Saturday, June 13, 2020

A midsummer's night dream George Lazenby

Sufficient unto the day is the joy thereof.

A midsummer's night dream is one of Shakespeare's most intense stories.

Summarized, a father and mother want their daughter Hermia to marry Demetrius. However, she loves Lysander. Helena, a mutual friend loves Demetrius, so it's a classic love quadrangle.
Hermia decides to elope to Athens with Lysander. Hermia tells Helena of the escape plan. Hoping to win favor with Demetrius, she tells him the plan.

Peter Quince is a play director. Bottom, is the worst actor in the troupe.

In another plot within the play, King Oberon and Queen Titiana arrive outside of Athens. She has custody of an Indian boy who she would not relinquish to King Oberon who wants custody.

While in the forest, Demetrius is cruel to Helena. Seeing this, King Oberon orders a servant of his called Puck to pour a love potion made from a rare flower, in essence a powerful hallucinogen, into the eyes of Demetrius while he is sleeping hoping to reconcile them. Puck mistakenly pours the potion into the eyes of Lysander who when Helena awakens him, he falls in love with. 

And while she is sleeping, King Oberon pours love potion in Queen Titiana's eyes.

While in the woods, Bottom of the actor troupe spots Puck and turns his head into the head of a large donkey.

Queen Titiana upon awakening spots donkey head Puck and falls in love with him and she willingly lets King Oberon have custody of the Indian boy.

Seeing his objective, King Oberon releases Queen Titiana from the spell. He has Puck remove the donkey head from Bottom and has Puck dispense a fog that cures Lysander of the love potion and resolves all.

The play ends with a different wedding, between Hermia and Lysander and Helena and Demetrius. The parents are there and the acting troupe is there and the play is put on and performed well.

My version of it is, It is 1981. My father wants me to marry the daughter of his coworker. However I want to marry a lady who is richer however not because of her money but rather in spite of it. Somehow she is very kind to me and there is a feeling between us. A friend of mine however is in love with my father's coworkers daughter.

One day, during a cosplay party held at a small community centre, my friend put on a large donkey head as the disguise. My father's colleague's daughter spotted the donkey head as it approached her. First she thought it was me and really dig the dance moves and the subtle seductive away of 'the bray'. Then she found out that it was my friend later on that night me after he told her I was already in it deep with another lady, she simply didn't care. She was happy to be with the company she was with.

At the cosplay party also was a couple dressed as royalty having a heated custody battle as they argued vehemently as to who was to retain custody of their child. 

As for love potion, everyone was on some kind of drug or other. Nothing too heavy. Just energy drinks, some legal cannabis, and strong rich coffee. Eventually the man relented to release custody of the child to the woman. Whatever drugs wore off the next day and all the ducks were lined up in a row with my friend with the coworker's daughter and me with the rich lady, I still had to sign a prenup, but I can work with that.

Soon there were two weddings and they were cosplay weddings with plenty of love potion and a smoking DJ playing early 80s funk. 

Try animating that as a cartoon. It'd take about a year. What about even attempting to write some dialogue so that it's dialogue driven. I'm s*** at that. Writing dialogue involves a different pacing, different dynamic, different frame of mind than writing a journal, a diary, or a description. Try:

Note: I'm trying to make all future cartoons no longer than five minutes. No way I can do all this dialogue in a five minute cartoon. I'll have to trim it down.

A Midsummer's Night Dream 

A play
Writers: Dean Noble, William Shakespeare

Father: Look here on this computer at this girl. Isn't she a hottie? And her father works with me. To quote Milhouse of the Simpsons, "He's a big wheel at the cheese factory."

Me: She's very beautiful. Women have to be, otherwise the species would grind to a halt. I already have a girlfriend although so far I've only been friendzoned. Better good friendzone than a disaster marriage. Better to still be in the friendzone with her 10 years later than never see each other again in a couple years after a disaster marriage. I wouldn't trade the friendzone times I had with her for the world. But if the friendzone goes on, I'll have to move to another town, maybe another country. That's my plan B.

Mother: She's a nice girl. I met her when your father and I were visiting his coworker. I agree. You should give her a chance. At least one date.

Me: Thanks Mom, but what are you. A matchmaker? You were hatching and now you're matching. Hopefully you won't be dispatching too. 

Mom: That's awful. Wretched. Well you decide what you want for yourself.

Father: I'm sure that everything will be all right.

Me: That's the idea.

The next day.

My friend: Check out this lady on this dating website. Isn't she a hottie? So far she ignored all but one of my texts. However I'm still hopeful as she hearted πŸ’“ a few of the texts I sent her. Indirect or what?

Me: The course of true love never did run smooth. She looks very familiar. Actually, I saw her yesterday. My father of all people pointed her out to me as she's his coworker's daughter. He recommended me to her.

My friend: That's crazy!

Me: That's my father. Just offhand, there's a cosplay party to celebrate the summer of 1981. One day, at least a few people will look back on this era as The Golden Age of Music. The music is so smoking these days!

My friend:  I'm going as a donkey. There's a huge donkey head in the attic which is a souvenir from a first class all expense trip to the Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate as a member of the audience. It was the prize in a raffle draw. It's Steiff or Steisch. It's a famous brand name puppet maker.

Me: That works!

At the cosplay party.

Me: There's love in the air. 

My friend: It's either that or its its lust mode activating. But not too much lust. Look there is a couple arguing loudly.

Man dressed as a royal figure: He child is mine! What makes you think it isn't mine?

Woman also  dressed as royalty: What makes you think it's yours? It's simple biology. 

Man: You're just using the child as a ploy to get more money from the goverment.

Woman: You're just using the child to extract more money from your rich but tight fisted family. Parsimonious or what? Wait, what's that large donkey head? Ha ha! We are so silly to be arguing. 

Man: You're right. If you're fighting this hard, you must be the mother. At this point it's a toss up between whether you'll get more money from the government or whether I'll get more money from my family. You seem to be way more sure that you're the mother than I am sure that I'm the father. I've given up on trying to be sure. Like you said, It's simple biology.

