockingly the same like sunlight, daylight, etc.
A commenter on YouTube named TRU MAN said, "We live in a matrix constantly being changed, updated, and rebooted." If that's true a person looked older or younger than their age may have nothing to do with telemeres but that one is actually older or else younger than they remember. While the mind clings to memories of a previous parallel universe, the body responds to the new Mandela Effected universe. ....Nah! Cue the Twilight Zone theme music.
I have a personal Mandela effect story. I once thought I lost my expired passport with stamps the places I went to. Then one day 8 years later it turned up.
Mandela Effect is caused from that time is an illusion, past, present and future are an illusion, all is happening simultaneously, so one's actions not only affects and influences the present and future, it affects the past just as much. And at the same slow sure subtle rates of change.
The actions of the present influence and change the actions of the past which change the actions of the present which change the actions of the past, etc and the actions of the present influence and change the actions of the future which changes the actions of the present which influences and changes the actions of the future, etc. Past, present and future is an indifferent unified temporal fabric in which any part of the fabric can influence any other part, and this fabric is not static but everchanging, shifting, morphing all the time. The Universe is a strange omni-temporal clockwork mechanism.
I remember going to elementary school in the 70s and I remember my telepathic history, psychonarration. I always said Burnsteen bears. In my mind, reading. It was never burn stain, because I would have thought that burning a stain on a piece of clothing with an iron would be strange. I remember the e, Bernstein.
Actions are not so much like arrows which carve a path of influence along one direction as in the linear model of time, but like a stone dropped in a lake, its effects ripple in all directions, in front, behind, to the sides as in the quantum model of time. Actions not only influence going from present to future but to the past and future and back again and again and again.
It is just the subjective mind that moves from past to future. Time itself is indifferent to this and moves omnidirectionally. This is easy to do since time is an illusion and past present and future is happening simultaneously.
Coincidences is the past influencing the present and omens is the future influencing the present although it is very easy sometimes to mistake one for the other!
Those who remember Bernstein bears with an e was once part of another parallel universe but since got moved into this one. Those who don't remember Bernstein bears are those who were always part of this parallel universe and was never in the other one. Berenstein is the German form of that name. Berenstein is the British American form of that name.
How do you know if you might have been moved? Have you had any dreams of aliens, UFOs, dead royalty or angels glowing from the inside? That'll do it!
Walk-ins. At some point in ones life as the myth goes, the soul or spirit of who they were as a child leaves and the soul of the adult they were meant to be enters. The child soul was the regent or caretaker to the King soul that walks-in at some point. It's a package deal as one experiences changes not from within but from without and this soul is from a parallel universe, a more polished, tweaked, refined version of the other dimension one had left so as the walk-in soul enters, one is simultaneously transported to the parallel universe that that soul calls him. Just a theory. What do I know? But at metaphysical bookstores you can get books about this very topic. One more thing. How do you know if you might be a walk-in? Have you ever had a white out during an acid trip? Have you ever had near death experiences where you popped out of the top of your head and recognized your room in a lucid dream and then saw an endless fuchia sky with soft pink clouds and then woke up? The person that woke up is a different person. Bingo!
Mandela Effect. The solar system moved from the Sagittarius arm to the Orion arm in the Milky Way. The Milky Way isn't a solid disc of stars but a starfish of stars with about 12 curving arms. Starfish. Good word. Literally.
Normal physics: Newton. Past influences future. This level.
Quantum physics: Einstein, Bohr, Planck, Tesla. Future influences and even changes past every bit as much as vice versa. In that way, the past and the future are bilaterally symmetrical against the nexus point of the present. Next level.

"That 1984 no longer exists." Terminator, Genius
Mutatis mutandis. With the necessary changes.

1942 to 1984 was The Philadelphia Experiment if All Bielek is to be believed. Anyways, the premise would be that after 1984, the fractal loop, chronological schism, temporal Moebius strip, a bubble, a scar on the time space continuum fabric, was created. After 1984, the temporal fractal loop that is 1942 to 1984 that is what the Philadelphia Experiment on one level was closed. Ever since the anomaly occurred, there have been corollary spin off and whatever ripple effects. Tweaks, changes to our reality in the form of the thousand and one Mandela Effects YouTube has videos about.
The Philadelphia Experiment was 1984 to 41 years in the past 1943. Terminator parodies this through sending Kyle Reese and the Cyberdyne Systems Model CSM 101 about 41 years from 2025 to 1984. Give or take a few years.
One alarming question remains. Is the 1943 to 1984 Teslaian fractal temporal loop the only one, or one of many. Question is, are we in the middle of one now? Bootstrap theory, grandfather paradox etc.
Traveling along the traditional timeline, we ourselves being a code that survives death, are embedded within the code that is the traditional timeline. A code embedded within a code. The time traveler would have been able to unembed himself from this code and move along a different code of his own. A code unembedded from a code.