And on and on it went. Meanwhile, the coworker's daughter spots the donkey head and it was headed her way.

Coworker's daughter: Who's this big man?! You seem familiar. Don't tell me because I'm sure I know who you are. Right. Less talking. More drinking.

The evening wore on in psychedelic spectacular splendour like a certain famous Shakespeare play. 

Host and MC of the party: If we shadows have offended, Think but this and all is mended.

Man dressed as a King: What fools these mortals be!

Before long,  the libations began to wear off and all were left to greet the brightness of a new day.

Afterwards there was a spectacular early 80s style disco funk double  wedding.

The funk disco wedding party.

New plan. I'll only upload once a month while in the middle of a project. I'll upload it on my payday, in fact, just before I walk out the door first thing in the morning to go shopping on payday. Even then, the video will be on there for two or three days at most. Then I'll delete it. No sense leaving it on long if it's not completed. It will be a sneak peek, a trailer.  I am in the middle of a project. This one. I'll try to put this together. I have somewhat of a vision but still mainly making it up as I go along.  Actually, I'm not sure when I'll upload. 

These days I'm learning new languages. Namely Polish and German. The two countries Poland and Germany share a border. However their languages are very different. That's kind of what you got going on between Ontario and Quebec. My favourite new German phrase learned is, Can I have a window seat? Kannen sie mir einen fensterplatz geben? The German word for candy cane: sussigkeit is an anagram of steig kussi; get kiss.
The few Polish phrases I learned since installing the app yesterday is, jakcs masc, dzien dobre, Dobrev cie vieciej, sprobowac, how are you, good morning, good to see you, try. The polish word for girl, dziewczynka, the last syllable is ka which reminds me of the syllabic word that females in Thailand use to end a sentence; ka. Polish has a unique set of  dipthongs like dz, cz, and CJ as in Policj, etc.  I'm hoping to impress some Polish friends that I have. 
Some words that Borat spoke like dzien dobrev; good morning, jaks masc; hello, and chenqui; thank you are definitely Polish. "Do you believe in magic, Miss...? "Parker, CJ."
Smok is the Polish word for dragon, from which we get the words smoke, Smaug from LOTR, and which Snoke is just one letter away from.

Lowe means 🦁 lion in German.

I had a few major Polish dreams. First: Back alley of a suburbs. Weather, orange sky sunset, almost night, clear sky. On the third floor above a wooden stairs and fire escape was an open door. In the room was a kitchen. Bill Murray and that girl Anita from Stripes was there and Bill Murray looked that age, early 30s. He was sitting down on a dark purple colored sofa. He was wearing a grey seeat shirt. The young country girl wearing the plaid shirt, Anita, was standing next to him at the white stove to the left of him. For some reason, how  in dreams you know things, I got a strong vibe of Poland. There were other things in the dream.

Another one was I walking on Granville Street, I was on the East side of Granville Street walking North. This was between Smithe and Robson. As I was walking, I saw my friend my school, Cindy Walking, she was from Poland, young slim, long blonde hair. Then walking on, now at where the Capitol 6 Theatre where I saw Superman 2 with my father was my father! I said to him, Dad this is my friend Cindy Walking from school. He then said in Chinese, Is she young? He then went away. I didn't follow him. I chose not to. At one point he was looking back at me and I knew that he knew that I knew that he knew that I didn't want to follow him.

My friend told me that Chicago is the city with the second largest population of Polish besides Warsaw in the World. There are more Polish people in Chicago than in most small to mid size towns in Poland! I had one real good Chicago dream. Two of Capone's henchmen, one must have been Frank Nitro shot me in a hallway with railings. As I lay on the floor shot, I thought, 'Can't you see that I'm injured?' The henchmen didn't care. They came and shot me a second time making sure to finish the job. But not before Al Capone himself appeared. He appeared all green, and he said, 'I wanted to be President of the United States but they gave me syphilis!!!!'

Well the thing is, I'm not sure if my friend actually speaks Polish. What if I try it and my friend doesn't speak the language? Would it be a waste of time? Nie, that is no. I wouldn't mind going to Poland. It's got a certain sensible vibe that I'm sure is a part of me.

Bill Murray is Irish Catholic, not Polish. But one time years ago, he was at a Hollywood party and someone said "The Polish are coming!" And they were these happy go lucky Polish guys. One of them asked Bill Murray if he would like to visit Poland. Bill Murray wound up going to Poland and having a wonderful time. ✌️πŸ˜‰

Years ago I had a girlfriend who spoke Portuguese. If I could do it over again, I would've learned Portuguese to be closer to her. She spoke that language for hours on end whenever she was with her parents. If a lady doesn't speak another language for hours on end a day somewhere, usually with her family or wherever, then I won't bother to learn the language. An hour a week wouldn't cut it.

Poland has a lot of beautiful women but so does every country unless there's something wrong with them. Thoughts of visiting Poland, upon research has a few major barriers. Poland is obsessed with World War 2 but they were one of the countries that got the worst of it during the war. I'm a fan of Saving Private Ryan as much as anyone else, but their obsession with the war is right out of an episode of Fawlty Towers namely The Germans. Poland has a reputation that precedes them when it comes to soccer hooliganism. On a continent reknowned for its hooliganistic zeal, Poland ranks amongst even them as legendary when it comes to that. I don't know if that's an incentive. And a YouTube video said Poland is 95% Polish people descended from families who have lived there for centuries. Germany let in a million Muslim immigrants. Poland isn't like that. If I went to Poland, I'd be going alone and not part of some vast family caravan like the travelling Joads in The Grapes of Wrath. 5% isn't zero percent. Looking online, Warsaw and Krakow have quite a few Chinese restaurants. I'm also thinking that the hooliganism is somewhat over exaggerated. There are some tourist sites to definitely avoid unless you want to get majorly depressed. But Thailand had a few places like that too, if not Thailand then the neighbouring countries have a few ghastly tourist attractions as well. 

Learning Polish is something I won't give up on. Even though the situation has deteriorated somewhat. My one friend whom I love very much has a last name which I think might be Polish. But that last name one one that about half a dozen countries share such as Germany, Russia etc. So for me to learn Polish for to impress someone who may not be Polish. She's very Westernized. 
And there is my neighbour who's Polish. But when learning a new language, the response is only ever two sided. Either they're complimenting your good grasp of the pronunciation or else they're correcting you. Boring. My Polish neighbour would much rather speak the mainstream language. It seems that he's burned out from the language of the Old Country; a language that isn't widely spoken in this country.
However I have another Polish friend, she's Polish for sure and is quite proud of her heritage. She speaks of it often. At this stage, Monday June 22, 2020, I'd say, and this is a phonetic spelling not actual as it will take some time. This would be of no interest to anyone except myself and maybe slightly mild interest to anyone who loves the Polish language. And this is from memory. No crib notes.

Dzien dobrev: Good morning. Dobre cie vieciej: good to see you. Jestes bardzo uprecemy: you are very kind. Jestes olshnievayotsa: you are gorgeous. Viglondas swietna: You look good. Pani fryzura jest swietna: Your hairstyle is nice. Ziedmy na miesce dzisiaj wieczejoram, zed mee na mesh shee ja see-ay wee ja choram: Let's go to dinner tonight. The last one is a zinger and worth mastering. She might say, Pomyslie o tum: I'll think about it. Jestem bardzo nieshmiwa a dzielny: I am very shy and brave. That's a good start and some sentences my Polish friend would thinky of as funny. Jestes zabowny: You are funny. 

Learning languages is a way a person can find out the strength of their own memory. It will take a few months to master the basic rudiments of a language, pronunciation, cadence of sentences, etc.
I hope to meet a Polish girl one day to be my girlfriend. I am willing to travel and move to Poland as I'd like to get married one day. Why go to Poland when I can experience the best of Poland right here in this town with my two Polish girlfriends, one of them whom may or may not be Polish. It was also the dreams I had that spurs me on to learn a language where I  otherwise  have only three Polish friends, one who is ostensibly Polish, one who is taciturn about his Native language, and one really enchanting lady whom I only see two or three times a year and for half an hour each. I guess zero out of three ain't bad. Would that be experiencing the best of Poland in this town?  

It's not just knowledge of the sentences when you learn a new language but how you use it. Have total assurance of the mastery of the words you want to say. Learn a thousand sentences but wind up cherry picking in a gangsta style, the best words. Never mind, It is good to see you, You are very kind, instead go for the jugular so to speak. Say, You are very beautiful. I'm still getting the hang of it. 
One wouldn't want to be the guy that speaks seven languages but couldn't score. If they couldn't it's because they're in the wrong town. They have to move.  
Being in the right town makes all the difference in the world. If you're in the right town, things happen for you very quickly. If you're in the wrong town, they just about never happen. Every year millions make the move to another town. It's legal. People don't believe this but call my bluff. Send me to another town.  Sometimes I think that me moving to another country seems to be such a threat to this country. Either that or else what do they care? I'm just a minority. If I left, no one in Canada would care. Even if I died they wouldn't care. Not as much as if a White person left to another country or died. Get a passport and go. It's not rocket science.
It's what I'm doing. Am I on a travel adventure or am I regressing? That changes the dynamic. If I'm regressing then I'd always have one eye on the door out. I wouldn't want to be stuck here for another ten years let alone for life. Once I was travelling, living thousands of miles overseas speaking a different language. Now I'm back here. What a turgid regression. If I'm on a travel adventure is want to stay there and never come back. Such differences in dynamics really affects all social relationships.

"What you do in the dark will eventually come out in the light." The Thin Blue Line, Connie Franks
Over the course of the last two days, remembering that I did a cartoon about Siamese Twins, I thought of what it might be like to do a Siamese Twin, specifically Abby and Brittany Hensel to have the two of them, doing someone, for instance doing me orally. I had sex with a blind lady once so a Siamese Twins isn't that much further down the road from that. It's somewhere in the neighbourhood. Internet memes say that they had a threesome but they didn't specify which type. There are threesomes and there are threesomes as for a Siamese twins, whether they have sex with one or two others, either way, it's still a threesome. I guess Siamese Twins have dreams of sex and getting married just like everyone else. It's normal. The ideal of coupling with a conjoined twins is one thing. The reality is another. Not a lot of men could handle the stigma. 
There aren't a lot of female Siamese twins in the World, and as a result, there's even less Siamese twin based porn.   There are two conjoined twins porn videos on xhamster but the Siamese twins in those videos are pretend. Even though, I still 'watched' the videos but not to completion. No, never to completion. "Wookie love, 15 seconds of pleasure, 50 years of regret." Darth Beotch, YouTube
I've wondered if the Hensel twins have a porn video on the Black Web. Any thoughts of them, if that road  is followed far enough would lead to that question. Yes they have. No they don't. Neither answer would surprise me.
I thought of taking a picture of my uh, member, enlarged and making it look even larger, to scale with putting my hand around it. I'm not sure if that's legal. I thought that could be a way I could attract women. One YouTube commenter said on a forum of the topic, "Don't do it! People often use that as screensavers!" I have a feeling that it isn't legal. Until I'm sure about the legality of it. Even then. Joe Rogan said that porn stars are fearless at what they do in a world where most people are slightly embarrassed to even look at their own genitals. 
And in my case, should I roll it back to show my royal birthmark? I doubt I'd ever do it. I'm not that kind of guy. I'm already into animating cartoons, writing, playing the drums, dancing, riding the scooter and learning Polish. Why branch out?
Would the Siamese twins ever marry or not? To one guy or two? Either way, it'd be kinky or as Bridget Jones would say, 'pervy'.  One day we'll all find out whether or not they walk down the aisle.
If there are any Siamese twin porn videos online, I might or might not give them a watch. It depends if I remember to or not. I'll probably forget about it.  But I wouldn't be trying to reach out to any Siamese twins, if there are any, online. People have said that you look at normal porn videos on whatever site and then there are all kinds of other videos that show up as suggestions. Some sites are worse than others. Some of these suggestions are clearly photoshopped. Perhaps a Siamese twin video could show up. At this point in the development and evolution of the internet, it wouldn't surprise me if it did. Is that what world civilization has degenerated to?
If there was a strange alien world where there was a generalized genetic anomaly in their history, it would be a humanoid world but all humans on that world are Siamese twins. The political body and Police forces would all be Siamese twins. But otherwise healthy in mind and body. In that world, it would be weird if you weren't having sex with a Siamese twin. 