Man gets kidney donation from his family's real estate agent. That's a hard way to make a sale! "Buy this house and I'll throw in my liver." That's when the client says, "Why would you need to be doing that? It's a seller's market!"

Either it's you got nothing to show for it, or else it's an embarrassment of riches. Take the money and run = displacement is stressful and an embarrassment of riches.

Boris Johnson is the new PM of Britain. He is a pro Brexiteer. Meanwhile German Ministers Ursula von der Leyen and Katarina Barley supports an EU army. The table is set. England is Westeros, and Europe is Essos. "Iron or gold?"
"When you play the Game of Thrones you either win or you die. There is no middle ground."
UK PM Boris Johnson is Britain's most bullyest bulldog PM since Winston Churchill. Now he wants to prorogue Parliament for a month. Typical bully tactics to stifle debate. Why not then move up the Brexit deadline to Sept 30? 6 of one is half a dozen of the other. An airhead no-deal Brexit mindlessly executed would mean an occupied hard border Ireland. Sure, there would be the most thoughtful debate all throughout leading up to it, but ultimately, the final act of this benighted political psychodrama will be a fitful wave, a collective shrug or frisson of mindlessness as the no deal Brexit is finally signed and ratified.
"One day, when the Earth has had enough, it will shake us off like a bad case of fleas." George Carlin
There's talk of yet another Brexit delay to Jan. 31. All right. Get it. It's about some Machiavellian power posturing. MGM Ars Gratia Artis. Art for art's sake. Except in this case, it's power for power's sake. Auctoritas Gratia Auctoritatis. You get x amount of power getting a person or a collective to accept whatever decision you make, yes or no, deal or no-deal. But you get 2x, heck, maybe up to 100x the power of you can get someone to wait for your decision. Filibustering. More power. That's England demonstrating it's power over Europe. Why do they do it? Because they can.
Case in point. Elections don't always work. You don't always get what you vote for. In England, they voted to leave if the placards are any indication. Did they get that? Do they have that now? In BC, we voted for Christy Clark and the Liberals. But the two opposition parties formed a coalition so Christy Clark replaced with Andrew Wilkinson and the Liberals is now instead the opposition party. Trudeau will win the upcoming election with a slim minority. But you would never see the Federal NDP and the Conservatives forming a coalition, even though the ideological differences between the Conservatives and the Liberals is vastly greater than that between the NDP and the Liberals. It is easier for a centrist party to form a coalition with a left or right wing party than it is for a left and right wing party to form one. Federally, the Liberals are the Centrist party. In BC provincial politics, the Liberals are the right wing party so naturally the centrist NDP and the Left Wing Green Party formed a coalition. It was a bit of a slippery slide there as 30 years ago the Liberals in BC were the Centrist party while the Socreds were the right wing party.
Congratulations. UK PM Boris Johnson asked for and got his Parliamentary proroguement. That's an evasive tactic. Truncating Parliament is a passive aggressive move as Parliament in the UK won't presume until October 14 now. It's more reticent than regimented. I thought that was rather uncharacteristic of the bellicose PM Boris Johnson. As the old saying goes, just when you thought you knew someone. Now all the Parliamentarians go on a well earned hiatus or sabbatical.

October 24, 2019 Right now England I like a game of Red Rover. Red Rover, Red Rover, send anything over. Send a referendum over. Send a prorogueing of Parliament over. Send an election on Dec 12 over. Send yet another Brexit delay, what were the chances of that over. It's a mish-mash hodgepodge of sending whatever floats your boat over.

Margaret Atwood is finally publishing a🌼🌼🌼 sequel to A Handmaid's Tale making her fans wait 34 years. And I thought George Lucas making us wait 15 years between RoTJ and TPM was bad. A YouTube video said GOT prequel plot leaked. Where did they get the leak? Could it be from one of the plethora of tomes that he published? It talks about the Children of the Forest; "The firstmen called us children but we were here long before they were." Could this be a reference to grey aliens? Anyways, that's like saying the plot of the upcoming Peter Jackson movie The Silmarillion, not, has been released. It talks about the Second Age of Numenor, metaphor for Atlantis. It talks about the Valar and the Maier, the Ishtari. Could it be they got it from a book that was published 60 years ago?