When the pandemic lifts, I'm thinking of moving to Poland if the Polish lady I know in this town doesn't sign off on the idea of some kind of relationship where at least I'm seeing her more often. If the whole thing falls through, I'm moving to Poland.  I still would like to get married.  
I would like to move to Poland, not to look for a Siamese twin to have sex with, I mean I want to go there to live a normal life. To look for a normal Polish lady younger than me although I'd still have a fling with a lady who's older, if it's mutually agreed to. 
I want to move because living somewhere far away is a perpetual adventure. I want to forget the past completely and the only way I can do that is to move to Poland. 
Why not Thailand? Poland's women have a beauty that is unmatched. I have been smitten. Poland has a Northern European energy and I'm someone who feels the Christmas vibe and Sunday vibes very strongly. Over there, it's the Christmas Season and it's Sunday every day of the year. Even though there is more people there than Canada and with a smaller area, it seems to have a very relaxed and mellow pace of life.
I don't know if they would accept me because perhaps I'm too crazy for that place.
Online, a round-trip ticket to Warsaw WAW costs about $1,200 for May 24, 2021.
I could live on Canadian welfare overseas for a few weeks to a few months but eventually the money would dry up. I'd have to find a job and that man's doing something a local could not. The prime job choice is English teacher. That's why for $40 from an app, I could learn 2,500 Polish phrases for in case the relationship with the sweet lady falls through as I'm somewhat pessimistic.
Prices from YouTube create doubt saying: If you want her stop chasing her.  I'm tired of breadcrumbs from her. The more you're willing to die for someone, the more they'll kill you. If you treat someone like a celebrity, they're going to treat you like a fan. How to chase someone is stop chasing them? That really helps.
At first overseas in the first year, you need to show a degree. Once people get to know you they could help you get an English teaching job or some other job without a degree. But you'd need to be there for a few years.
The Polish flag is red and white. It waves. "I like the flying colors."

I've been addicted to pork rinds for years. If a person eats too much red meat and drinks too much alcohol, they can develop gout which is a painful inflammation of some joints. Very painful. One person said that he's been shot, stabbed and beaten up and the pain of gout is worse. Red meat and booze, it used to be called the disease of the rich because only the rich then could afford to eat like that. Uric acids are released and that's what causes the gout. I don't eat a lot of red meat. Vegetables and rice neutralize uric acids, any starches like potatoes, 🍞 bread is good. Pork rinds are good in moderation. Unlike with potato chips, I wonder if eating too much pork rinds will bring about gout. I drink on average less than one can of beer a month.

I've watched some excellent Polish movies yesterday. All these movies can be found on Tubi.
Sweet Rush is kind of like How Stella Got Her Groove Back. Older lady hooks up with young guy.
The Word is a teenage high school movie about a love triangle gone wrong. Very wrong. 
Erratum is about a guy who returns, regresses back to his hometown which he has reservations about. The mechanic in this movie gives him good advice.
Path to Glory is about horses. I have a friend from Poland who likes horses. California Chrome, she's a 'Chromie', and Gunnevera are her favourites. She even went to Dubai to visit them. Some people are rich enough to travel like that. I am happy for them. I hope they enjoy their journey.
Some of the actors in these movies, I wouldn't be surprised to see them in a Star Wars movie somewhere down the line.

On Google Play, I'm going to get the Polish language lessons, 5,000 sentences for $38. Then 1,000 German sentences for $8 and remove ads from Princess Subway Runner for $1.39 although I haven't been able to find the link for remove ads for PSR since. I'd need a $50 Google card. I got a deal at the pawn store. A few 007 movies for $30. I thought of getting two grams of keif for $45 as one gram is $35, it'd be insane not to go for two. And green gel caps; 'gems', 10 mg of THC each for $14 for 15 caps. This is legal in Canada.

My cartoon will use normal faces although I don't draw normal faces as good as anime artists. I won't be using the face of an actual actor as I have done in the past.

I've quit playing the drums. I'm not that good of a drummer. I can do rolling triplets with my fingers on the app. Anyone can do that. But to do that in real life. There was a rolling triplet on the ZZ Top song La Grange. Rich the security guard on Detroit Pawn could do rolling triplets on the drums. He did it on one episode. 
Maybe I am talented at the drums. I'm inadvertently doing polyrhythms a new ghost notes. US President Donald Trump is a great president. He was talking about a colleague one day. He said about the person who works on his team, "He's a very talented golfer. He's talented in a way that no one can understand." He said that the day after I did a YouTube player drumming to Jo Jones and Milt Buckner in L'adventures du jazz. I'm keeping score. Drumming is dilettante and effete and very redundant. The scope is much more vast with drawing and animating. 
Drumming can lead to intrusive and unwanted thoughts because of the repetitive tedium of the mechanism of drumming. But no thought could be more intrusive than that of a costumed character in Japan playing the drums. The story gets even more strange. The person playing the drums in the red Pokemon costume is old and he is Chinese. The story gets even stranger yet. The Chinese man in the Nyango Star, heavy metal cat costume playing the drums is the Mayor of the town!
I don't know about playing drums again. I never thought I was that good at it. Anything I do on YouTube has a low view count. All of my drumming videos on YouTube have a low view count. Maybe my style of drumming and dancing are old school. Mainly 70s and 80s style.

Lots of fears are counterintuitive. During the pandemic when the streets were extra quiet, a lot of people were afraid. That fear is counter intuitive. Less dangers when there is way too few people. More dangers when there is way too many people. 
A fat person loses quite a bit of weight. You see them a feel a little bit afraid. That fear is counter intuitive. Less weight means less BMI which means less HBP. It means they're healthier. 

Scotty Kilmer the mechanic taught me a lot about BMWs. On his '5 Reasons You Shouldn't Buy A Tesla' YouTube video, commenter Bo Han wrote: 
If you're new to the channel,
1. Toyota is King
2. Buying a used Lexus is genius
3. Ford is better than Chevy
4. Mercedes are money pits
5. Everything else is garbage
That's what Scotty Kilmer taught me about BMWs. He said older ones were more reliable and didn't so many gimmicky plastic parts which break often and are expensive to repair yada yada...
In for a penny, in for a pound.
Car in Polish is samochod.
A car company is suing Scotty Kilmer. Archie Luxury gets warning letters threatening to sue from Omega watch company as Archie always slags them off.
Expensive luxury cars like BMW have a higher tolerance, the gasket covers are machine threaded to a fraction of a millimetre. Cheaper cars you just out the gasket cover on, they have a lower tolerance. A cheap Toyota driven at 100 miles an hour will shake rattle and roll. A BMW won't because it has higher tolerance. Plus BMW has special tailor made rear tires specially threaded for high speed stability.
A Lexus is a Toyota Luxury EXport to the US.

1. Marijuana is king.
2. Buying two grams of keif a month is genius.
3. Coffee is better for your health than energy drinks.
4. Cocaine is a money pit of edginess and depression. Don't do it.
5. Everything else is garbage.

Cocaine generate large amounts of dopamine which originates in the ventral tegmental area of the brain, the part that forms the mesocortolimbic dopamine system.

SPECTRE stands for SPecial Executive for Counter Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion. It's been in the James Bond movies since Dr. No. SMERSH is Russian and based on the real life Russian organization with the same name  whose task is to kill any enemy spy from a foreign country who is on their soil. There is no Spectre in real life however in the UK, there is a shadowy government organization known as Group 13* *source: Quora. Group 13s main objective is to identify and make disappear anyone they deem as a threat to the government. No Time To Die will definitely talk about Spectre and Blofeld.
There is a real international organization called Interpol.

The World Is Not Enough. That's his family heraldic crest motto: Orbis non sufficit - the world is not enough.

James Bond himself did a Blofeld in Skyfall when he was shot, "Take the bloody shot!" shot and fell off of a bridge and then submerged deep in the water. Any one of the three things, the shot, the fall, submerged and undertow currents could have killed him yet he survived. In Diamonds are Forever, Blofeld was pushed off of a gurney into either a lava or a hot mud pit. I'm going with hot mud. Blofeld returns in the opening scene in For Your Eyes Only, personality nothing at all like the Telly Savalas iteration.
In the Daniel Craig James Bond series, he is reinvented as James Bonds half brother. At the end of the movie Spectre, Blofeld has a scar just like the Donald Pleasance version in Thunderball. I saw Spectre in the theatre with my girlfriend who is in the hospital. I worried about her. She had some procedure or other. If they could bring Blofeld back from a mud pit and that was with the medical technology they had in the 70s, my girlfriend should be fine.

Star Wars 4K77 is 97% of the original print restored to 4K. The 3% missing is probably the part where Han shot first. It's only available for downloading from somewhere or other. It's an 80 GB file. Huge. Maybe one day WalMart might sell it.

Today at WalMart I experienced a slightly violent incident. I was walking near the escalators and a woman and her daughter was walking in front of me towards me and the woman raised her hand as if to swat me. I turned around and looked at her. I thought of saying, "What the fuck was fucking that?!!"  And if she wanted to fight me, that would have been interesting. I carry a nail with me at all times. It's not illegal. It's the royal pin of the Chinese Emperor. Maybe I should carry a green throwing star too, on that note. These weapons won't work as well for others as they would for me because I personally had the Chinese Imperial dream of weapons. Royal energy is something this country wouldn't understand. A country has to be 900 years old before it has a Monarchy.  Yet this country does understand. At places I act on things I learned in royal dreams. Slight subtle moves to bring me closer to the energy. At Canadian Tire, two days ago, it was the same as ever, then a lady standing next to me in the line up at the checkout was wearing a crown tattoo! I even commented to her about it. "Nice crown tattoo."  
Anyways, the lady who raised her arm and swatted at me at WalMart. If  she wanted to fight me, that would have been interesting. Graceless barbaric; knows nothing about royal energy.  The pin plus fighting methods I learned in dreams. DTGP Dreamworld tradecraft ghost protocol. "Dreams show the forces behind life." Edgar Cayce.  The fight would have been very  interesting indeed. I don't know about Canada but in the States, WalMart isn't exactly known for its well heeled clientele. I'm going back there today. I need to pick something up. Was that woman a meth smoker living in a trailer park because that's the stereotypical WalMart demographic stateside. I wonder if that somehow carries over to Canada.
In the movie The Men Who Stare At Goats, George Clooney carries around a weapon called a claw.

I see things people don't see. Casino Royale. The silhouette fight. Daniel Craig for a moment there did a move I recognize from the dreamworld. The fight with the thug who yelled at me at the Church and wit the lady at WalMart would have been very interesting indeed. Utilizing such moves makes it much more effortless for me.

Don't ever lose that imagination, right? My social perceptions are awful. I don't know what to make of them. I often don't trust my own social perceptions but it's the only one I have. Princess Leia said, "One day you will learn to trust yourself."

Has YouTube lost it's Marbles? Well, apparently it has!
Jenna Marbles left the building of YouTube, so to speak. It just goes to prove the old saying. Just when you thought you knew someone. Jenna Marbles had at least 22 million subscribers. I was a subscriber! I can't speak for others but as an Asian visible minority I was not at all offended by what Jenna Marbles wrote about Asians. It was quite mild; she used the words WONG and KING which I personally thought was interesting. I immediately flashed on those words.  Jenna Marbles did more good form this world than she has done bad. The World is a much better place with her.  She did a video about 'Mr Perfect' and she made a race track from her hair and rolled a Mattel's Hot Wheels car off of that and the car didn't slip off mid way.  They don't bring up that moment. Why don't they? 
As for blackface, Trudeau never lost his job over it. These SJWs are like the McCarthy Communist era. He made an error of going after those who were too high up. Soon after that, he was gone. Hubris. It was another generational wave that came and went. Just like the ostensibly sanctimonious, but most likely hypocritical SJWs will. History is full of waves like that. Anthropology 101.
I wish Jenna Marbles the best. I'm sure she will land on her feet. 
With Jenna Marbles off YouTube, SJWs have scored a pyrrhic victory.

All you need is love.

Thoughty2 talked about the feigned outrage of SJWs. Their progenitors had real issues like World War 2, the Korean War and the Vietnam War. These issues defined them. Lacking the impetus of any similar generation defining any issues on that level, they make outrage their issue to give them a sense of ACCOMPLISHMENT that the previous generation defining issues did for their ancestors. Those throw away the baby with the bathwater SJWs. I didn't say it, Thoughty2 did on YouTube in his video, Why All The Outrage.

U stands for University. YouTube is 'the other 'U'. Except you learn a hundred times more things on YouTube than you would at an actual University. According to YouTube comments, Universities nowadays are bastions of Leftist SJW bullshit.

If you borrow $100,000 from the bank and you can't pay it back you got a problem. If you borrow $100,000,000 from the bank and you can't pay it back, the bank's got a problem.
If you have ten thousand subscribers and you're suddenly not on YouTube anymore, you got a problem. If you have 22 million subscribers at last count, and you're not on YouTube anymore, YouTube has a problem. 
Scotty Kilmer the mechanic has 1 billion views and he's said that earned him $7 million from YouTube. Jenna Marbles had way more than that!

I didn't see a lot of Jenna Marbles videos. I usually like to watch non personality based non fiction documentaries. Seeing her videos a lot would send the wrong signal to her and myself that I have a crush. However that never happened. Anyways to have a crush on someone who lives far away and she would have absolutely no interest in you, totally different leagues, sets up for yourself what in Feng Shui is called a killing zone. 
Watching a woman drive away in a nice car and the separation anxiety from that is to have stepped into another killing zone. Or as US President Donald Trump would call it, 'the CHOP zone'. 
Just like George Lazenby as he watched Diana Riggs drive away in the movie On Her Majesty's Secret Service, he said "I bet this never happened to the other fellow!" The other fellow he was referring to was Sean Connery. Talk about breaking the fourth wall! About how Sean Connery never had to fight guys and then the girl drove away. Sean Connery always got the girl. As Rod Stewart said, "Some guys have all the luck." Remember, if you're unlucky, you're in the wrong town. Maybe the astrology of the town doesn't match your astrology. Solution: Give up on the town you're in. Abandon it. Move to another town. A few other towns until you find one that immediately clicks.  Consult an astrologer to ask about the perfect town on the planet for me. Consult a few to see if their answers match or not. If not, it's a scam, not science. Get a second opinion.

George Lazenby was never taken on the press tour for OHMSS. Why not? They missed out on a golden opportunity. He was in the role of honor as James Bond the groom because after doing You Only Live Twice, Sean Connery wanted a million to be in Thunderball. He got $750,000 instead. So he turned down the role that George Lazenby got. In Diamonds are forever, Sean Connery got $1,600,000. That was a lot then. In the late 90s actors like Arnie for Batman Lives and Canada's Jim Carrey broke the $20,000,000 record for The Cable Guy.  The movie looks way better in Blu ray. A lot better. It was simultaneously one of the best and most under rated of Bond movies. 

A coronavirus vaccine regulations involves three levels of trials. WHO solidarity trials.  Experimental trials involves lab animals with 0% placebos. Clinical trials include closed medical indoor setting 50% are placebos. Public trials include outdoor trials to a limited number control group of people publicly with a 25% percentage of placebos. Once all this is done then the FDA or the Canadian equivalent to that will approve a coronavirus vaccine which would then have 0% placebos just like with the lab animals. We have that in common with them. Well we got that at least that going for us.

If I could do it over again... In Dawson Creek about ten years ago in the grassy fenced in yard of a motel near the highway was a tan 4 door 1986  BMW 320i. I should have walked right up to the office of the motel and asked if they were selling it. I would have offered $5,000 making payments. Or got a loan for it. Butterfly effect. I wouldn't be here today if I did that. 

Poland has 3 main cities. Warsaw, Krakow and Gdansk. Warsaw is the capital. It is a landlocked city. Krakow is the old city and has much pre WW2 architecture. It is the city of the 3 closest to bordering countries for traveling to. However it is about 20 miles away from, let's just call it the World War 2 place. It is very popular with tourists.
I want to talk about 'the World War 2 place' in Poland. One of my good friends was born there. I thought he was born in Germany. Even when he told me he was born at Auschwitz, in a fit of geographic knowledge gap, I glossed over that and thus falsely deduced that he was shot in Germany thinking that Auschwitz was in Germany. Wrong! It's in Poland. He is an Austrian Jewish man who speaks mostly German, born in Poland. He did mention that he could speak some Polish as well. Anyways, in Russia, bears found and caught in the forest are trained for the circus, making them money while in Canada bears that are feral and wild are shot. Canada lacks the imagination of their Russian forebears. Auschwitz could have been razed to the ground and have some buildings on it perhaps called Auschwitz Luxury Estate Condominiums. But they didn't do that. They turned that historical blight site into a mega money making tourist attraction that makes them lots of money every year like how Russians would train wild bears for the circus. Now would I visit there? I doubt it. I'm a very squeamish traveler:

Traveling in home country: Travel 101
Traveling overseas: Travel 201
Traveling to visit Auschwitz: Travel 401

Admission to the World War 2 concentration camp is free but a guided tour is 60 zlotys or else $20 Canadian. There is a film there that costs 6 zl. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, it is closed to tours until further notice.

Zloty means golden.

The city of my choice is Gdansk. It is on the coast and the architecture of the city is beautiful. I'm someone who likes to dance and the word dance is embedded in the name.
I felt the Sunday vibes strongly today. Good feelings. I thought of a park near the ocean and an old 80s song. That's what does it.
Sunday vibes can be felt anywhere in the World. As a traveler, I've felt that in every town I visited. Once you get to know the Sunday vibes, it's wonderful. 

Gdansk, Poland. Beautiful. Wyglada swietna.

The BC Ferries boats were built in Gdansk, Poland.

It is said that the next James Bond movie would change everything as Bond faces a danger the likes of which the World has never seen. Let me guess. SPECTRE got a hold of a 64 q-bit, that's a lot of q-bits, quantum computer with AI. A quantum computer can do in less than an hour what the best normal computer would do in three thousand years! Maybe time travel, but that's mixing two tropes together, sci-fi and spy.
What changes everything is that according to Esquire, James Bond has a five year old daughter he's training to be an assassin.
The problems with time travel are: travelling into the past involves the grandfather paradox, traveling forwards in time involves the bootstrap paradox.

Nukes Top 5

5 Scary Ghost Videos That Will Mess You Up Bro!
Features Polish Paranormal TV

5 Ghost Videos Not for the Squeamish!!!
Features Tik Tok Reality Ripple effect. A YouTuber called  did a really scary video about his dead grandmother. Very scary and I've been watching ghost videos for years. Reality Ripple ghost. Is it real or not? Kirlian photography?

Another disturbing app mentioned on Nuke's Top 5: Sleep Is Cancelled, video is an app called Randonautica. Supposedly it reads your intentions after a minute of you focusing on something. Whether it's positive or negative. The negative results are very disturbing. Sure, got nothing better to do, why not try an app that leads you to go to some strange place you don't know for no reason. What could go wrong? Uh, no thanks! Absolutely no thanks!!
Actually, I don't think this should be legal. It makes Pokemon Go look like a normal GPS machine in a car.

I won't use randonautica because scared. If I were to us it, the terms I would punch in so it could pinpoint my intent is: UBC, 1982, Ray Parker Jr, Bill Murray, Harold Ramis.  It might bring me to a place where I look on the ground and find a red plastic UBC whistle. Often one's own brain is a randonautica. Carl Jung talked about synchronicity. Think of something and it soon appears. I thought of UBC and 1982 for the last two days. I seen people wearing UVIC sweatshirts an someone wearing an Atari t-shirt. Atari was big in 1982.

UBC student union building how it looked in 1982. 
Othr people see this an feel nothing. I see this and feel a flood of good feelings, emotions, and vibes. Ray Parker Jr and Raydio. 1982.

"I go hard in the mo'fu'in' paint, nigga!" BrodieTV visits UBC

University has a lot of stories. Most of them aren't good. Pass but not be able to get a job. The only available jobs are overseas as an English teacher but you won't be at UBC anymore. 
One can party all the time 1982 style but then thousands of dollars of tuition down the drain as one then flunks University.
Get a University girl pregnant then it's meeting her parents who live hundreds of miles away and then marrying her and moving there. Again, no more UBC.
A professor is old but could have stayed at UBC for decades whereas the average student just stays there for 4 years. I didn't study there so for me to hang out there lifelong is a different dynamic than with someone who actually studied there. It's be like living around the high school I went to all my life. If someone studied there, all they'd remember is assignments and deadlines.
I wouldn't go to Wreck Beach. Sure there's naked women but there's a lot of naked other things that wouldn't be a priority at all to see. I've known of people who went there for years who seldom if ever scored. If a woman got it on with a lot of guys there, she'd be a slut. Even if that's not the worst, would a slut be the best kind of woman to know? Anyways there's no real priority in going there. 
If you stay there for a long time, you no longer get the vibe. A person who isn't Easy Indian will notice the curry smell of an East
 Indians residence. But if they stay there, afterπŸ€£πŸŒ€ awhile, they don't notice it anymore. But if they leave for some time and then come back, they notice it again. UBC vibes are like that.
UBC is just one vibe. There are lots of others. The Dawson Creek vibe, etc. Sunday vibes in different towns have different wonderful heavenly vibes. The Victoria vibe. The Prince Rupert vibe. Etc etc
"I left that life because that was just one life and there are so many other lives to live." Henry David Thoreau, Walden
UBC 1982, Ray Parker Jr, Bill Murray etc that's only me. No one else who thinks of UBC thinks of that.

Of course I was there in 1982 one day,  and the public computer system was just awful. Today you have a computer that's a flat screen TV connected to the internet. The public computers then had no screens but what they did have was punch cards. Lots and lots of punch cards.
How were they at all useful?

An anagram of UBC is BUC which is the first three letters of Buckingham Palace.
The Chinese Palace is red but has white bas-relief bannerette clouds carved  slabs as stair railings. UBC has short squat red fire hydrants.

The approach to UBC. Beyond that is the University buildings and then the beach further on. If I were a ghost, I'd haunt UBC and visit there or try to visit there forever.

I have to go back to UBC one day. It gives me "the feeling" although this feeling is imaginary. How many people even those who've been at UBC for years if they were to write a 1,000 page essay would include the words 1982 and Ray Parker Jr in that write up? Probably none. So clearly my cultural sentimentalities involving 1982 and Ray Parker Jr and Raydio are not universal. 
UBC has a lot of bad stories over the years. I've had my share of bad times at UBC too. But for me to believe that my stories of bad times would be the worst stories of bad times at UBC would be clearly delusional. I've heard stories of people getting killed on the trail of Wreck Beach. My friend went to visit a student at a dormitory probably Vanier Place. As he walked down the hall towards the students dorm room, the hall stank bad. Then in the room were two decapitated heads fished out of the dumpster behind the medical department. It was weird timing too. The door to the room was open, students milling in the hall some commenting on the smell and the heads as word had gotten out. And the Police were then on their way to confiscate the heads. Some people spent an entire term every day for months, day in day out, week in week out working on cadavers. That's normal for med school in University but that would be a tough year at UBC!
UBC similar to UFO; Take away a part of the B and paste that on to the C. I never made that connection.
I'm sure UBC studies and takes very seriously DMT, UFOs, Kardashev Scale, solid state drives, femtocameras, carbyne which is 100 times stronger than graphene, Gaia satellite, quantum physics, quantum entanglement which is a type of quantum superposition, subatomic reality,  the  subjective algorithm of time which doesn't include time travel placed over the objective algorithm of time which does include time travel, other dimensions, dreamworld tradecraft ghost protocol DTGP, involuntary muscles of the face, certain lie detector truthteller segments of the mind that light up when one recognizes something from the dreamworld, even RDTGP; Royal dreamworld tradecraft ghost protocol as I am well steeped in that now. Maybe I can get some answers when I go to UBC again. 
University tows a tight line. A story I got from English stories app from Google Play: One time, 4 University students did not show up for an exam because of too much drinking and partying. They were sent to the Dean's Office. They told the Dean that as they were driving home, they blew a tire and were unable to make it back in time for the exam. The Dean gave them three days to prepare for the exam. Then he said he prepared a special exam just for them. They were to go to separate rooms each to write the exam. There were 2 questions. 1. Name. 2. Which tire blew? A. Front right. B. Front left. C. Back right D. Back left.?
I got to go to UBC. It gives me the feeling. This place sure as hell doesn't. 

There is a Korean TV show on Tubi; Shine Or Go Crazy, about a Prince who is cursed. I think I'm cursed but not cursed enough. I wish I was cursed to the point where I died years ago as my life is going nowhere. I'm only suffering from some half assed chicken-shit curse. Not a curse where I am a member of the 27 club. 
I am going to ask my mother's spirit the next time I see her, "Mom why didn't you abort me? My life never really amounted to anything." My girlfriend said that asking that would make my mother nervous. 
My mother should have lived and I should have died. She was successful financially and she was middle class. I am unsuccessful financially and in lower class. My life never amounted to the financial success that my mother attained for herself. I would trade my life for my mother's. Use a time machine. Go back in time 50 years. She lives. I die. I could live with that!

Knowing the good natured people at UBC, if I were to broach that topic with them through inadvertently bringing up the topic of I wish my mother had aborted me. I look at Granny porn all the time. Like BrodieTV said,"The thing is, I  kind of have a thing for those old grannies over 95. That is, kind of...." I'm as useless to life as life is to me! Although at age 50 people would say to me, "You're 50. If you're not into Granny porn then why the hell aren't you?!" Anyways,  the University students might probably say something like, "Evey year at the UBC University hospital, a lot of abortions are performed through necessity or otherwise. Unfortunately all University hospitals see more than their fair share of abortions. That being said, in University we teach that life is precious. Like someone in YouTube comments said, Life isn't fair but it also doesn't cheat anyone. There is a balance that is realized. It will all work out."
I suspect that quite a few students at UBC would think along those collegiate  lines. I am 50 and look young. I got the University dance moves. I see and suspect that a lot of University girls want to know me. I see it on the streets. It will be mind-blowing and amazing how many College Girls I score with one day. Especially if I go back to UBC. 

YouTuber VeeTravels does a nice walking tour of UBC in 4K.

BrodieTV visited UBC. Every sentence that emerges from his mouth would otherwise be for anyone else, an intrusive and unwanted thought.  He pranked and punked a lot of students Tom Green style. At one point an RCMP SUV drove past! That's the UBC detachment.

News: Monday July 13, 2020
200 Universities backing a lawsuit against Trumps restrictions on international students.
I don't know what I can say about that. At UBC a Canadian student pays $5,800 a year for tuition, partially government subsidized via the Socialist public school program as the full tuition for international students is $38,000 via the Corporate for profit model. Pricey! It's the hybrid model for schools.  And tuition in America's prestigious universities is  more than that at UBC. In Quebec, Quebecers pay one price, other Canadians pay another price and international students pay an even more expensive price. 
I thought that Donald Trump was the big money man. Turning away international students is financial suicide. Why would international students want to visit the US right now anyways as that country has spiking COVID 19 rates. God bless the Americans though. I hope they pull through. I never wanted this for them.
What can you say about University tuition? In half the countries of Europe, university is free. Michael Moore Where To Invade Next says that University is free in Slovenia even to foreign students and it isn't an entirely Slovenian language curriculum as a lot of courses are offered in English. In over rated countries you have to pay for university. In under rated countries, university is free. Being in the right town and country vs being in the wrong town and country could mean the difference between paying vast amounts for university or else not paying anything at all.
Digging a little deeper, for foreign students although tuition is free, there are administrative costs which average about $1,700 US. And room and board is not included, about $5,000 a term for the less expensive countries but that's budget accommodations and meals.

Schools can safely return in September provided it follows this model. Half the students return on any given day.
50% are group A. The other 50% is group B.
Week 1: Group A: Monday Wednesday Friday
               Group B: Tuesday Thursday
Week 2: Group A: Tuesday Thursday
               Group B: Monday Wednesday Friday
Physical distancing is maintained and this works for whether the high school is a term or full year system or a semester or half year system.
Full year or term is all 10 classes strung together in a row intensively all year.
Half year😘 or semester is 5 courses every day for half a year and the other 5 classes every day for the other half of the year.
Classes include compulsory courses plus elective classes.
For practical purposes and for sale of argument, let's just call Group A the shirts and Group B the skins.  ......No that wouldn't work!
Apropos of that, because of the logistics involved, PhysEd would have to be cancelled completely or else drastically restructured.